My doppelganger drama

Chapter 125 Preface to the Finale

The Yin tiger is the white tiger.

This doesn't just mean that the other person is a white tiger.

Because it is really the white tiger, one of the four spirits in the sky.

There are four heavenly spirits guarding the east, and the white tiger is one of them.

Unfortunately, the Yin Tiger position and the White Tiger position collided.

When they learned the news, the Eastern Mystery Ministry was in despair.

The White Tiger guards a line of luck, and the Yin Tiger returns to obtain the mysterious fundamentals of the East.

Which is more important or less important? Who can tell?

The relationship between the Four Spirits and humans is not close, because the places where they live are far away from human settlements, so they are basically irrelevant to each other.

Wan Yi was even blocked by White Tiger believers known as the White Tigers.

You guys, the Ministry of Mystery can help, can't you do such a small thing? Wan Yi said impatiently, looking at the crowd forming a human wall in front of him.

He was just about to enter the mountain forest where there was protection, but he was stopped by this group of people marching. These people are really good at abstraction. The more normal ones are holding signs, the more conspicuous ones are wearing white tiger masks and dressed in black and white, and the more exaggerated ones are smearing white on their bodies and then drawing black lines.

There is nothing wrong with calling them fanatics. The Four Directions Celestial Spirits obviously don't care about human affairs, but there are always so many people who can be called fanatics.

Many of them even set up protective formations to prevent the Mysterious Department from approaching.

The matter regarding the White Tiger is still being discussed within the Ministry of Mystery. There is huge resistance and there is nothing we can do. Mu Xun was also scratching his head.

Mu Xun. Wan Yi leaned on Regulus's belly, chewing a chocolate bar: Is there anyone in the Ministry of Mystery who doesn't want to gather all the zodiac signs?

Mu Xun was stunned for a moment: Will it happen? It will definitely be good for Dongfang to guide the formation.

If there is no guidance from both sides, the future will be no different from the current situation. Wan Yi said.

That's true, but if it's beneficial, why not take advantage of it? Mu Xun thought.

For people who put strange creatures above all else, what we are doing is outrageous.

Mu Xun glanced at the White Tiger fanatic believer in front of him.

Then he slowly said, But we are human beings.

But humans have no power in the mysteries. At least in this world.

The huge increase in the number of strange creatures caused by the outbreak of strange creatures may also lead to another result.

To use a certain traditional expression in the East, it is the rise of the demon clan.

Humans have reasons why they must dominate.

But humans, as the party that has always demanded power, are bound to cause some problems.

The two did not continue talking, but Mu Xun probably understood what Wan Yi wanted to say.

The Ministry of Mysteries is not a very political department.

Many of the most powerful people are very traditional mystics. In their scale, humans are not necessarily higher than strange creatures.

Some may be equal, and some may even be inferior. This is even an objective fact, but for human society on the real side, this is unacceptable.

The mole may not exist at all, or perhaps in the eyes of some people, they who are committing blasphemy at this time are the ghost.

Suddenly, the hustle and bustle in front of me was calmed down.

The people who had formed a human wall to protest all fell silent, then moved out of the way and worshiped the figure walking in the forest.

The snow-white body is covered with black stripes, and a pair of clear blue eyes stare ahead without joy or sorrow.

The king pattern on the tiger's head is a product of human association, and can be vague or clear depending on individual differences.

But the king of this white tiger is quite clear.

Hello, can you come with us? In this tense atmosphere, Wan Yi said hello casually.

The White Tiger believers looked at him with resentful eyes, wishing to shut his mouth.

When Mu Xun saw the consultant's appearance, he felt deeply that he was indeed a consultant and at the same time looked at Bai Hu nervously.

But Bai Hu growled lightly at Wan Yi, and then glanced at Regulus who was eating grass next to him.

Regulus raised his head, and the black horse and the white tiger stared at each other.

Hmph~. Facts have proved that the contemporary horse king will never admit defeat.

Bai Hu withdrew his gaze, and then stepped into the car driven by the Ministry of Mystery.

No! Someone suddenly shouted out uncontrollably.

White Tiger! Why!

Come back! Look at us!

Mu Xun and Wan Yi looked at each other, not understanding what Bai Hu meant.

But as soon as he got into the car, Mu Xun closed the door and drove away to take Hu away.

Wan Yi rode Regulus XIV and followed beside the car.

He glanced at the car and then looked away.

Yinhu fell, leaving only Chenlong.

The direction is correct. Although the world has expanded, there are still things that remain unchanged.

At this time, a group of people were trekking in the mountains of the Western Kingdom.

But we've been delayed for a long time, and we don't know if it's still where it is.

They are the leaders and newcomers sent to the West by Wan Yi.

Not long after they arrived, they attracted the attention of the West because of the crowd and the lack of self-control of the newcomers.

Fortunately, the West happened to be arresting Behemoth and Leviathan at the same time, and a large number of manpower was dispatched, so their team was saved from being directly annihilated by the West.

The giant dragon will not change places frequently after being injured and sleeping. For them, human time is not worth mentioning.

The leaders were discussing the target dragon as they hurried on.

The surrounding terrain is consistent with the description. We are very close. Everyone, be prepared. said the leading female guide.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of propellers.

Everyone was immediately alert: People from the West? Are they chasing us?

They stopped where they were, not daring to move.

After a while, the sound of the propeller overhead faded away.

Just passing by? Someone frowned.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the leader, the woman, could not help but frown.

Hearing the sound of the propeller in this remote mountainous place always felt like it was not a good sign.

What else is there to attract others to this place?

Finally, after pushing aside the last bush that blocked their view, they saw the scene in front of them, and then fell into a sluggish state that they could not shake off for a long time.

The intelligence in their hands showed that it should be a giant Western dragon, with powerful four legs, red-black and ferocious angular scales, and fleshy wings that could cover the sky and the sun.

But what is entrenched in front of me is an Eastern dragon with regular scales, white body, and mist-shrouded body!

The opponent is entrenched on a stone pillar, with the dragon's head resting on his body and his eyes closed.

Around it, people kept walking around, and they were obviously people from the West!

Why did you become an Eastern dragon?

What should we do! Eastern dragon! Our dragon hunting preparations are all aimed at Western dragons!

Just make do?

How to make do with it?! What if it's an Eastern dragon with just an appearance? What if it's a dragon with a fairy background?

Stop arguing! Don't say whether to hunt or not! This dragon has obviously been targeted by the West!

The leaders immediately exploded.

The greatest despair is to go through all kinds of hardships and realize in the end that everything you have gone through is meaningless.

What do you mean when you say the last star is confused? Wan Yi asked the shadow of Yang Ye in front of him.

The astrology of the East and the West intersects in the yet-to-be-discovered 'dragon'. This will be a symbol. Yang Ye shook his head and said.

Why is it so different?

Guidance from some caring people. Mr. Yang said, paused, and continued: Dragon is a legendary creature in its heyday no matter where it is, and it is a highly mysterious and strange creature that controls the world.

The true awakening of dragon power also symbolizes the coming of a strange and mysterious craze.

The dragon is the biggest difference between the two basic boards. It can be said to be the core of the core. Before the basic boards on both sides are completed, they are the most symbolic basic boards. Now, these two basic boards are mixed.

Yangye's mouth seemed to be chewing some herbs, but when he looked at it, he always felt like he was smiling.

Is the opportunity for world peace coming? Wan Yi said with a clear mind.

If the difference between east and west is completely balanced by this, then it is indeed fair in a sense.

It is still unclear whether the world will be in an era of peace or chaos, said Mr. Yang.

Suddenly, Yangye's shadow became blurry, as if the signal was not good.


Wan Yi felt violent vibrations under his feet, and at the same time, there seemed to be continuous violent explosions in the distance.

He stood steadily on the ground and stared at Mr. Yang.

Wan Yi, this is the second thing I want to ask you...

The phantom was suddenly covered by a shadow, and then interrupted.

No matter how much he blew the whistle, there was only a clear whistle echoing, and he could no longer call any zodiac animals.

Wan Yi was silent for a while and blew the horse whistle.

The next moment, Regulus came to Wan Yi's side, looking at Wan Yi uneasily with his smart eyes.

Wan Yi patted its head to calm its mood.

Teacher! The yard was bombed! Lu Dashan said in his mind.

What about the rest?

Brothers A and B have gone offline.

That means death, right?


It's like you can't find a name and you have to die in the end. It's not bad.

You must be poisonous.

Where's the chromatogram? Wan Yi turned to ask.

Her residence is on the same side as Brothers A and B. Lin Que's tone contained a hint of indescribable sadness.

You're not in a relationship with her these days, are you? Wan Yi said with a smile.

Don't you get along well with the emperor yourself? Lu Dashan couldn't help but ask.

Wan Yi slapped Regulus on the head a little harder, making Regulus shake his head.

Just as he was about to continue contacting him, Wan Yi suddenly saw a ray of light in the distance falling towards his yard.

A closer look revealed that it was a crossbow arrow.

Of course it is not an ordinary crossbow arrow, but contains destructive mysterious power.

When Wan Yi saw it clearly, it had already come closer...


The explosion engulfed the courtyard where Wan Yi was.

Chaos spreads in the dungeon.

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