In the past few days, the system did not give any new tasks. Qin Hou also went directly to Crescent Mountain. Seeing that this Little Fatty grew up honestly and honestly, it can be said that the sermon is a material that can be made. On behalf of the Heaven’s old bank.

Every time he puts a few villains, Qin Hou will give Chen Keshuai a generous Spirit Stone with a big hand, making this Little Fatty happy.

After one hour.

Chen Keshuai, who was previously dressed as a wealthy gold and silver rich man, changed shape, dressed in white clothed and dressed in coarse cloth, wearing filial piety, squatting in front of a “corpse” wrapped in white cloth, with a sign “Selling Body and Burying Father” hanging on his neck.

Pedestrians passing by were dumbfounded, and had seen the handsome young girl and his daughter-in-law who sold her to bury her father. Why did a little Pangdun play this too? What can you do to buy him home, and eat your family poor?

And the real mystery is at the bottom of a broken porcelain bowl in front of Chen Keshuai. Under the piece of silver thrown by well-meaning people, there is a high-Grade Spirit Stone with a breath of air, waiting for it quietly. ‘Guest’.

Suddenly, the broken porcelain bowl in front of Chen Keshuai was kicked, and the eyes of Little Fatty, who had originally bowed his head, burst into a flash of light, and Qin Hou disguised as a body suddenly bounced from the white cloth, and the long sword was unsheathed. , Coldly shouted: “Where are the villains?”

I saw an old man wearing a black robe, eyes staring straight at Qin Hou, as if looking at a peerless beauty, with a piercing grin.

“Finally found you, fortunately I did not give up.”

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