Under the frantic suicide attack by drones, the originally densely packed zombie wave was suddenly blown up, and because of the high temperature caused by the explosion, it was already The frozen river surface began to melt rapidly, and countless zombies that survived fell directly into the river and never came out.

Soon, after suicide by drones, the zombie wave, which was originally in the tens of thousands, dropped sharply to more than one thousand. Most of the zombies were not killed. Instead, they fell into the river and flowed far away along with the river water.

The remaining more than 1,000 zombies are also decreasing at a very fast rate. Because the river surface is full of holes that have been blown out, the zombies may fall into the pit if they take a step. I can’t get out of it anymore.

But at the same time, the drones are all consumed. In other words, the remaining zombie can only be solved by the captain and his crew.

Although the threat of zombie has not been completely solved, one thousand zombie or ten thousand zombie, which is better to deal with, needless to say.

“Brothers, the number of zombies is running out, everyone sticks to their combat positions, don’t let any zombie break through our line of defense!”

In order to encourage the crew Courage, the captain had to make a call, but before it could finish speaking, several black spots appeared in the sky.

But this time the black dots are much larger than the ones just now, and the volume is not the same level.

The black spots wearing in the sky are getting closer, and the captain and crew finally see what is flying in the sky.

It turned out that this time it was an armed helicopter. To be precise, it was an armed reconnaissance helicopter, called Zhi-19 for short.

Because the Zhi-19 is a light helicopter, there is a significant difference in the load capacity and ammunition capacity of the Zhi-10 compared to the Zhi-10. For example, the take-off weight of the Zhi-10 is 10 tons, while the Zhi- 19 is 4 tons.

So the strength of the earth fire is a little weaker than the professional straight-10, but it’s not bad.

“Yeyuan No.1 has arrived at the destination, and the cargo ship Longjia was found on the left front. It has been confirmed that there are still survivors on board, and cover them!”

“Yueyuan No.2 understands !”

“Yeyuan III understands!”

Suddenly, three Zhi-19 armed reconnaissance helicopters code-named Yeyuan began to help the Longjia cargo ship clean up the surrounding zombie .

Each Zhi-19 armed reconnaissance helicopter is equipped with four suspension points, is equipped with sixteen KD-10 surface-to-surface missiles, and a 23mm cannon. This fire can reach The greatest guarantee.

Three Z-19 armed transport helicopters began to circle around the Longjia cargo ship, and carried out spot cleaning, breaking all the zombies close to the cargo ship into pieces. The 23mm cannon can be fired with one shot. Let the zombie become a pool of soft flesh and blood, and a KD-10 ground missile can directly make the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of a zombie with a range of tens of hundreds of meters.

Under this crazy firepower, the few zombies were wiped out.

After all the active zombies were resolved, the three Zhi-19s did not leave directly. Instead, they started to take the Longjia cargo ship as the center point and began to detect the surrounding situation to make sure to wait. After they leave, the cargo ship will not be threatened by other zombies.

“It has been confirmed that there is no large corpse group within a five-kilometer radius, it is safe!”

After a round of investigation, it was found that there was no large corpse group, three straight -19 rounds Arrived over the Longjia cargo ship, and began to contact the people on board through the onboard Wireless Electronics.

“I am a pilot belonging to the northern War Zone, the 16th Army, and the CC gathering place. You are safe and you can continue sailing. I wish you all the best!”

” I am Li Kui, the captain of the Longjia cargo ship. On behalf of all the crew and survivors of the Longjia cargo ship, I thank you for your support! Thank you!”

In this way, the three Zhi-19 helicopters began to return. His own gathering place, and the cargo ship Longjia led by Li Kui, also moved forward in accordance with the original sailing goal.

Like this, it is not uncommon for the army to help ordinary civilian ships. As long as the survivors in trouble can contact the nearest official gathering place, the official gathering place will send their own rescue. The troops go to rescue the survivors, but whether they can be saved back is another matter.

It is very likely that the survivors did not have time to be rescued by the rescue team, and they were directly caught by the zombie and turned into a new zombie, and the rescue team who rushed over could only return without success.

Sometimes, the rescue force in the gathering place encounters a large number of zombie corpses on the way to the rescue. Unfortunately, if they are surrounded and cannot break through, then the rescue force will most likely die. , But even so, the gathering places did not give up rescue survivors.

A gathering place capable of sending rescue forces will send its own rescue forces as much as possible. A gathering place unable to send rescue forces will request the surrounding gathering places to send rescue troops, just like Zhou Weiguo asked for Cai before. Wenjie sent rescue troops to rescue the survivors in the resort.

It happened that Zhou Weiguo received the distress signal again this time, and the content of this distress call is rather peculiar, because the place where the distress signal was issued was a small village not far from the gathering place of Cai Wenjie, but this place was early It was cleaned up by Cai Wenjie many times, let alone a person, there was not even a zombie, but a distress signal appeared in such a place.

“Help! Help! Help! I am a villager in Lianhua Village. My village is surrounded by hundreds of zombies. We have many old and weak women and children here. We can’t solve the zombie by ourselves. All heard This broadcaster, please help us! I beg you!” Although Zhou Weiguo heard Cai Wenjie’s words, he had already wiped out all the villages and towns around the Xinguang gathering place, but now The content of the call for help said that many old and weak women and children were trapped in Lianhua Village, and as far as he knew, Lianhua Village was more than ten kilometers away from the gathering place of Xinguang.

According to this line of thought, either the rescue content is fake, or Cai Wenjie forgot the lotus village when he cleaned up the surrounding villages and towns, but no matter what, since Zhou Weiguo has received the distress signal, then You must send rescue troops to confirm it.

It just so happened that I trained the recruits who are about to half a month, and it’s time to meet the world. This time Zhou Weiguo decided to send his recruits to see this village where the distress signal was sent. If, as the distress signal says, there are a large number of old and weak women and children trapped in the village, then it goes without saying that just start the rescue directly.

Of course, there is another possibility. This is a trap, but Zhou Weiguo does not believe it is a trap.

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