Stepping into the forest, Shuo Yue saw a closer starry sky. The glimmer of light reflected on the surface of the gurgling stream was brighter than the stars. A patch of reeds was floating in the wind not far away.

The smell and sound of dawn are amazingly rich. The breeze will tell everyone that the soil and plants really have fragrance. Those insects that poke their heads out of the soil early, the sound disappears and appears, like entering a slow rhythm. symphony.

But Shuo Yue could clearly distinguish that in the deep ensemble, a girl was crying softly. The cry was clearly full of grief and abandonment, as if the nightmare of the past had once again enveloped her, leaving her helpless. Escape.

She was indeed redeemed by the Moon God in Arcadia and raised by a she-bear, but the girl will never forget how her father abandoned her in the deserted forest with his cold and ruthless hands.

——It was as if that young man had cut off his ties with her so decisively.

In the end, I still didn't retain any happiness.

Kill him, can't do it, kill him, can't do it, kill him, can't do it.

So, run away, as far away as possible, to a place where he can neither see nor reach.

In this way, you can forget that memory and regain the beautiful appearance of the first female huntress in Greece...

Footsteps sounded, and when Atalanta turned her head with tears on her face, she saw that familiar figure.

Good morning, Atalanta, I'm here.

A New Year’s letter to book friends

What is this called? This is called having someone deliver a pillow to you when you dozed off. Zhengchou didn’t know what to say, so Qidiandian delivered it to his door.

Okay, let me announce something here.

I! Break! Even! Got it!

——Just kidding, it’s not like that, it’s not like Joan of Arc, so all you book friends, put down your knives.

It is impossible to interrupt updates. Even if something needs to be finished early, I will finish writing the copy before finishing it, and will not run away leaving half a mess.

However, the amount of updates will inevitably decrease, not because of problems with meters (although meters are indeed not much) or traffic (well written, I will grant you the traffic of FGO!), but because of other issues involving the spiritual level. The problem.

For a long-running novelist, passion and writing are indispensable. As of now, not only has my writing not improved significantly, but my passion is about to be lost. This is a very dangerous state. I sit in front of the computer for a long time and hold it back. Without uttering words, I put it off until late at night, fall asleep in a hurry, and repeat the same thing the next day - this is obviously an endless cycle.

I lost the time to sort out, grow, and recharge myself. The adjective stalemate is obviously what we story writers fear the most.

Looking back on the writing of the previous year (this book was written less than a year ago), I still remember the excitement when I wrote about the Fourth War, and the small joy of reading the book review section a few days before the exam, and even wrote I seriously fucked with some clouds for several floors. It's a pity that now, I don't even bother to open the message box of the writer's assistant. Real-life studies and trivial matters have gradually sapped my enthusiasm, and I am unable to talk to the characters in the book.

This is obviously a very dangerous situation.

You also know about the popularity of Niyue. Although we like the huge world of Xingyue, it is undeniable that very few people are willing to get on board in the new era. After all, this is a large-scale IP that was created more than ten years ago. It was a fantasy in the past. The prosperity of the township and its current decline are the best lessons for Xingyue.

Especially when several of the works are super bad... (Thinking casually)

The time invested is not directly proportional to the return. This is one of the reasons why I made the decision. Although reducing the number of updates will also cause my full attendance to be interrupted, I don’t want to sacrifice the future with the present. It’s time for me to read some books. Who can Imagine if e-books were not included, the number of books I read last year would not even be in double digits?

I'm sorry for the fact that reducing the number of updates has affected your reading experience. But I hope that my writing style can be improved, the story will be more exciting, and the lost enthusiasm can be recovered. A chapter of excellent quality is far better than a pile of boring rhetoric.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance and hope you will continue to support this book. Thank you Sunset!

Chapter 511 The Boar Skin of Divine Punishment

The morning light shines through the dense treetops and falls in the early morning forest. In the scene where light and darkness intersect, a figure walks through it, running quickly. He drives the wind in the forest, and the wind shakes the leaves.

Along with the sound of breaking wind, the lines on the blades were pierced, and the gleaming arrows continued to speed up, chasing the figure in front of them.

The sunlight falling from the gap between the treetops enchanted the arrow. When it returned to the shadow, golden light fragments splashed, illuminating the young man's broken hair. The premonition of crisis exploded, and the young man turned sideways suddenly, the speed of time As if slowing down in an instant, he stared at the arrow that was so close, catching a glimpse of the blood droplets reflected on the arrow shaft, as well as the suddenly shrinking iridescent blue pupils.

The arrow passed by and time resumed its flow. The young man landed and continued running wildly.

Behind him, the emerald-green huntress clutched the bow of the sky and chased after him. She almost bit her lip until it bled, but her chasing posture was still chic. The leaves and light spots dyed her hair a natural color. There was an arm, and the left hand that was eroded by resentment took away the girl's beautiful appearance.

Don't even think about escaping! Dedicate it to the two great gods... the Arrow of Complaint!

Not giving the prey time to breathe, Atalanta shot towards the non-existent moon in the sky, and the meteor shower was summoned in the daytime. During the fall, it received the blessing of Apollo, so the illusory sun flames clung to it, Adding more power!

The golden thunder exploded, flamboyantly breaking through the tall trees and soaring into the sky. The young man's figure was enveloped by the beating arc. The bioelectricity stimulated the cells, and the heart roared like an engine, accompanied by beating veins and dilated blood vessels. , white steam steamed, and the human form seemed to be attached with a golden exoskeleton. As he took a step, his body turned into a stream of light and passed by, and he was out of the scope of the arrow rain in an instant.

Facing Shuo Yue, who fled without a fight, Atalanta's hunter nature was ignited, and her competitive spirit prompted her to abandon her rationality and immerse herself in the fierce running with the intuition honed in her long career as a hunter.

Chase, chase, chase, abandon suffering, forget yourself...and refuse to stop until you surpass Arcadia!

Just forget about it, enjoy this hunt after a long time!

Fairy Callisto, bring down divine punishment!

The big bear above the constellation roared, and the seven stars connected into arrows and merged into one. At the moment when the new moon was approaching, they turned into seven again. The elegant starlight seemed to tear down the Milky Way, surrounding the young man heavily and stabbing every part of his body. Here, the golden thunder was beating uneasily, beating the starlight, but the seven arrows of the Big Dipper that reproduced the wrath of the gods were as powerful as breaking bamboo, easily destroying the thunder armor and piercing it!

The lightning in the sky dissipated, and a black robe fell from the sky. Under the gaze of Apollo, the sun god, that body was so small. It could easily occupy the entire mind of another person, but it was like a drop in the vast sea of ​​heaven and earth. .


After you chased me through most of the forest and finally shot down the 'prey', a huge sense of accomplishment overwhelmed Atalanta. But as the animal nature subsided and rationality returned, the female hunter was stunned for a moment, and suddenly screamed, quickly Run towards the direction of the fall.

Pushing aside the bushes and trees blocking the road, when Atalanta smelled the smell of blood, the scene in front of her suddenly became clear.

The young man, whose body was stained with blood, fell at the end of the hillside, at the top of the steep cliff. Above the cliff was the vast sky and the wash of blue sky; below the cliff were the waves crashing on the shore, and echoes came from the empty valley.

In front of this magnificent scene, it seems that all the grudges, hatreds, scars and sorrows are no longer important.

But Shuo Yue was bleeding, and seven arrows shot through his limbs, chest and abdomen mercilessly. He was breathing hard and tried his best to even stand up.

Looking at the assassin who was so weak, Atalanta smiled, but there was not much joy in the smile, but a bit complicated: Why don't you hide away? Do you think you can win my forgiveness like this? Just because you were injured alone How can blood and blood make up for the sacrifices of so many children?”

Even when bathed in the sun, the black air on the girl's arms still lingers for a long time. Compared with the red blood stains flowing on the young man's body, it is so vivid, as if the girl's grief after her dream was trampled is far better than the young man's flesh and blood. hurt.

No, Atalanta... A deep voice sounded, and the vibration of her vocal cords and the atmosphere made Atalanta slightly dizzy. She had never heard Shuo Yue's voice be so fragile.

You are nature's darling and a believer in the goddess of hunting, so you won't understand.

What don't I understand?

You don't understand what it is to be human.

Shuo Yue raised her eyes, and it was only now that Atalanta realized belatedly that in the young man's eyes when he looked at her, there was no interaction between people from the beginning.

Some just appreciate and pity the beautiful beast.

A person who fancifully wanted to save humans and children turned out to be a hunter who grew up embracing nature. She didn't even understand humans, so how could she possibly want to save them?

Industrial Revolution, foggy London, where everyone is a bad guy, but there is no bad guy.

Among these zombie-like people, you won't find anyone who deserves to be saved, nor will you find anyone who was born to be eliminated.

There is no culprit here, everyone here is the culprit - it's not like finding the cancer that affects this city, hanging them on the street lights, and then the city will get better and better. This city is an abyss, a bottomless pit. , if you arrest one group of evil people, there will be another group; if you punish one culprit, there will always be another group.

Whether she admits it or not, the hunting that lasted for half a morning did allow Atalanta to vent her emotions. In front of the weak Shuo Yue, she rarely made a sound to stop her. She just pursed her lips and listened quietly before he had time. the words said.

No one can withstand such consumption, Atalanta, this does not refer to wealth or body, nor is it only the person who reaches the end who wins. Some things don't even have an end.

Blood dropped on the ground, and small flowers bloomed. Shuo Yue stood up unsteadily and said to the absent-minded Atalanta:

You have to spend your whole life for the cause of saving children. You can't just hold on to regrets and never let go... Resentment is resentment. Although the children have suffered endless evil, those things have passed, and the order of the year has passed. Once it is broken, the nightmare will be gone long ago.”

When Atalanta reacted, her arm had been grabbed, and she raised her head in shock. Those rainbow-blue eyes were like a whirlpool, sucking away all her attention.

So, let them go, and you will also let yourself go, Atalanta., I don't agree!

Gritting her teeth, because otherwise she would not be able to feel the hatred, Atalanta threw away Shuoyue's arm, and something darker condensed into her hand stained with resentment.

It was the fur of a wild beast. The thick ominous aura covered the original color of the fur, and all that came into view was darkness that was so thick that it could not be dissolved.

In front of that piece of fur dotted with countless hatreds and delusions, even Shuo Yue couldn't help but feel solemn and lost her voice for it:

You're crazy, Atalanta!

He recognized that this piece of fur was Atalanta's second Noble Phantasm - the Boar of Divine Punishment!

Chapter 512 It’s broken, I’m a substitute!

Calydon's wild boar, a huge monster released by Artemis to punish the country, was a disaster that summoned warriors from all over Greece to crusade, and was finally shot and killed by Atalanta, and was embodied in its legend. Fur is a cursed Noble Phantasm that wraps the body and gives it the power of a monster.

After equipping it, you can obtain the equivalent of A-level madness, as well as A-level transformation skills corresponding to the additional characteristics of the environment. The price is the loss of rationality, just like Calydon's wild boar, which is full of thoughts about killing and killing.

No matter what, Shuoyue would not allow Atalanta to use this Noble Phantasm.

Yes, I am just crazy. Atalanta clutched the beast's fur tightly and said word by word, I finally know that this Noble Phantasm can only be used if you have hatred. I can summon it, You must have the desire to tear something into pieces.

When she said this, Atalanta looked beyond Shuoyue, and what was reflected in her eyes was a corner of the world's institutions.

There, no gods, heroes, monsters, or evil kings exist.

If the evil deeds are caused by demonic beings, you can still cure them; if it is a god who goes berserk, you can also think of ways to appease the god.

However, that is not any of the above situations. It is precisely because errors and mistakes mesh together like gears that the system that cannibalize the weak can be perfectly executed.

These are things that I can't save with my power...but you abandoned them even though it was possible for you to do it!

You sacrificed them. The girl's obsession is roaring and her soul is crying. She once trusted this young man so much, but the chant that purified everything not only killed all the children, but also destroyed Atalanta. Expect everything from him.

This loss, this despair, has become the best sacrifice to activate the fur of Warcraft.

By now, Atalanta has understood the true nature of those children. Neither Shuo Yue nor Joan of Arc did anything wrong. Even if she wants revenge, she should take revenge on the city itself.

But it must be vented, the hatred suppressed in her body must be released, whether it is killing the person who expresses her anger, or burning herself up.

With a click sound, Shuo Yue reached out again, ignoring the dangerous aura, and grabbed the boar skin together with her arm.


Then come, Atalanta. The young man's voice rang in her ears. It was obviously hoarse with serious injuries, but his tall body stood in front of her, like a towering mountain.

Are you blaming me for my attitude? I am not even willing to give you an explanation and just purify the resentful spirits. You must feel sad.

That was indeed my mistake. Please forgive me. If I had hesitated at that time, it would have caused a mother and daughter to fall into crisis. I don't want to underestimate your ideal, because I also hold the ideal of saving the world. Come on, it's definitely not my intention to make you sad...I hope you can trust me.

No matter what you want to do, I won't say no - that's my promise to you.

Shuo Yue understood in her heart that it was precisely because his behavior stimulated Atalanta that she felt tired and destroyed and even summoned the forbidden second treasure. In this case, all the consequences caused by his mistakes He is responsible for all suffering.

Atalanta, who expected to hear an angry rebuke or even a scolding, was stunned. She looked blankly at Shuo Yue with a sincere face, and the image of him taking seven arrows without dodging appeared in her mind. Looking at his arm with black lines spreading, he suddenly panicked for some reason and subconsciously pushed.

Wait a minute, I...

But Atalanta ignored it. This was a cliff, and Shuo Yue, who was seriously injured, didn't seem to have much strength. Although she pulled off the boar skin of God's Punishment with such a push, her body was still like paper. The assassin was blown away by the wind, and in front of Atalanta, whose pupils shrank suddenly, the assassin just smiled and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

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