My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 5713: Previous World Fanwai-Mo Lian also missed 2 (one person)

Chapter 5713 The Previous Generation Fanwai-Mo Lian also missed 2 (one person)

When the mother was buried, the drizzle continued for more than three months.

Today, the sky is only slightly clear.

I walked along the palace wall alone and walked slowly on the desolate and empty road. There was always a different kind of emotion in my heart.

Father's madness is getting worse.

He sometimes has a headache, and will throw things around like crazy.

When his mother lay there like a dead man, he was at least not as crazy as he was.

But now...

I know that everything is moving towards the worst.

The situation in Beijing and China is no longer stable, and there are corrupt and stiff dirty things everywhere.

Sometimes they do not sleep in the middle of the night, they go around the outer wall of the capital. No matter how many are shot, there will always be successors.

I don't know how long I can last.

I always miss the father and mother on the sky star, and I still think about the weak shoulders of the twelve younger brothers. I wonder if I can support the Jiangshan community in Mo Guo.

But I can only think about it.

I can't go back. Compared with the lower Xingyu area, which is partly in the corner, perhaps the future of China is even more terrible.

"His Royal Highness, the Hundred Flowers Club stipulated by the courtesy department, do you want to take a look." Zhao Tengdong moved over, moved in small steps, and asked me in a low voice.

Yes, after filial piety, these ministers began to actively prepare for the election of concubine for me.

The Hundred Flowers Fair, as its name suggests, puts all the marriageable women together, and I choose the spot.

But I couldn't mention it at all.

I ousted on the grounds of Shouxiao for three years, and those courtiers took the risk of my father and emperor advancing, crying that Chu Jun had no future and the country was in danger.

I'm really annoying these different dog things.

The corpses and puppets outside the city were in chaos, and they thought of these things without thinking of the countermeasures all day long.

I'm not going to die, what happens when there is no future?

Sometimes I really want to go crazy like my father and emperor, and cut off all these burly courtiers one by one.


During the Hundred Flowers Fair, I sat there indifferently.

Like a door god, oh no, maybe an ice sculpture.

The women looked at me, and their expressions were still timid. I glanced at them and felt upset.

One, two, three, all so pretentious and featureless.

The two women stepped forward at this time. They came to courtesy and whispered, "Have seen your Highness."

I still know the daughters of General Chen Chaozhi and General Zhong Li.

Chen Baojia and Zhong Lizhiwei, if there are no accidents between these two women, it should be the side concubine selected by the bureau for the roll call.

It's funny, the courtesy department loves these two, then let those old men marry home.

I glanced at them and saw that they were pretending to be shy and pretending to be shy and pleasant, and there was no reason to feel annoyed in my heart.

This should not be the case.

I always feel that there is something wrong in this life, wrong again and again, so wrong that it is impossible to look directly at the future.

I stared coldly at the two women who came forward to salute, and suddenly overturned the table in front of me.

Something fell on the ground.

The delicate and beautiful girls dressed up, all shivering and crying, fell to their knees and screamed, please forgive me.

Forgive sins?

What forgiveness?

I walked away with a big leap, and a hundred flowers would be tumultuous, and the news quickly spread throughout the world.

Soon rumors spread throughout Kyoto.

It is said that Her Royal Highness is not good for women and likes to be manly.

? ? ? Is this me?

The father emperor summoned me, and he reprimanded me with a grumpy face.

He punished me for kneeling in the ancestral temple, and I even knelt for three days and nights without saying a word.

Later, he did not make any mistakes.

His head hurts, and when it hurts, he hit the wall with his head. Guoan screamed on the side, even with the most precious incense, there was no way to stop him from acting so crazy.

He hurts, he doesn't care about my business, and I don't care about him.

The father and son were weak, and since the death of our mother, there may not be any basic greetings between us.

The Libe Department began to talk to me about women.

It's ridiculous. They thought they would do it alone?

I simply made a garden for the women who had stuffed in, and the garden name was "Gu Gusheng".

These women willing to be sent in, they should understand from the first day they come in, what does it mean to be alone.

Since they are willing to do it themselves, I am too lazy to manage it.

If they dare to give me any "encounter" in the garden, I will kill one or two. After a long time, everyone should understand.

Do not "encounter" orphans, orphans can only be the objects they look up to.


Later, even the ritual department was disheartened, and no longer claimed to send me various beauties.

They admit their fate.

And they ridiculously believed those rumors: think me? Their unstoppable Highness Prince Shenzhou is a broken sleeve!

Ha ha, break your sister's sleeve!

Since these people are so stupid, let them go stupid.

After the New Year, Cangzhou Dirong Oak visited, and the father and emperor handed me all the state affairs and discussions.

He was drunk all day in the palace, he didn’t comb his hair, and sometimes he didn’t wear his clothes, so he sat in a silly way, maybe for three days and two nights.

After discussing with the Emperor Cangzhou, I plan to join hands and go to the place where the corpse puppets were hit hardest.

We who are trapped in Kyoto have no way out.

The battle may have a ray of life.

Retreat, there is no way back.

A month later, the news about solitary following Cangzhou Emperor's elopement, why did it spread to the mainland of Sanzhou?


Rong Li and I were racing horses on the Pingjin Prairie that day.

He stopped suddenly, pointing to the sky where clouds were burning in the distance.

"Look there."

I followed him and glanced at him. It was red and glowing. The glance at the past seemed to be blown red by the fire.

"There's nothing." I picked up the hip flask that I was hanging and took a sip casually. "What did you see?"

"I just saw a woman standing there and beckoned to us. Her expressionless look, I feel a little familiar."

I couldn't help but chuckled and teased, "Miss your wife?"

"Not married." Rong Li shook his head.

I suddenly realized that as soon as I raised my hand and threw the hip flask towards him, I said no wonder, everyone else thought I eloped with you, you ten thousand years old bachelor, do not marry one for Mao?

"Why don't you marry?"

"How do I know?" In a trance, I felt a little uncomfortable, trying to suppress the grief in my heart forever.

I whip the horse and run straight forward, "If this victory is over, then we can stay on the grassland for a lifetime."

Then I drove away, and I didn't hear Rong Que murmuring, "What if I lose?"

(End of this chapter)

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