My doppelganger drama

Chapter 156 The so-called theater troupe

It's nice to be happy that the city is out of the greatest danger.

But when I turned around and saw the devastated buildings, it was not so happy.

Various areas of the city were attacked to varying degrees, and even the city center was not immune. After the war, statistics found that the refugee areas were the least damaged.

There were very few space gates arranged by Baicang there, and it did not become the main battlefield of the battle. There were no problems except that some houses were flooded by the sea water, and the refugees were the best to get rid of.

The battle between Coffin, Huang Pu and Zhong Xuan spread to the center of the city. Coupled with the attacks of the sea tide and sea monsters, the losses were considerable. The West District was even more miserable. Most of it was swallowed up by Coffin's terminal spiral. I don't know. How many people died and how long it will take to rebuild.

The remaining sea water, sea monsters, and the large debris scattered by the sea monster boundaries are what the Urban Management Bureau will deal with next.

There are still a lot of things going on, and it’s not yet time to fully relax.

The disaster planning department is also busier than ever.

The containment and management facilities of the Ether Research Center were destroyed, and a large number of long-backlogged troublemakers appeared.

They quelled the riot at the cost of a large number of casualties, but those clever troublemakers who hid in the city were no longer their concern for a while.

The city is about to face its most chaotic period, and it’s troublesome just to think about it.

While the city was busy dealing with messy things, Wan Yi took to the streets wearing Mr. Mask.

Today's Mr. Mask is a chubby British blue cat, lying on Wan Yi's shoulder and licking his little paws.

Wan Yi soon met Chen Changcai.

Chen Changcai was slightly injured, but it was not serious. He still looked full of energy, especially his eyebrows.

Wan Yi received a call from Chen Changcai and came to help with the finishing work.

A week has passed since the day when the sea monster boundary zone overlapped, and everything is gradually getting back on track.

Except for the rainy weather these past few days, all the sea water on the streets has receded, and the monsters have been eliminated.

How is the situation? Wan Yi threw the water in his hand to Chen Changcai and asked.

It's almost there, so I thought you might be willing to move. Chen Changcai took a sip of water and said, The number of sea monsters is much less than expected. Although it feels a bit strange, it may also be due to the closing of the space door. Retreating will save us a lot of worry.

sounds good.

But the sea monster actually has the least impact. A big problem now is the debris falling from the sea monster boundary. Chen Changcai led Wan Yi through the mixed group of Guiyi and the Urban Management Bureau.

It can be seen that they seem to be collecting these fallen sea monster fragments.

The fragments scattered in the abyss boundary zone, under the influence of such a large base, high-level fragments are emerging one after another. This does not mean that it is a completely good thing. Chen Changcai said.

The sequelae of qualitative change are a hurdle that people cannot bypass as long as they undergo qualitative change. Faced with these high-value fragments, how many people can't resist the temptation and take risks.

Even though the sea monster boundary zone is gradually moving away and the impact on 014 Sky Island is being cancelled, the concept contained in the fragment itself still has crazy qualities.

At the same time, these fragments flow into the city in large quantities, which will also have a considerable impact on the city's transaction pattern.

Wan Yi had heard these things from his black market department, and brother Su Qianming had also been busy with this aspect recently.

Then there is the matter of disaster. The Ministry of Planning is looking for the escaped perpetrators all over the city. Those who provide information will also be paid. Chen Changcai said, Are you interested in going to the Ministry of Planning to help?

Wan Yi suddenly felt happy when he heard this: That must be true.

Yes, you have always been interested in causing trouble for others. Chen Changcai smiled and nodded.

After completing the formalities with Chen Changcai, the two had lunch together after a long absence.

With this situation now, how long will it take for the ban to be lifted and opened up? Wan Yi asked.

It's not optimistic. It will definitely take more than a month. At least the impact in the city must be minimized. Moreover, the situation outside the city is also very complicated.

As he spoke, Chen Changcai took out the terminal and showed some information to Wan Yi: Here, take a look.

Above is a picture taken outside the city wall.

Many monsters were captured in the originally empty wilderness.

After cleaning up the city, we still need to deal with the outside of the city. There are quite a lot of things. The boundary project on the boundary belt also needs to be rebuilt, and the location of the previous boundary line must be confirmed, as well as whether there is a new boundary line. Chen Changcai listed the things one by one.

Finally, he put his fingers down and said, But these can be solved slowly, so don't worry too much.

Wan Yi nodded.

After eating with Chen Changcai, Wan Yi was ready to report to the Disaster Planning Department.

At the same time, he was sorting out his own affairs with his clones.

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity, the linkage between the Sea Monster Boundary Zone and Bai Cang mobilized the entire city. Even some high-level officials could not sit back and had to come to the front line to take command.

And Wan Yi was aiming for this opportunity.

Many avatars were broken into pieces, put on brand new paintings and blended into the city system.

Unlike the previous clones who could only roam the streets, they truly took over the identities of different people, replaced everything they owned, and then gradually brought the entire city into Wan Yi's hands.

The goal is to control half of the city.

The middle and senior management have the right to speak, and the rest does not matter.

Wan Yi doesn't plan to build a puppet city.

He is not that perverted, and it would be really boring to face him every day.

Hehe! It feels good to be a high official!

I'm jealous, but luckily I have a beautiful wife.

Damn it, why do you still have a wife!

I'm a greasy uncle and I haven't said anything yet. Although it seems that with this status, I still have some money in the Discovery Exchange.

Then you can pay to find it.

Forget it, ordinary women can't arouse my interest.

What about Lin Que? She officially joined the Discovery Club before. You should quickly promote her.

Huh? Lin Que asked, because there were quite a few perverts in the group who coveted his good-looking body, so she often focused her attention on the screen in her mind.

Hey, it's just a promotion. We are all our own people, how could we ask you to do anything. The uncle's clone said greasyly. I don’t know if he inherited his personality from Skin, or if he really looks like Brother Pig.

But let outsiders know that Lin Que's reputation is not good. Lu Dashan followed up and spoke.

The clone who is most familiar with Lin Que is Lu Dashan!

Oh, you can't make a living out of things like wind criticism. If I use some connections here, Lin Que should be able to become famous in the exploratory club soon. Uncle Wan Yi said.

What about me? Lu Dashan asked.

I would consider it if you were in the skin of a beautiful girl.


Wan Yi's body couldn't help but hold his forehead while listening to the conversation in the group.

Well, that's probably it.

Although they are very unreliable in the group, the clones are still very enthusiastic about the fact that they support someone to steal their account, so it should not cause any big trouble.


It is already a matter of time before 014 Kongdao changes his surname to Wan.

Guiyi's manpower will stay here for a while to help with the aftermath.

And Huang Pu...

Wan Yi is not sure whether she is still Huang Pu. Although she can tell that she is her from the appearance, personality, movement habits, etc., her thinking seems to have been changed.

No, I can’t say that I have changed. Instead, I feel like I have found myself again.

Just as it is impossible for others to truly understand Wan Yi's internal ecology, Wan Yi also has no idea about the ecology of the genealogy family.

For Qi Qi, the biggest benefit of Huang Pu's return is that she finally doesn't have to go hungry.

It's just that Chromatogram doesn't like to let his personality come out and run around, so he still hangs out by himself most of the time.

Let Wan Yi not understand very well.

Through the line of chromatography, he can be regarded as having direct access to the internal senior management of the same group, which is a good development.

The biggest pity is that the man with the Emerald Gun, who had a passionate confrontation with Brother Grudge, was stubborn to the end and was unwilling to become either a holster or a Grudge.

I want my soul and body to die innocently, leaving nothing behind in the end.

Brother Cursed had lost a lot of his younger brothers, but in the end he had gained nothing, and the resentment could not help but become heavier.

Coffin perfectly fulfilled his duties as an actor. As the final star of this drama, he focused the attention of all viewers on him.

The real troupe is sneaking behind the scenes and starting to prepare for the big drama in the future.

This is all very good.

Wan Yi walked on the road listening to the discussion of the clones, casually touched Mr. Mask, and disappeared into the crowd.

The figures are longing, and everyone here is a spectator.

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