Remember in a second.

“Can Brother Xiao Qin have a way to get rid of the crime?” Su Yuelu asked with concern in the pavilion.

This girl can be said to be only one person who is anxious and nervous about the current situation. In contrast, Qin Hou, the voter, is only a few days away and can have a table of rubbing mahjong.

“Don’t worry, there is a way to do it naturally.” Qin Hou is indifferent- -smiling, slightly jaws, now the female country Saint Ancestor Mo Qingxin has been convinced by the personality charm of Heavenly Master, and he is sympathetic with himself, intimate, and where is needed Fear of east and west?

However, if you want Mo Qingxin to come forward to help, you still have to pay a certain price.

“That little deer can rest assured.” Su Yuelu Yanran-said with a smile: “However, even if Xiao Qin can’t prove his innocence, Xiao De- will definitely do his best to prevent Xiao Qin from having trouble. Otherwise, this is the day The biggest to forget favors and violate justice underneath.’

“Are you asking for confession?”

Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded.

-A woman dressed in blue clothed with tears on her face pushed in.

“Yang Jinyi, how dare you spy on me?” Su Yuelu’s face was cold, and at the same time quietly sound transmission to Qin Hou: “This person and Wen Kong belong to-camp.

Hearing this, Yang Jinyi glanced at Qin Hou, and his murderous intention revealed: “Yuelu Princess, what is this saying? It’s just great for you and the sinner, what are you talking about alone? Yuelu Princess didn’t say that she would definitely give the female country a satisfactory account for asking Sir Kong’s death? Now, is there an answer?” SF2 novel

Su Yuelu–biting silver teeth said. Naturally, I was clarifying the truth, Yang Jinyi, I ordered you not to make trouble here, give me immediately

“Verify the truth?”–Listening to this, Yang Jinyi’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, and Tu Qiong saw:

“That’s it, don’t summon all the senior leaders of Xiongguo in one fell swoop, -Qi interrogates this person? You must let the truth come out soon, and complete… Xiongguo can’t have no one day!

“Is it possible that, Yuelu Princess feels that she can represent the will of the entire female country? Otherwise, how can you qualify for interrogation alone? Or if you have a ghost in your heart, you must hide like this? You know, everyone is now It depends on your father’s efforts to manage the state power of the female at that time. This is only open-faced, and this person has not been touched for the time being. You can not use up your father’s Good Fortune for 10000000-empty!”

-Time, Su Yuelu was so angry that his face was flushed, “Yang Jinyi, I think you are thinking about the position of the master of the female country. I am afraid that the truth will be big. All the forces of your faction will be affected by the stains of the empty space. I lost the inheritance qualification, so I overbearing like this, and I want to get rid of Xiao Qin brother soon!”N人_

“It’s ridiculous, I think Yuelu Princess is dizzy, right? Asking Sir Kong was hurt by the gangsters, he was very sad, just to punish the real murderer, condolences to Sir Kong in the spirit of the sky, but you still have to spur people here? Don’t forget, Yuelu Princess has previously admitted that he has also got involved in this matter. When the inner feelings are revealed, you Su Yuelu can also blame it!” Yang Jinyi’s eyes were sharp and very powerful.

“Forget the deer, you promise him.” Qin Hou said with a smile on Tang Jinyi. 5 “I immediately summoned the high-level women of the hidden world. I am also having this intention. I really want to thank the many thanks Your Excellency. oF J play

“Little Qin brother…

“Don’t worry. Things have to be resolved, and I have a clear conscience.”

Yang Jinyi immediately used the spirit technique to contact other senior women in the female country. The cold and cold eyes met Qin Hou, so bold! Unfortunately, today Saint Ancestor Empress is not born again, Divine Immortal can’t save him, this person will definitely die.

Just stepped into the solemn council room.

Yang Jinyi, along with several cultivators around him, densely spread spirit strength in Qin Hou all around. The threat is self-evident.

“Yang Jinyi, what are you doing?” Su Yuelu stared angrily.

Yang Jinyi micro-said with a smile: “Who knows if this person will escape with sin? Just in case 10000 -that’s all.”

“It’s okay Fawn, they won’t be proud for a long time. Remember, the last person who I said won’t be proud for a long time, what happened in the end?” Qin Hou smiled at Su Yuelu with a wink and said easily, “You want to ask Just say anything.’

“Qin Yuan, we investigated several cultivators who were at the time with you-co-attacking, killing and asking questions. They all said that they met Saint Ancestor Empress with you in their dreams in the past few days. –It’s wrong, what the hell is going on?”-the old woman asked.

“Say, what evil method did you use to brainwash those innocent female nations?” Yang Jinyi opened the mouth and said coldly.

The old woman looked towards Yang Jinyi and said: “Master Yang, I am asking questions at this moment. Yuan

Yang Jinyi smiled and said, “Who doesn’t know that Mother-in-law was one of the guards of Yuelu’s father? At this time, Yuelu Princess was standing on the side of Qin Yuan. If Mother-in-law was clean, and knew to avoid suspicion, today 8 Just don’t preside over the big picture.

“Yang Jinyi. You are too impudent.” old woman coldly shouted-sound, eyes slightly narrowed.

Qin Hou was at this moment, the tone calmly said: “I did see Saint Ancestor Empress together with them, this is not any evil law, but the great power of ancestor Empress himself =

Yang Jinyi contemptuously said with a smile: “It’s really a loophole out of 100! Do you really think that as long as you move out of Saint Ancestor Empress, we can’t take you away? Saint Ancestor Empress is the belief of the female nation up and down–>>This chapter is unfinished, click below Continue reading on one page

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