


After Luo Yu put the foam box, he took out three fish of the same species in a row and put them on the cooking board.

Looking at the appearance quality of the whole fish, the whole body is bright and ice-free, which is obviously the material that has just been collected today.

“Liangjun, what kind of fish is that fish with the red dot?”

“It looks big!”

At the window at the back door of the classroom, Alice and Kurokiba Ryo hid in the crowd, avoiding Erina’s sight and watching this special punishment.

“American red-spotted salmon!”

“Native to the Labrador region of Canada, it is one of the world-famous five salmon species.”

“The three that this kid took out look like the best of the red spot salmon!”

Kurokiba watched Luo Yu’s every move with extremely lethal eyes.

“American red-spotted salmon!”

“I remember Chef Shinomiya subjecting French cuisine, right?”

“Is it okay to cook with such a large fish?”

Alice’s knowledge of seafood is far less than that of Kurokiba.

Kurokiba replied affirmatively, “It’s not so much that it’s okay as it fits perfectly.” ”

“The American red-spotted salmon has a strong physique and is very lethal in fresh water.”

“So its meat quality is also firm and mellow, because of its bright appearance, so it is also called… Queen of Ice Water! ”

In the field of seafood and other cuisines, Kurokiba is an absolute expert.

Being able to come up with such a grade of fish at the beginning, it can be seen that Luo Yu has also put a lot of effort into seafood dishes.

In the classroom, more than one person was startled by the “Ice Water Queen” taken out by Luo Yu.

“Kojiro, do you still have such high-grade ingredients prepared in your class?”

“I really didn’t expect that the senior of the fourth palace even used the red spot salmon!”

“Because it’s not your own family’s money, it’s safer to spend, right?”

“Hinata, you shut up for me! That’s not what I prepared! It’s this stinky boy himself…”

When the fourth palace said this, the anger did not hit a place.

Several lecturers smiled and became even more curious about Luo Yu.

To be able to make Shinomiya Kojiro, the apex talent in the culinary world, like this, if you don’t have some real technology, you can’t really say it.

Rear row view of the war zone.

Erinai held her chin and carefully watched Luo Yu and Yu Mei’s preparations.

As an auxiliary party, Yu Mei is preparing a variety of condiments, one by one, in the calculated order, and put them in front of the cooking table.

Shredded cheese, miso, dried basili leaves!

White wine, too white powder, corn oil!

“Lord Erina, this is obviously not an ingredient for raw frying or fire roasting, is it?”

After seeing the clue, Crimson asked analytically.

Erina nodded and replied, “So it is, several lecturers came here to eat all kinds of dishes. ”

“Whether it is raw fried or grilled, it is too greasy to eat, and it is easy to affect the judgment ability of people who can no longer eat.”

“So Luo Yu and Mito and the two of them are preparing… Here it comes! ”


As Erina asserted, Yumei took the steamer from under the countertop and placed it on the stove.

At the beginning of planning this dish, Luo Yu abandoned heavy cooking methods such as raw frying and fire roasting, and switched to “steaming” cooking methods to make French dishes!

“What a delicious and bold approach!”

“The special meat texture of the Ice Water Queen, if not handled properly, it is easy to make a failed dish.”

After Donato Wutongtian saw the steamer appear, he was very curious about Luo Yu’s bold approach, and watched his actions with full attention.


Hinata said while eating the persimmon seeds: “Dao skill, if you don’t have the knife skill that can handle the red spot salmon well, it can be regarded as a failure in the first step!” ”

“Well, that’s right… Can you stop eating in a quiet environment! ”

The fourth palace’s temper today is irritable, and any thing can make him explode in an instant.

“Luo Yu!”

“The seasoning and steamer are ready to start!”

“I’ll go ahead and handle the side dishes, it’s up to you here!”

Yu Mei put down the dry ingredients and adjusted the heating heat, and turned around and busied himself with the side dishes.

“It’s really reliable, leave it to me!”



Luo Yu opened the kitchenware box, and this time he took out not the unique silver ring blade, but the brand new kitchenware that he spent on a large amount of delicious points and exchanged in the system…


Spirit Eater Knife!

Short edged blade, about 20 cm long.

In terms of shape, it is very similar to a common fruit knife, but the sewing edge is like a meat cutter with a wide top and a narrow bottom.

This is a short-bladed cooking knife tailored according to Luo Yu’s knife technique!

When it comes to the meticulous work of removing fish bones and bones, the large shape of the silver ring blade can be done perfectly, there will be some flaws.

In order to take your skills to the next level, 3,000 points of delicious points are still worth the cost!

“New fellow, it’s up to you this time!”

Luo Yu concentrated and returned to the cooking plate.


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