My Clone Empire

Chapter 599: The church where the heart is bleeding

At this time, on the Tongtian Tower in the center of the city, ten mechas were lying in a circle around the tower, and one person aimed in one direction.

They held a three-meter-long black sniper cannon in their hands. These sniper cannons can have a range of up to 50 kilometers. The projectiles that automatically adjust the trajectory are enough to ensure that they can still accurately hit the target after a flight distance of 50 kilometers. .

The shell that just exploded the church commander was fired from the muzzle of this sniper cannon.

Now ten mechas have locked down all the open spaces in the city, and any enemy who is suspected of being an officer or commander will be named by them and blow up one by one!

Of course, this shameless tactic was also taught to the Federation by Tang Shizhe, who only sold some inventory of sniper guns.

With the cover and information support provided by the mechas on the high ground, the mechas running around in the city are like a fish in water.

The propulsion device on them allows these mechas to jump directly to the top of a tall building and attack the church troops below from a height.

In less than two hours, the church’s light armored units suffered heavy losses. These mechas were like ghosts and shuttled between the tall buildings. Their radar was blocked by the tall buildings and they could not find these **** mechas!

Even now, the soldiers of the church have not even seen the true face of these mechas!

"Let all tanks take the lead in suppressing suspicious locations. Don't leave these enemies any chance!" The newly appointed commander didn't dare to show his face, and hid directly inside a heavy tank.

In the shadow of a building not far away, several mechas were squatting on the ground, patiently waiting for the church troops to pass by.

At this moment, they suddenly found in horror that the fort of the church tank had turned to the building where they were hiding.

Then, dozens of beam cannons penetrated the base of the entire skyscraper. Under the high temperature of the laser beam, the load-bearing columns of the building began to melt, and the entire building began to fall toward the hiding place of the mechas.

Several mechas hurriedly started up and scattered around, seeming to want to avoid the high building that was smashed down.

Suddenly outcropping mechas have become the best targets for church tanks. They don’t need the tank’s main gun, but the beam cannon of the secondary battery can penetrate the armor of these mechas.

The mechas who had just escaped from the collapsed area of ​​the building were lucky enough to be directly penetrated by the beams of these secondary guns.

The three mechas exploded into a big ball of fire, and the parts of the mechas were blasted around.

"What's the situation! We just suddenly lost three mechas!" The captain of the mecha team was taken aback, because the life information of the three companions disappeared from his system page!

"Did the church find a way to restrain it so quickly?" In the federal bunker, several officers twisted their faces and bowed their heads to discuss.

The situation that was extremely favorable to the Federation just now became uncertain due to the destruction of three mechas.

After seeing the three Federation mechas solved, the church commander's eyes lit up.

"Launch missiles! Launch all the missiles and let them automatically seek out the enemy after entering the high altitude!" The commander seemed to have an excellent idea.

The vertical launch magazines at the top of each tank were all opened, and missiles rose into the air.

After flying into the air, these missiles did not spin around in the air like headless flies, nor did they explode directly in the air, but began to slow down and stop in the air!

Over the entire city, the scene of thousands of missiles floating in the air made the federal officers in the bunker shudder.

They had an ominous premonition that these missiles were like the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, making them restless.

After a few seconds, these stalled missiles began to tilt slightly and planted towards the city below.

Federal officers would not naively think that these missiles just fell out of fuel, let alone think that these missiles were beautifully launched by the church when it was idle.

There is definitely something going on!

"Sir! We are locked by missiles! Very, very many missiles!" A desperate shout suddenly came.

On the base screen, a mecha pilot was waving his legs quickly on the console with a grim look.

From another perspective, the mecha driven by this driver is running wildly on the road, and dozens of missiles are rushing towards him in the sky.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Mecha has an active defense system! Activate your defense system!" An officer who knows mecha hurriedly shouted.

These recruits have never participated in a war since they were born, and they have not even fought a gun several times. They will forget the contents of the study manual when they are tense during the war, he can understand!

At this time, the panicked mecha pilots suddenly realized that their mechas still had an active defense system against missile attacks.

As they pressed the switch of the overhead defense system, two small laser transmitters slowly rose on the shoulders of the mecha.

Two lasers that were invisible to the naked eye instantly irradiated the flying missile.

The head of the missile hit was directly melted by the high temperature, and then blew into a firework in mid-air.

However, these active defense systems can still defend against a few individual missiles, and in the face of dozens of flying missiles, these close-in defense systems are powerless.

After trying to destroy several missiles, the remaining missiles still smashed on the mecha. In the violent explosion, the picture in the mecha cockpit went black.

Everyone in the control center knows what this means.

"Mecha troops, report your losses!" an officer grabbed the microphone and shouted.

"Forty-one mechas were lost and 59 are left! Most of us hid in the city's underground transportation system. The explosion of these missiles destroyed the entrance of the underground transportation system. We are looking underground. Export."

"At present, there are only less than 20 mechas that can participate in the war!" Soon, the command center received a reply from the front.

"Let all the infantry be dispatched and cooperate with the remaining 20 mechas to launch a raid on the church!" Several officers hesitated for a moment, thinking it was time to dispatch their soldiers.

The reason why the soldiers have not been dispatched just now is because the high mobility of the mecha does not require coordinated infantry, but the infantry will hinder their actions.

But now that most of the mechas are no longer available, they simply dispatch the remaining infantry.

These infantrymen are no longer the previous federal infantrymen. They are equipped with the latest generation of stealth power armor produced by the Titan Group. Together with the anti-armor weapons they carry, they are enough to be the last straw to crush the church camels!

Although the church’s tanks will remain unsolvable in the end, it will be much simpler if only the tanks are left!

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