My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 669: Is it so important?


Chu Yunyao seems to like Bentley cars. After getting off the plane, it is also a white Bentley.

At the gate of this ancient town, Ye Fan came down from the car and saw that the ancient town was full of various good cars.

“Is this a tourist attraction?” asked Ye Fan.

Chu Yunyao rolled his eyes. "What are you thinking about? This is the Chu family."

"You said that the whole town is your home?"

"Yes, all the real estate and land are ours," Chu Yunyao said with a smile: "With a history of more than one hundred and one hundred years, it is not too much to accumulate such wealth."

Ye Fan nodded, so I really can understand, "I don't want to drive here?"

"Yes, any Chu family is not allowed to use transportation at home. Although the road at home is wide enough,... Generally speaking, you can't drive at home," Chu Yunyao said.

Ye Fan feels very funny, and can't help but feel that the city has a garage that is not bad, Chu family is good, the home is more than a dozen roads.

Of course, it is only a feeling that the real estate he owns is much more than the Chu family. Of course, there will be no envy and other ideas.

"Missy, the owner and several lords are waiting for you and Mr. Ye in Sihaitang." A well-dressed old housekeeper, kindly and kindly came outside the gate, respectfully said.

Chu Yunyao chuckled, "This is not old, it is early enough."

Ye Fan is crying and laughing. It seems that Chu Yunyao does not have much respect for the elders at home, but this is normal, because Chu Yunyao does not have so many ordinary people's feelings.

After walking through two quaint streets, entering a courtyard door, bypassing the vestibule, you will come to a spacious hall.

There are more than a dozen Chu people in power, drinking tea and discussing what.

Among these people, Ye Fan only knows Chu Yunsheng, who was last seen.

Sitting on the head of the house is an old man wearing a dark red Tang suit. It looks like sixty or seventy years old. He is not tall, but a pair of nephews are gods. It is the owner of the Chu family, Chu Taikang.

Seeing that Ye Fan and Chu Yunyao came in, there was a smile on the old man's face. It seems that there is not much difference between the elderly people of ordinary people.

"Yunyao is back, this is your famous boyfriend, Ye Fan," Chu Taikang asked with a smile.

"Yes grandfather", Chu Yunyao seems to instantly become a well-being granddaughter, with a sweet and happy smile, holding Ye Fan's hand, and introducing Ye Fan to these relatives at home.

Ye Fan almost didn't laugh out. This woman, just said that this group of "old and not dead", this acting is really good.

After the two men were seated, the next person sent the alpine cloud tea, and Ye Fan smelled it. He knew that this must be the best cloud tea. It should be the tea tree picked from the ancient tribute to the court. It is estimated that the tea trees are now It is the private ancestor of the Chu family.

It seems that in order to conceal the conversation, Chu Taikang let most of the people in the temple, all scattered, leaving only Ye Fan and Chu Yunyao, and Chu Yunsheng.

Ye Fan’s heart is doubtful, is this still so secret?

"Ye Fan, Yunyao has made it clear to you, I hope you have something for our Chu family's ancient Wu special training?" Chu Taikang asked.

Ye Fan nodded. "I said that it is the children of your family. What kind of competition is it to participate in?"

"Oh, Yunyao did not tell you carefully, this is not a general game, it is related to the honor and future development of our Chu family, so ... very important", Chu Tai Kangdao.

Ye Fan frowned and looked at Chu Yunyao, thinking that this woman did not seem so serious.

Chu Yunyao smiled and said: "Grandpa, I did not tell him too much, afraid that he is too stressed."

"Oh, it turns out that, huh, the pressure is necessary, but I think that with Ye Fan's experience, it should not be a problem. After all, you have fought with the special forces of the Magnesium Army, and you have seen people who have seen big scenes." Taikang Road.

The Chu family are naturally unclear, and Ye Fan’s true identity. In fact, among the five famous names, the core figures of the Wang family are informed. Zhu Jia and Zhao Jia only know that Ye Fan and the Dragon Soul have a relationship. Xie Jiaxue Only Xie Linyuan knows.

Therefore, Chu Taikang is willing to ask Ye Fan to come, mainly because of the battle of Hunchun Island.

Ye Fan thought that he had no pressure at all. He simply promised Chu Yunyao, and he was not good at shirking, and he wanted to come out to breathe and change his mood.

“Is this game so important?” Ye Fan asked casually.

"Yes, for the ordinary famous door, it may not be so important, but for our five famous doors, it is very important." Chu Taikang said: "We have been selected by the Dragon Soul for more than 30 years. If we continue this way, it is very difficult for us to raise our heads in front of the heads and other families."

Ye Fan said strangely: "To join the Dragon Soul, isn't the Dragon Soul a dragon tooth unit? Many of the famous children don't join the Dragon's tooth. And the threshold of the Dragon Soul, I don't think it is high."

"Oh, if it is the establishment of the Dragon Tooth and the Dragon Soul Commando, it is certainly not difficult, and it can be sent every year.

But... the five-year selection is a team called ‘Hidden Dragon’, which is the symbol of the highest status of the Dragon Soul! "Chu Tai Kang Road.

"Hidden Dragon?" Ye Fan frowned. "How have I not heard of it?"

"Because this unit has never made a public appearance, nor has it established any substantive archives in the Dragon Soul, everything is managed through human and verbal contact.

In fact, this is the secret of the owner of the famous door, and the heir to the family, who are only qualified to know.

The children sent by our famous teachers only told them that they would join the secret organization of the Dragon Soul and would not say the ‘Hidden Dragon’ unit. ”

Ye Fan's hand patted the arm of the chair gently, and his mind was spinning rapidly. Although he never knew much about the material of the Dragon Soul, he still harbored such a force, and he was surprised by Ye Fan.

I used to wonder why the Dragon Soul has a level-A organization that can stabilize the s-class eyes in Xia Guozhen. Why does the country not rely on the sky, but insist on using the dragon soul as a symbol of national security. It turns out that the dragon soul is so deep?

Chu Taikang’s face is awe-inspiring: “Once the child selected by Hidden Dragon will immediately sever contact with the family, the state will give a lot of resources to reward the family that provides excellent children.

The reason why our five famous members are all united with the Guwumen School is to let the children of the family be influenced by the ancient martial arts from the birth of one, and pick out the good seedlings to accept the five-year hidden dragon selection.

However, the requirements of Hidden Dragon are very high. The children who participate in the selection competition must start from the innate realm and must not be older than 25 years old. As for other ancient Wu talents and combat skills, they are extremely demanding.

Almost every time, there are hundreds of famous disciples and Guwumen disciples. However, it is difficult to stand out from the numbers of one hand. ”

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