My Clone Empire

Chapter 607: End and return

"Everything is over." Tang Shizhe looked at the disappeared quantum bubble and the oracle and said to himself in disbelief.

"Yes, everything is over." Elizabeth Tang nodded slightly.

"Help me say goodbye to Fang Qing and Yin Qi, and tell Fang Qing that I am very sorry for deceiving them. Tang Shizhe, who belongs to this world, should have died a week ago. I can't return her brother to her." Tang Shizhe looked at Elizabeth Tang with a blurred vision and then fell to the floor.

Elizabeth Tang hurriedly stepped forward and held Tang Shizhe's body in her arms.

Because the oracle had been eliminated, Tang Shizhe's consciousness was drawn back to the original universe, and this skin bag he temporarily borrowed also entered a state of death because it lost consciousness.

"No problem, I'll help you through it." Elizabeth Tang nodded and poured a bottle of decomposition liquid on Tang Shizhe's body. A few seconds later, his body turned into a pool of transparent liquid.

It might be better to take Tang Shizhe's lie that he had gone to another universe instead of taking a corpse.

Underground of Barnard Star, in the human empire site.

Tang Shizhe suddenly sat up, and his consciousness was returned to his body. Because that body was still connected to the man-made, he directly awakened in the man-made body.

"I'm back?" Tang Shizhe looked around and found that he was in the white space when he was walking, and beside him was the woman of the human empire sitting.

"You succeeded! The oracle has been completely wiped out, and even if the gods come back, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced! You are the hero of the galaxy!" The woman patted Tang Shizhe on the shoulder and praised.

Tang Shizhe suddenly heard something, turned his head and asked, "Um, how long has passed since I entered this space?"

The woman smiled slightly: "You can call me Yi, this is my name."

"As for the time when you passed out, about a month has passed."

Tang Shizhe was taken aback, one month, not ten years?

Could it be that the time on both sides is not synchronized, Elizabeth Tang just entered the universe of that earth from this universe ten years later.

In other words, I will not be able to see the original Elizabeth Tang until ten years later. As for whether the other party will have the memory of another world, Tang Shizhe is not known.

Maybe his return has changed the timeline, separating the universe where Elizabeth Don is located into a parallel world? Who knows.

"So, Yi, do you have any plans?" Tang Shizhe rolled his eyes, and he pretended to be concerned and asked the one beside him.

"No need to hide, I know what your plans are. Originally, I designed it to eliminate the oracle. After that, the person who eliminated the oracle will gain my control."

"But I will tell you the very unfortunate news that all the energy on this planet has been consumed by your fifteen-minute journey, and our computing cores have all melted after completing the mission. You can only Obtained the main board containing my body." Yi waved his hand, and a hexagonal white pillar slowly rose in the center of the white space.

In the middle of the pillar, a black ball is inlaid diagonally.

"Is this ball your core?" Tang Shizhe walked over and grabbed the ball in his palm.

"Yes, you can install me on any device, and I can be compatible and controlled." One nodded.

"I thought of a good place to put you." Tang Shizhe's mouth curled slightly.

"If it is your StarNet network, I can help. With my help, at least 61% of your code can be simplified, and at the same time, the data transmitted between servers can be optimized, so that the amount of data processed by your host and server can be optimized. Threefold!" Yi seems to have guessed Tang Shizhe's thoughts.

Tang Shizhe nodded, yes, if he could improve the carrying capacity of their servers and the processing capabilities of their hosts, he could build more StarNet hosts at one third of the original cost.

Think about it, how much energy can be saved by the area of ​​the Milky Way galaxy, that is astronomical!

"Assemble the group's fleet, immediately occupy Barnard's Star, and authorize the use of lethal weapons."

"I want this planet to be named Titan within three days!" Tang Shizhe shouted through the group's communication.

"Received the order, the group's third fleet is leaving for Barnard Star." Soon, Tang Shizhe received a reply.

at the same time.....

An unknown place....

Four people were shrouded in black robes. Their bodies were semi-transparent and the nakedness was emitting blue light. They were sitting at a conference table made of boiling blue ink.

The walls and floors around them are made of this tumbling blue ink, and the slight blue light emitted by these inks illuminates the entire hall.

Above the table in front of them, there was a star map of the Milky Way made of colorful ink floating.

"As we expected, the technology of dark space navigation has spread throughout the Milky Way. We just need to wait quietly for the opportunity."

"Yes, the oracles stationed in the galaxy have been wiped out. This is a great time for us! As long as we can guarantee that the gods will not return to the galaxy, we can control everything!"

"The decoy we spread in the dark space has also completed the mission, and now all civilizations that have come into contact with the dark space are beginning to use our decoy."

"The galactic people must not know that there has never been a good thing to lose a pie in the sky (translated into Chinese). All the benefits they get are at a price."

"Get our fleet Once the dark space navigation technology spreads to the entire galaxy, it will be our time to conquer this universe!"

"Hahahaha..." In the wild laughter, the bodies of the four people gradually dissolved and disappeared to the floor, and the entire room began to collapse, as if it had never existed in this world.

At this time, the various civilizations of the galaxy have no idea what the disappearance of the oracle has brought to the universe.

All civilizations are immersed in an unrestrained carnival.

The top civilizations have begun to expand frantically to the surrounding planetary systems, and their fleets have been dragged out of the warehouse. The smell of gunpowder between the six forces represented by the six civilizations is getting stronger and stronger, and the war seems to be about to start!

As a subsidiary civilization of the six major civilizations, all civilizations cannot stand alone. In this war that has spread to the entire galaxy, no one can reap the benefits of the fisherman, and no one can watch!

Except for the Titan Group, which is planning a special plan...


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