"……help me? How can you help me?"

Wuliangta Jizi's tone suddenly became a little excited, not happy, but mixed with anger.

It was the annoyance of having a secret discovered, and the indignation of being given hope casually. Giving people hope will give people hope in the future. Disappointment is just a deeper despair. It would be better to never have hope.

"Sorry, I was a little impulsive just now, but please don't say such things. Although caring about others is a good thing, caring beyond your own capabilities will only further hurt others."

After saying this, Wuliangta Jizi said with a sad face, stood up and wanted to leave, but Hua Yi grabbed her hand directly.

"I don't think it's overestimation. Bronya should have said that I reversed the process of becoming a dead soldier before. Since the artificial stigmata is also a product related to Honkai energy, there is a possibility of changing the situation."

Wuliangta Jizi also remembered what Bronya said before. Hua Yi rescued a member of the garrison who almost turned into a dead soldier at the border of Changkong City. That was also a miracle. At present, whether it is St. Freya Academy, Destiny, and Counter-Entropy can only use various means to stop or slow down this process, but there is no way to directly reverse it.

Hua Yi has already created a miracle, and it is indeed possible to create another one.

Wuliang Tajizi has originally The heart that was about to fall into death suddenly became active again, and was quickly suppressed. She did not dare to have too much hope, lest she be too disappointed later.

"Do I need to make any preparations?"

Although she kept warning herself, Wuliangta Jizi still showed her impatience and expressed her hope that Hua Yi would take action immediately.

"Prepare a secret room, I need to see your back"


Wuliangta Jizi, who was originally a little excited, suddenly looked at Hua Yi with eyes full of scrutiny.

"You - you're probably not looking for an excuse to take advantage of me, are you?"

"This time I'm serious"

"This time? So were there times when you were really dishonest before?"

Wuliangta Jizi teased a little, then quickly showed a serious face, took a deep breath and then continued.

"If you just expose your back and the target is you, then I won’t suffer a loss... just follow me."

The two of them walked through St. Freya Academy. They did not return to Huayi or Wuliangta Jizi's home, but came to a hall with various exercise equipment.

"This is my own training area. I will go to the locker room first, and you can only go in when I ask you to come in. Do you understand?"


Hua Yi nodded, looking very honest.

In fact, he did not intend to peek. Now that he has entered St. Freya Academy, everything is developing in the direction he expected. Hua Yi is not without this. Stay focused.

Five minutes later

"come in."

The closed door of the dressing room was opened, and Wuliangta Jizi's voice came from it.

Hua Yi didn't blush and hesitate like an innocent little boy, and simply opened the door and entered.

What he saw was Wuliang Tajizi was wearing a swimsuit that looked a bit like the ones distributed to students in schools with swimming pools, but there were some subtle differences. To put it simply, the degree of exposure was much lower than Hua Yi imagined. Except for the holy mark on the back, which was exposed in a very clever way, the rest of the area was still tightly wrapped, with only the lower legs and arms exposed.

"What, are you disappointed?"

Feeling Hua Yi's gaze, Wuliangta Jizi turned around in front of him generously, and then continued.

"This is the combat uniform I will put on when wearing combat armor. After all, in order to facilitate movement, combat armor will fit more closely to the body. Wearing ordinary clothes and then equipping combat armor will cause a lot of inconveniences. You have been looking at it for so long. Just an evaluation."

Wuliangta Jizi's words were full of playfulness.

Hua Yi was silent for a moment and gave a thumbs up.

"Miss Himeko has a very good figure"

"……Let's talk about the compliments later. Now please see if you can improve my situation. Since you didn't peek at me changing clothes before, no matter what, I will formally thank you later."

Well, it is indeed a training area dedicated to Wuliangta Jizi. It seems to have monitors and other things.

Hua Yi said nothing more and looked at Wuliangta Jizi's artificial stigmata without moving. He opened the virtual interface sensually.

Just like when he saw Kiana's Moon Guardian Double Gun before, Hua Yi saw the virtual options, but unlike the original"Enhancement", this time, there were three"Repair" buttons , corresponding to three stigmata.

Originally, Hua Yi still had concerns. He was worried that after he used gold coins to strengthen or evolve the artificial stigmata, all the effects of the artificial stigmata would be strengthened, and the side effects would not only not disappear, but It will be further aggravated, in which case it will be a complete disservice.

But seeing the word repair, Hua Yi was relieved.

Sure enough, artificial stigmata and original stigmata are different, and repair should also repair the shortcomings.

Repair It requires 10,000 gold coins. Because it is a different change method from enhancement and evolution, Hua Yi cannot use this method to determine the star rating corresponding to Wuliangta Jizi's artificial stigmata. The three stigmata add up to 30,000 gold coins. Hua Yi had saved gold coins without spending them before, and now he had just enough. After a brief pause, Hua Yi pretended to put his fingers on the back of Wuliang Tower Jizi, and at the same time, he had an idea and spent 10,000 gold coins to repair one of them. A holy mark, and then while carefully feeling the changes in Honkai energy, he asked tentatively

"how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I feel a little more relaxed... Tsk, I just took the painkillers not long ago, and it doesn’t hurt anyway. How can I notice other subtle changes? did you do something?"

Wuliangta Jizi's speech made Hua Yi feel very sad. Ten thousand gold coins were consumed. What's going on with this plain appearance? Wuliangta Jizi should not shout out now,"I feel better than ever before.", and then burst into tears of gratitude, and pledged yourself to him?

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