My doppelganger drama

Chapter 362 Horrible Answer

The small friction between the Hundred Eyes Sect and the Spider God Sect was also noticed by others around them, but most people had no idea.

The Church of the Spider God is half-dead, and the Hundred Eyes Sect is at its peak. The two were once in tit-for-tat opposition, but now they are no longer the same.

There is no comparison at all.

As for sectarian conflict, it is not a very unusual thing here.

But with the leader of Baicang in charge, it is impossible to really expand to the point of taking action.

At most, they could exchange a few curse words and clash their momentum, which would be considered as the members of the Baicang Sect doing as the Romans do.

Ricardo led his team to sit down at a long table, and was about to give a few instructions when suddenly a hand seemed to disappear and he punched the side.


The punch was easily blocked, and the person who came to his side was the man in colorful clothes.

The 'weight' in this punch is much thicker. It feels like the power accumulated in my memories is re-emerging. The last time I saw you, your power had just entered a stable period. The man in colorful clothes said with a smile. Smiling, he commented gently to Ricardo.

It seems that you have gained a lot from this sinking trip, and you will become stronger in the future. When the boundary zone further expands, you will soon be able to see the path to a higher level.

Hearing this, Ricardo retracted his hand as if nothing had happened: Long time no see, Master.

This Master sound didn't sound like he just punched without hesitation.

Brother Duomu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Well, long time no see, Ricardo, it's good to see you so energetic. The man in colorful clothes responded with a smile, and then looked at Brother Duomu.

Brother Duomu always felt that the smile under the crying mask had deepened.

How about it? Now you believe that I am the leader of Baicang.

As soon as these words came out, most of the people present who had been paying attention inevitably showed surprised expressions, and Ricardo also looked at Brother Domoku.

I'll go! This guy can't afford it, can he?

Suppress others with force!

He's really petty! If this continues, I'm going to curse him without a butthole!

In Brother Duomu's mind, Wan Yi couldn't help but explode.

He was indeed speechless towards this fake leader.

So Brother Dom also plans to give his own insistent answer.

Brother Duomu cleared his throat and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner: I don't think the real leader of Bai Cang would be so eager to prove himself to a little guy.


Meta's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Although he is already quite a bohemian person in the sect, he is still far from being like Domu Ge.

There is only one possibility for a person to be so free, and that is that he is really not afraid of death at all!

Besides that, Meta couldn't think of any other way of thinking that could support Domoku's actions.

Although most of the people present were not familiar with Brother Duomu, they also thought the same way.

The corners of Ricardo's mouth raised slightly and then quickly calmed down, making it almost invisible. In the game, it would be as if he smiled just one pixel in a standing drawing.

Okay, I have the guts to hold this meeting instead of the real leader. The man in colorful clothes shrugged and said helplessly.

what happened? Did he underestimate the mind of this self-shadow?

Underestimating his naivety?

No, the more I think about it, the more I feel childish.

Now that the matter is over, let’s have a meeting first.

Just as he was about to return to his seat, Ricardo said to Brother Dom: The next time you meet someone you don't know, who is dressed strangely, and whose appearance you can't tell at a glance, don't talk to him casually.

Brother Duomu nodded obediently, as if he was not the one who rebelled just now.

The man in colorful clothes waved his hand wordlessly and returned directly to the main seat.

Everyone has arrived, but the scene is a bit unexpectedly quiet, so I can only clap my hands.

In an instant, the scene around them except the tables and chairs changed directly. They seemed to be above the sky, surrounded by passing clouds, and under their feet was the transparent water.

As you move, you can even feel the water gently undulating and flowing under your feet.

And through the water under their feet, they could see several sky islands in the distance. The one directly below them was the Dieyun Sky Island that united the earth!

Some couldn't help but exclaim.

What is this power? !

I can't feel the existence or operation of power at all, the surroundings suddenly change, and it doesn't look like an illusion...

Dome immediately communicated with the other clones in his mind.

I guess he used his own abilities to do something.

You can't tell this time. Unlike the previous conversations with us alone, the changes this time are huge!

It's hard to get ready for a while, and it doesn't seem to be a realm...

Okay, I kind of believe he is the leader of Baicang.

No! He is the fake leader!

Yes! Whether he is strong or not is another matter. He is definitely not the real leader!

Wan Yi had inexplicable persistence.

It's rare for you all to be here together, and the conference room seems a little cramped in front of you, so I changed it to a more spacious 'conference room' for everyone. The gentle voice of the man in colorful clothes echoed in the world.

No one said anything, so the man in colorful clothes continued.

I believe there are many compatriots here who have never seen me, but as long as you know that I can represent the highest will of Bai Cang, it is enough. Speaking of this, Domu Ge inexplicably felt that the other party's eyes were glancing in his direction.

Is this person finished?

This is the first time we have held such a large-scale meeting in Baicang. I believe most of you should know that the main purpose of this meeting is to commend the compatriots who have made important contributions in sinking the Sky Island Group. After that, I I will answer some of the doubts of some of you here, and finally, inform us of our further plans for the future.”

The man in colorful clothes spoke slowly, his voice sounded very comfortable, but it was probably unlikely that he would care about this in this situation.

Then, let's start with the awards. The man in colorful clothes waved his hand, and the table where the Hundred Eyes Sect was sitting was directly illuminated by colorful light.

First of all, he is naturally our greatest hero. He led the sect to face many obstacles in the sinking island group, but still successfully completed the final goal. Among them, the members of the sect shined brightly, made important contributions, and believed in the great Eye of All Things. The Hundred Eyes Sect who firmly believes that the eyes are the window to the world!”

Everyone in the Hundred Eyes Sect stood up one after another.

Why do I always feel like I'm back at the commendation meeting in my student days... Wan Yi said as he watched in his mind.

It does look like it.

This person really seems to be having fun.

For their contribution, our teaching will give them the highest praise. They are irrefutably important members who have promoted the process of today's world.

As he finished speaking, a colorful bead flashed in front of Ricardo.

In an instant, many people cast their fiery glances.

The conceptual fragments of 'will'. The fake leader said word for word: The conceptual fragments that symbolize the supreme core of things such as 'will', if presented to the gods, can further stabilize the gods' will and allow them to move forward. Cast more gifts into the mortal world.”

Although Wan Yi didn't understand it clearly, when he saw the dazzling fragment, he immediately realized that this fragment was not comparable to any fragment he had seen before!

Ricardo held the fragment, his thick palms blocked the dazzling colorful light, put it in his arms, and then nodded to the leader in the distance to express his gratitude.

The next era is also an extremely important era for the respective gods. Every ounce of power needs to be fought for. The man in colorful clothes nodded in response and said.

With such a beginning, a hidden and repressed fanaticism has already lingered on the scene.

However, this praise is not enough. Our teaching will next give the Hundred Eyes Sect the highest treatment, a high amount of resource allocation, human resources assistance and... promotion support.

Wan Yi almost couldn't hold back when he heard the last one.

But it seems true when I think about it.

If a sect wants to spread its message, it must spread widely, and it indeed needs promotion.

But Mr. Fake Leader's sudden choice of words seemed a bit funny, and somewhat out of touch with the atmosphere that had just been brewing.

After the Hundred Eyes Sect received their harvest, they sat down collectively.

Then there were the rewards from a series of other sects. Their harvest was other things, but they were obviously not as valuable as the will fragment.

But it also makes other people jealous.

Somewhat surprisingly, the Witch Sect only received a guarantee for this trip.

That is the lowest level of participation award.

Although the Witch Sect has indeed collapsed, the help and support from the grassroots members of the sect has actually been quite good. In the end, they can only get the participation award.

Thinking about it, Brother Duomu looked at the music score with his head lowered.

It's obviously because of the music score lady.

After all, the main reason why the Witch Cult collapsed was because Music Score wanted to find his sister.

Although the punch that changed the normal direction was delivered by Fu Kong, Wan Yi would not just help others get jobs.

Okay, it's all because of the struggles of these compatriots that our great long-cherished wish can take such a grand step and shock the whole world. Then, it's time to come to the second stage.

The leader said: There must be some people who are confused about the many things behind this matter and the unknown future, and urgently need someone to explain their confusion. So you can ask me questions now. I hope I can provide you with some help.

The words are very modest, but in most people's ears, it means that they should pay attention to the appropriateness of the questions.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and no one spoke immediately.

After a moment, Ricardo spoke directly: What is the change in the path of power you mentioned, and when will it really come?

Everyone's eyes focused on him, and then moved to the leader.

But Ricardo just stared at the leader indifferently.

Mr. Fake Leader was not surprised that Ricardo would raise this question.

The so-called path of qualitative change will soon lose its original authority. Of course, in fact, there is no so-called authority in the first place. The intrinsic behavior of absorbing foreign debris is easily changed due to various accidents, but the current changes will make The unexpected is a little more disruptive.

First of all, the necessity of fragments will be greatly reduced. In the future, it may no longer be necessary to absorb fragments to become stronger and enrich oneself. Of course, the stability will also be reduced, but this is an inevitable pain.

As for the new limits that you are most concerned about, and the innovation along the way...

The leader paused for a moment: It involves the fragments of 'human'.

what do you mean?

A fragment of a 'person' is just a fragment of an 'ordinary person'. The man in colorful clothes picked up a pure white fragment. On this occasion, everyone realized that it was a fragment of a human being.

This is very strange.

Without special means of perfection, the human fragment cannot exist alone, it will directly become a human.

Sewing other fragments into 'ordinary people' bodies is ultimately limited, but by absorbing more 'human' fragments... The leader threw the fragments in his hand over.

Ricardo raised his hand to catch it and looked at the fragments in his hand.

Then you can gradually change the boundaries of 'ordinary people' and gradually become 'supermen', 'gods', 'immortals', 'new humans'... whatever you want to call them. This is an expansion on a basic level. You can see It’s a completely new path. But after reaching a certain level, the so-called innovation is probably nothing more than mediocrity.”

Ricardo slowly clenched the hand holding the fragment, nodded and said, I understand, thank you for your answer.

The leader shook his head slightly, as if to say you're welcome.

Ricardo fell into thinking, and the whole place was silent, shocked by what the leader just said.

Including Wanyi.

The greater uncertainty of the qualitative change system, the expansion of the upper limit and the lowering of the lower limit, and the absorption of human fragments to enhance the foundation...

What is this?

It sounds inexplicably... creepy?

So, everyone... Mr. Fake Leader raised his hands and turned around, his tone still so gentle.

Anything else you want to ask?

Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone~.

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