Please lend me the Harold sword. Cody requested so, knowing that it would absorb the magical power of the user and kill his life. Well, some parts of Harold are skeptical about the power of the sword, but it’s dangerous-it’s safe to call it a magic sword. Of course, you can’t easily hand it over.

I don’t want to use it as much as possible considering the risks, but it’s still a lifeline weapon for Harold, and above all, what Cody does with this sword. It wasn’t something I was scared of in many ways, such as lending it without knowing if I was interested.

Harold intended to decline the wish.

Until I was told that there was a man who could be helped by that sword.

Three days after parting with Vincent. Harold was in a rural town. Cody says it’s a town with a man who might be saved with Harold’s sword.

I can’t help but think that it’s sweet to make while saying that there is something to do, but this time there is a probability that Harold can also benefit. Even if it ends up in vain, going through this town to get to the original destination is not a bad route, and it is supposed that action will be taken as soon as Frieri contacts you. ..

If it is, there is no loss even if you stop by while you are doing something.

(… I’ve become great in the meantime)

It may affect one person’s life. Even though I can’t do it, I’m sick of myself when I face things with this kind of mind.

However, considering the original story, the story is about to reach the end. In other words, the time when Harold should die is approaching. To be honest, it was about to reach the limit of paying attention to the surroundings.

No matter how you repair it, your life is still a major event. I want you to forgive me for being a little selfish.

“… It’s too late”

Involuntarily muttering such a thing.

For the last eight years, I have taken various actions just to survive. Harold himself does not have a lofty idea, just because some of them have been helped as a result.

I’m an ordinary person no matter where I go. Don’t mistake yourself for being a hero or something, even if your body and abilities are out of the standard. If you act with such an idea, you will soon get stuck due to conflict or pinching.

It is the Liners who save the world. Harold should cooperate behind the scenes with his survival as his primary goal.

That’s Harold’s right position.

“What’s up now?”

“… It’s a story that has nothing to do with you. So I was brainwashed by Justus. Where is the man who said that he was? “

I changed the point of the story through the question from Cody who was picking up the muttering.

Or rather, that was the main subject of coming to this town. To be exact, it may have been brainwashed.

“It’s about to come. Just around the corner”

It seems that you’ve been guided everywhere. It was a rented house.

However, the appearance was not well maintained because the wallboard was repaired at the seams and the windows were dull, and I got the impression that it was lonely.

Cody knocks on the front door. There was no knocker, and the sound of tapping with bare hands sounded strange for some reason. Harold thinks it’s kind of like a horror movie, inwardly rude.

“… Who are you?”

The door opens with a voice that remains young. What appeared from there was a girl who seems to be about ten years old.

However, his cheeks are a little smoldering, and his limbs, except from the dress, are as thin as dead branches. He looked like he was very worried about his health.

“Sara-chan, it’s been a long time. Do you remember your uncle?”

“Yes … Cody, That’s right. “

” Oh yeah, my dad’s friend. That’s why my scary face is my friend. “

I’m scared. I wanted to disagree with the introduction of a face, but I can’t deny that it’s actually a moody face, and Harold is now 181 centimeters tall, according to the settings. Given the age of a girl called Sarah, such a man would definitely be scared.

Harold was willing to accept the introduction because he had a bad mouth. I don’t want to scare her already scared anymore.

“Do you have a mom?”

“I’m going to work now …”

” That’s right. When will you be back? “

” … I don’t know. Always late at night “

Hearing the conversation between Cody and Sara, Harold somehow remembered her childhood.

The Hirasawa family’s parents were both working, and Kazuki, who had no brother, was a so-called key kid. Even after I finished school and played with my friends and went home, there were no people in the house, and especially in winter, there was a quiet atmosphere.

However, there were few days when my parents didn’t come back, and I was particularly lonely because I was doing what I liked by the time I got home and my parents came back. I never felt it.

If you think about it now, it’s probably because Kazuki was given love by her parents. With that in mind, I wanted to see my parents’ faces. Will we be able to return to the original world if we can live and reach the ending of the game?

Currently, I can’t think of any other way to return.

“Hey, Harold”

A little tripped consciousness is recalled.


“Don’t go inside”

Apparently various things It seems that he decided to go home while thinking.

Is it a real man even though Sarah is still scared? From the perspective of modern people, I don’t feel like I’m being notified.

“Are you going to do it right away?”

(That’s right)

I’m convinced, but that means waiting at this house until Sarah’s mother returns. is. Wouldn’t it be too annoying for anything?

Although I feel a haze, I go home for the time being with Cody.

I felt loneliness in the house, just like the impression of the exterior.

“Who is that person? Sister”

“My dad’s friend, Mihai”

When I was passed through the living room, a boy who seemed to be four or five years old appeared.

Mihai, who had the same maroon eyes as her sister Sarah, was as thin as her sister. From the condition of the house, the economic condition may be very difficult.

When you think about it, the father who was the main pillar of the family-Finegan suddenly became mentally abnormal and retired from the Knights. The symptoms haven’t subsided and I can’t work bedridden. In that case, only the wife can support her two children and her bedridden husband.

(This is harder than Clara …)

I work late at night every day, but I still have trouble eating You can tell that you are there even if you don’t like it by looking at the situation of your sister and brother. It seems that the mother has not been able to eat properly at this rate.

It’s hard to look directly at the person who is in need.

“These fathers … where is Finnegan?”

I decided to take a look.

I talked to Cody with that intention, but the reply came from an unexpected direction.

“Daddy is here”

Mihai, who came to Harold’s feet, pulled the hem of his jacket. Was it the friendliness of Mihai’s innateness, or was he relieved of his alertness when he was told that he was a friend of his father? In any case, Harold did an unexpected response.

Sara leaks “Ah …” in a small voice. Perhaps I thought Mihai had worked rudely. Well, it’s certainly not a beautiful hand to compliment. If the person he touched was Hayden, Harold’s father, he might have been killed at worst.

“Guide me”


Well, do that to Harold I have no intention of doing so, so I will be taken obediently. It was a small one-story house, and I arrived in about 10 seconds in front of the door on one side of a short passage that could not be called a corridor after leaving the living room.

I tried knocking, but there was no reaction, and I opened the door silently.

Due to the cloudy sky, the light coming in through the window is weak, and the silhouette lying on the bed in a dimly lit room without a single mess. was there. He would be Finnegan.

“Daddy, my dad’s friend”

Mihai calls out at the bedside.

However, Finnegan does not react with his hollow gaze on the ceiling. I blink occasionally. Still, Mihai continues to call out while shaking his father who does not move with both hands. The scene pierced Harold’s heart as much as or even more than his younger siblings gasping for poverty.

I’m about to tear inadvertently.

“I’m good”

Mihai, who keeps calling his father’s name, can’t stand to see, and Harold puts his hand on his head. I gently stroked it. The stroked Mihai looks up at Harold with an unfamiliar face.

The innocent eyes reminded me of my distant, half-brother, Huey.

Suddenly, I was surprised that Huey might be like this. It is a fact that the Stokes family has put oppression on the territory for defeating Justus, the last boss. If it is as the original, the Stokes family will be crushed and deprived of their aristocratic status.

What would happen to Huey and his mother, Dorothy? Her parents’ house once failed in business and once sold off the title and turned into a commoner. The story of the concubine came to such a former aristocrat, and by collecting Dorothy, he regained the title with the help of the Stokes family, but when I heard the story, it was just a name and actually got a little territory. It seems only.

Given them, it would be difficult to live a comfortable life at least. The Sumeragi family is supposed to intervene in management, but it only works on the entire territory so as not to cause confusion in the administration, it does not help the standard of living of individuals.

“What’s wrong?”

“… nothing”

Great It doesn’t mean anything. It does not mean that the sins that have been involved are destroyed. In the first place, Mihai and Huey are different people.

However, it should be a natural feeling for a person to want to be saved even by a person who has such a connection, who is at least within reach of himself.

“I’ll leave my seat a little. Cody, you should be a babysitter.”

” Did you make him angry … “

What did you think of? Sarah was confused when she saw Harold’s back outside. I asked Cody as I did. Perhaps Mihai is upset while muttering that he is rude, but that doesn’t mean he’s angry.

Well, it’s no wonder that Cody looks like he’s in a bad mood from beginning to end to someone who doesn’t know Harold very well.

“a real man a real man, you can see that Harold is kind”

“That’s right?”

Sarah’s face said “I can’t believe it.” On the contrary, Cody can’t imagine Harold getting angry with his children. In the first place, Harold is just a bad mouth, and the boiling point of anger is not low … on the contrary, Cody says it is quite high.

“Well, you don’t have to worry so much.”

Cody said brightly. Because I have a clue as to why Harold left his seat. That’s something that you should be aware of, and if Harold didn’t say it, Cody himself would have thought of doing so.

I’m sorry inwardly, but I also thought that this was a good opportunity to renew the image that Sarah has for Harold. So here I come to the conclusion that it’s my job to follow.

Of course, I knew that it was left to others, but it was a man named Cody Luzial who could open up again.

It’s been more than an hour since then. Harold came back as he was getting to know his sister and brother.

Hold a big paper bag in both hands. The contents of the paper bag placed on the table were a large amount of ingredients as Cody expected. What was a little unexpected was before they were cooked.

“Maybe you’re going to make it?”

“It’s natural”

“Completely cooked I was wondering if I would buy something that I could eat right away. “

” You’re a devil to suddenly feed a malnourished person.

“… I was careless”

I bowed my head exaggeratedly, but Harold was unresponsive. Perhaps it’s a hassle to deal with.

However, when you think about it, many of the cooked foods sold in stores have a strong taste. It may not be noticeable if you are healthy, but it may not be very good to irritate the stomach and feed a small child who is not well nourished with a normal diet.

Especially Mihai is only four years old, so even if he isn’t, he should be careful about what he eats.

(A single man is no good … I mean, Harold was also single)

A man who can and cannot be a single person It was the difference. Well, Harold has a fiancée. While lamenting his pity, such as

, Harold took off his jacket and turned into a white shirt, flipping his sleeves up to his elbows. And when you thrust firewood into the kamado, it shoots magic and ignites at once. Sarah and Mihai gave a surprise cheer to the scene.

Harold began to wash the vegetables in the tub, placing a pot of water on the tub and boiling it. It’s pretty smart.

He is a perfect man except for his ironic personality, but he seems to be able to cook.

“Do you have any help?”

“Can you cook?”

“… I want you to guess during this time”


It was a taunt. However, there is no rumbling sound.

While having such a conversation, Harold peels the vegetables and cuts them into pieces of appropriate size.

“Oh, that …”

Then Sarah called out to Harold as if she had decided.


“Oh, I’ll help you … I can do it as much as cutting vegetables …”

“I don’t need it”

“Uh, but …”

“You instead Clean your brother. Use it to make sure. “

That said, Harold took out soap from the paper bag. It’s also expensive, like a noble purveyor packed in a wooden box.

Sarah is a young girl, but she really wants to be careful about her appearance. I don’t know if that’s the case, but Harold seems to have bought such a thing.

“This is a high-priced item …!”

“It’s a piece of money. I don’t think it’s a dirty hand for the food I cook. ” But it seemed to be. Is there a girl who looks dirty and wants to stand in front of people?

Did Sara understand that? After bowing deeply, “Thank you …!”, She disappeared into the bathroom with Mihai.

Cody sees the flow and throws words at Harold standing in the kitchen.

“The man who is popular is different”

“There is no meal for a man who cannot work more than livestock. Poison If you don’t want to be served, you can chop wood. “

” Yesser! “

The reply was a ridiculous curse. Cody decided to jump out and grab the ax without hesitation.

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