“Well … Harold is also a grudge against my feet?”

“You are extra Because I say something like that. “

The tension that I had been tense up to now collapses with such an exchange.

Although they were two people of different ages, Cynthia’s eyes seemed to be that of an old friend. I know that Cody, who has visited me many times since my husband suddenly became bedridden, has a bright and transparent personality. He would be able to build amicable relationships with most humans.

On the other hand, it is easy to imagine that a young man named Harold is unfriendly as introduced, and that a person who does not wear teeth is a person who makes many enemies. rice field.

Why? Harold’s knife-sharp words pierced and rocked Cynthia’s heart more than any other encouragement so far.

Inwardly, I may have given up. Approximately five years after my husband was bedridden, he was unlikely to recover and his income was reduced, making it impossible for him to see a doctor satisfactorily. Somewhere in my heart, I might have thought that it was unavoidable that I couldn’t help myself anymore.

This young man, who is still young, may have seen Cynthia’s resignation.

I let him choose it with his knowledge. Whether to lose to the painful and harsh reality and run away, or to fight on your own will. For none other than Cynthia herself.

Be strong as a wife and a parent.

(What a strict, selfish and gentle word)

Considering the situation, Harold, an aristocrat, agrees with Cynthia. There is no need to make a choice. If curing Finnegan is in Harold’s interests, don’t ask. Whether it succeeds or not, Cynthia, who is a commoner, cannot complain.

He said, “You can only choose,” but from a standpoint, it’s natural not to do that. Originally, he would have had to wait for Finnegan to be treated as he was told.

But Harold wasn’t willing to obey those in power. Even though I am a powerful person.

Reach out for problems that Cynthia can’t do anything about.

But Harold showed in words and actions that he should grab his hand, stand up, and walk forward on his own.

Can you be so touched? Because he, an aristocrat, did his best for himself as a commoner and encouraged him to scold him. It’s strange that you don’t feel enthusiastic about this.

Cynthia understood that a young man named Harold Stokes was truly an aristocrat.

“Well, goodness is in a hurry, let’s get started”

“Oh, now?”


“I think it’s a sudden story, but Harold is also busy.”

“You brought me that.

Harold stood up with such a complaint.

Harold asks, staring straight at Cynthia’s eyes, which stood up.

“This is the final confirmation. There is no guarantee that the treatment to be performed will be successful. It is possible that the treatment will be ineffective or unexpected just because it has the probability of being cured. Do you still do it? “

” … Yes. Thank you for your husband. “

” … Is that so? “

Harold begins to walk as if no more words are needed. Perhaps he already knows the position, his feet advance to the room where Finnegan sleeps.

When I lit the candle in the room, I wondered if he was asleep now. Finnegan closed his eyes. In front of him, Harold touched the handle of the sword.

“… What are you going to do?”

But before pulling out the sword, Cody grabs Harold’s hand and holds it down.

“That’s this line. I’m not going to ask you to do that.”

The two are silent and their eyes It is worth it to shoot through. Cynthia doesn’t know, but maybe there’s something wrong with it.

A few seconds passed, and Cody was the first to open his mouth.

“It’s Harold. Most of the time, did you think you had to do it?”


“But I can’t give up this much. I asked you from here, so I have to take responsibility.”

“… … Do whatever you like. ”

It was Harold who broke. He gives Cody the scabbard containing the sword.

Cody who received it pulled out the sword.

“Oh, that … what do you do with that sword?”

“It’s a little difficult to explain, but Harold’s The sword has a special power. If you use it, you may be able to cure Finnegan. “

A special power? Can you cure it with a sword?

I don’t think I’ll cut it, and I can’t imagine what Cynthia would do. Cody held her sword to leave her behind. Close your eyes and take a deep breath again and again.

Then the crystal embedded in the sword began to shine. At first, the vague light gradually increases its brilliance.

Cynthia was silently watching over the situation, but suddenly Cody began to suffer.

“Ku …!”

Breathing becomes rough and sweat like a ball floats on the forehead. The strong light gradually weakened while repeating blinking, and eventually disappeared.

It was only a few minutes, but at the same time as the light went out, Cody, who was holding the sword, knelt to collapse.

“Oh, oh … this is also a pain …”

“Oh, a real man?”

“Oh, no problem”

“Where is the problem?”

“No, that’s not …”

I guess I wanted to stand up while saying no. However, that did not come true, and the sword fell out of Cody’s hand as he tried to stand up.

The sound of steel hitting the floor echoes empty in the room.

“Give up. You can’t do it.”

“… I can’t say it clearly. I didn’t. “

Cody smiles like a mockery. Is it the responsibility that I should fulfill from the first exchange, or the failure to fulfill my role?

Still, it was Harold who picked it up before Cody reaching for the sword. He stared at him thinking he would pick up his sword.

“I see”

After a while, Harold murmured so. And he mercilessly stated that he would turn his eyes to Cody.

“You can’t handle this sword”

“Don’t you choose the user?”

“It’s not enough to treat it as just a sword, but it doesn’t have enough magical power to exert its functions.”

“Magic power comparable to Harold” If you need it, it’s almost like you’re the only one … “

Maybe I was disappointed with the facts I was told, Cody sat down in a chair as if exhausted.

Cynthia knows that Cody is one of the most powerful Knights of the Holy King. It would be a considerable burden because he would be exhausted so much just by trying to use his sword. If Harold could handle such a thing, how much would Harold be?

“That’s right, you should look quietly there”

“I understand. It’s been a while since I thought I was pathetic. “

” I’m surprised. I thought it was a life of only pathetic things. “

“I’m just hateful and the skin on my face is thick. I’ve lived without shame.” It was distorted by regret.

Cynthia would be happy if she tried to help Finnegan with such thoughts, even if she couldn’t help. There are still people who will not abandon their husbands.

However, when I was shown how enthusiastic I was, I wondered if there was any other reason. Without a doubt, I felt disturbed by the word “responsibility” that Cody said.

Maybe they are trying to help Finnegan by hanging something.

“If so, make use of the skin on that side and flutter as usual. It would be better than welcoming you to awakening for the first time in five years with a spicy face.”

“Yes, yes, I’m still confident”

“You’re Cynthia. Is that the face of your wife waiting for her husband to return? I believe Even if you can’t do it, you can believe in Finnegan. “

A word that seems to shake off Cody’s remorse and anxiety that erodes Cynthia.

Oh, how strong and kind is this person? The words give the courage to face adversity on their backs. When I thought so, I naturally smiled.

“… I believe. Finnegan and Harold-sama.”

What was Harold satisfied with that word? Without saying, turn to Finnegan lying in bed.

And when you hold the sword, the sword begins to shine, just like when you were Cody. But its strength was clearly different from that of Cody. This may be the difference between the two magical powers.

The air in the room winds backwards. I could feel that some energy was gathering to the center of light even for Cynthia who could not use magic.

Perhaps he has enough magical power, Harold thrusts the handle of the sword he holds with both hands into Finnegan’s abdomen. Immediately a change appeared.

“… Ah …!”

I’ve been bedridden for a long time. I raised my voice.

Harold and Finnegan are surrounded by a brilliant pale green light. The scene was like a painting depicting a god who brought miracles. No, it was actually a miracle for Cynthia. A blessing that awakens a loved one that could not be achieved no matter how hard we tried for the last five years.

Cynthia was witnessing it now.

“Come back quickly”

Suddenly, Harold muttered. At that moment, the light swelled further and then burst and disappeared.

And the silence that comes. The candles that were illuminating the room disappeared, and only the moonlight shining through the window dimly reveals Finnegan from the darkness.

Whether or not you wake up, Cynthia’s heartbeat beats even if you don’t like it. The heart beats so fast that I thought it would reverberate in a room full of silence.

After a few seconds of silence, that time came.

“Hmm … oh, re? Here, ha …”

With a thin, sloppy voice, Finnegan speaks so well. rice field.

Cynthia’s field of vision is blurred with tears, and her sobs swell. Desperately suppressing it, Cynthia called out with all feelings.


“… Shinshi, ah? id = “L170″> “You …!”

I couldn’t put it into words anymore.

I will not be able to wake up even if I regain consciousness. I hugged Finnegan’s chest and shed tears while feeling the warmth of my heart.

I’m sure Finnegan is confused, but Cynthia couldn’t afford to explain the situation and circumstances. You can only call Finnegan’s name and cry with your face in your chest. While he was bedridden, his muscles weakened and it would be difficult to raise his arms, but Finnegan never said anything and stroked Cynthia’s head and cheeks with a thin right hand.

How long have you been doing that? The sound of knocking echoed when I was immersed in the time alone.

Ah, Cynthia raises her face and calls out from outside the door.

“Two people. I’m sorry to disturb the moving reunion, but can Finnegan just explain the situation?”

“I’m sorry!”

Hurry up and open the door. Before I knew it, it was almost dawn and the outside of the window had begun to turn white.

Cody enters the room and walks up to the bed first.

“Hey Finnegan. How are you doing?”

“Koh … Dee …? That’s right, but … “

” Well, you’ve been sleeping for five years. It’ll be a little dandy. “

” … What? “

” I’d like to explain that part for the time being, but first of all, it’s the body. Is there anything wrong? “

“Roku, I can’t even make a voice … and my body looks like lead, but … for years … if I was asleep … I’m convinced …”

“If it’s hard, let’s change the day?”

“No, good … tell me. Did it happen … “

” If so, order and concisely “

That’s how Cody begins to explain.

Five years ago, there was a battle between the Knights and the Stars in the Forest of Bertis.

Finnegan was selected as one of the judges in the trial of a recruit who was suspected of being a spy in the battle.

When I tried to ask about the trial, I suddenly got confused and started self-harm.

I didn’t reach the major event, but I was unconscious after being arrested, and I had been sleeping for five years.

“-So, I just woke up from sleep”

“Oh, uh … Cynthia, annoyance, I called … “

” Okay, you woke up … “

” Cody, Mmm … did you help me …? “

” That would be cool, but it was Harold Stokes who helped you. Remember. Are you there? “

” … Ah, ah. I remember … “…?”

“What do you mean?”

“There are various circumstances, and the Bertis I mentioned earlier Harold was trapped in the battle of the forest. “

The result was a suspected espionage and was sentenced to death by some pressure.

However, in reality, instead of being a spy, he uncovered the plot of the Sarrian Empire and prevented the Knights and the Holy Tribe from becoming a conflict.

The death sentence was an excuse to use Harold for being, and he is still at risk of life. It is said that.

“Finegan, did you agree to Harold’s death sentence because your family was taken hostage?”

“That That’s right … yes, otherwise my family would be in danger … “

” That’s …! Harold-sama … “

“I know, but I have no grudge against Finnegan.”

“… Is there a Harold …? Thank you … “

” Ah … Actually, I’m out of town because of an emergency right after the treatment is over. I was left to confirm that. “

I’m surprised at the fact that I can’t even thank you for your help.

This is just given. Grace, courage, happiness with loved ones. A heart that tries to be strong.

Harold left, even though he gave me that much. As long as I hear Cody’s story, there is no guarantee that I can meet again alive. And yet he left behind all this.

“But I’m keeping a message for them.” Let’s live on our own. ”

“… That’s not true. It’s more than enough words.”

“Is that so? Well, I’m glad”

The sun rises and white light shines through the window. It was so dazzling, but it seemed to Cynthia somewhere like Harold’s brilliance. In front of such a rising sun, my head naturally goes down, and tears that should have withered cry down my cheeks again.

I knew it wouldn’t arrive, but I couldn’t help saying it. Just say “Thank you”.

“Mom, are you crying? Where do you want to go?”

“Mihai …”

Perhaps she woke up early, Mihai hugged Cynthia, who shed tears while rubbing her eyes.

“Mom is a real man. So say hello to Mihai and Dad.”

“Yeah. Good morning, Dad”

“… Mihai, isn’t it so big …”

“Oh, daddy!

Mihai jumps into Finnegan’s arm, which stands up with Cody’s support.

When I think about it, Finnegan was bedridden just before Mihai was born. So this is the first time my father and son have come into contact with each other.

Mihai talks innocently with a smile, and Finnegan listens to it with a laugh. There was definitely a form of happiness that I wanted to see forever.

At that time, I suddenly see Cody with a pondering expression.

“What’s wrong with Mr. Cody?”

“Oh, it’s not a big deal. How many children did a person have? “

Cynthia didn’t understand the intent of the question. It’s been a long time since I visited this time, but I never thought he would ask me about his family structure because he has come to visit me many times.

Cynthia replied, wondering about that, as a matter of course.

“What happened suddenly? Our only child is Mihai.”

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