My Clone Empire

Chapter 681: Unknown spaceship

One month later

A newly constructed fleet started to fly to the Abe Tower II planetary system two light-years away from Abe Tower III after being filled with supplies.

However, when the fleet just left the Andromeda and wanted to enter the dark space, it found that it could not open the dark space at all!

Here, as if the dark space has disappeared, not only the spacecraft cannot jump into the dark space, but even the dark space communicator cannot be used!

You know, all the development of Titan Group is based on dark space.

Only dark space can allow the Titan Group's spacecraft to reach the destination beyond the speed of light. Once the dark space becomes unusable, it means that they are completely trapped in this planetary system!

Even after merging Galaxy Heavy Industries and upgrading the spacecraft's propeller to a new engine capable of reaching 80% of the speed of light, it would take more than two years to reach Abe Tower II two light years away!

It takes five years for a round trip!

Not to mention the expansion in Andromeda at this speed, even returning to the Milky Way becomes impossible.

In desperation, the first batch of spacecraft could only be returned to the Andromeda for modification.

The refitted fleet will sail to Abe Tower II at sub-light speed with all crew dormant.

The original plans to explore the surrounding planetary systems for development were all shelved, and the new mission became the construction of Abe Tower III where the Andromeda spacecraft is located.

At this time, the advantages of building a planetary spacecraft are revealed. Although there are no habitable planets in the Abeta III planetary system, the Andromeda has a complete ecosystem comparable to planets!

Although Area A was severely damaged by the impact and the ecological circle was destroyed by 80%, with the restoration of the life-sustaining system, the ecological circle built after nature began to magically repair itself!

The original area A had all the climates from the ocean to the land to the tropical rainforest. The low temperature caused by the rupture of the hull caused the area A to accidentally become an ecosphere of low temperature environment.

Creatures that needed less oxygen and were able to withstand low temperatures survived and formed a new food chain.

In this way, the Andromeda spacecraft became the new "mother star" of the Andromeda Development Company, and people began to build cities and factories in the ecosystem.

Thanks to the abnormal resource extraction capabilities of the Andromeda spacecraft, there is no need to worry about the materials needed to build cities and factories. The development of the development company can be described as explosive development, and earth-shaking changes occur almost every past month.

In order to increase the population, the fertilized eggs of the humans and Viyers carried by the Andromeda began to be artificially bred into babies. Coupled with the birth of a new family of humans and Viyers, one year later, there are already tall buildings in the plains of the Andromeda Ecosphere, and the streets are not crowded but humanoid robots serving the explorers.

In addition to taking over some simple tasks, these humanoid robots are also responsible for caring for the new born children for the explorer's family.

Humans and Viyers live on land. Cities on land are human territories, and cities in the sea are the territory of Viyers.

The two races showed unprecedented unity in this territory outside the galaxy.

Perhaps the Zerg in this galaxy has brought too much pressure to the explorers, and this external pressure has maintained the harmony between humans and Viyers.

Over time, some humans began to use adaptive evolution genes to enter the underwater city life, while the Viyhes put on artificial shells to enter human city life.

The two civilizations began to merge!

If it develops along this trajectory, two different civilizations but belonging to the same company will form a new civilization in Andromeda.

However, a spacecraft that arrived suddenly broke the tranquility of Andromeda.

In the fifth year of Andromeda’s arrival in the Andromeda Abeta III planetary system, a spacecraft that suddenly broke into the attack range of the Andromeda Development Company’s patrol fleet attracted everyone’s attention.

The shape of this spacecraft is similar to that of a disc-shaped spacecraft in Star Trek, with blue light jetting from the end of the disc.

On the surface of this spacecraft, the smooth hull of the spacecraft has been covered with pits and pits everywhere, and many traces of being burnt by the high temperature can be seen.

The spacecraft with blue signal lights suddenly lost its power after appearing in the universe, and began to drift towards the patrol fleet of the Andromeda Development Company relying on inertia.

"Attention to the spaceship ahead! Please stop advancing immediately, or we are about to open fire!" The patrol fleet immediately sent a warning message and at the same time used the enemy radar to target the flying saucer-shaped spacecraft.

"Captain! We received a message from the other party, and we are deciphering the other party's language!"

"The message sent by the other party is their text library! The language translation is complete!"

"It's a distress signal!" Inside the cruiser bridge headed by the patrol fleet, a crew member looked at the captain in surprise.

"Send a destroyer to dock with this spaceship and see what happened to this spaceship!" The captain nodded slightly.

Just in case, he specially sent a destroyer equipped with biochemical processing equipment to dock to prevent viruses or special creatures that could pose a threat in the opponent's spacecraft.

Anyway, the volume of this spacecraft is not large. The saucer-shaped spacecraft with a diameter of less than 500 meters is about the same size as the company's destroyer. The security personnel on a destroyer can completely control the wrecked spacecraft.

After receiving a reply from the battleship of the Andromeda Company, the spaceship that emerged suddenly shut down its only layer of shield and shut down all the turrets that were still in operation.

Seeing that the other party was, the destroyer going to the docking launched a towing beam at the spaceship, gradually dragging the spaceship towards itself.

"The spacecraft was successfully salvaged and is preparing for docking!"

"All weapons are aimed at the target spacecraft, ready to fire at any time!" The captain yelled to the surrounding crew after connecting the destroyer's monitor to the bridge screen.

All the warships surrounding the wrecked ship aimed at the spaceship with their muzzles. Once it showed any abnormality, it would be shattered by artillery shells from all directions!

"The docking is successful! The security team is ready! The medical team is ready!" In the destroyer who went to dock, several security personnel wearing fully sealed power armor aimed their rifles at the opening door of the docking bridge.

Behind them are several medical personnel wearing white armor and spraying red crosses on their chests.

When the alloy door of the docking bridge opened, dozens of "aliens" wearing blue tights and human-like figures walked into the destroyer of the Andromeda Company. Some of them had difficulty in moving. Not a minor injury.

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