My doppelganger drama

Chapter 583 After Becoming a God

Big Robben took another group of people away from the No. 1 connecting ring.

He didn't know how many times he had run back and forth.

It was around this time that he wished he was the Flash who could save everyone at once.

Ice and Snow's abilities are not suitable for saving people. Sometimes people will get frostbite if they get too close. However, the basis of his qualitative transformation system lies in the unlimited reduction of his own temperature, which can lead to all-round improvement.

Just as a group of people were sent out, the loud noise in the sky came again.

He looked up and saw General Ethel and the mechanical monster, barely fighting side by side against the huge red figure that had just suddenly appeared.

The figure is still expanding, and its size is already close to the level of a large sky island. It is flying in the air, and the threat it brings can be seen throughout the golden circle.

The three collided several times in mid-air, and the noises flowing out became louder each time.

Suddenly, a shock wave from the collision hit the golden circle.


The already shaky No. 1 connection ring was even more overwhelmed at this time.

With a loud noise, the connecting ring suddenly broke, and a large section began to fall downwards. After the people above felt the weightlessness, they could only cry out in despair.

But the feeling of weightlessness is fleeting.

The connecting ring that was about to fall was caught.

Big Robben supported the bottom of the connecting ring, preventing the connecting ring from completely collapsing.

But his power alone is limited after all, and the power that is too aggressive cannot provide him with more help at this time.

With the arrival of another shock wave in the air.

Although he stabilized the part near him, another connecting ring in the distance began to collapse and fall.

When Big Robben was feeling very sad, several figures wearing mechanical armor flew over and directly picked up that part of the connecting ring. They even started emergency repairs on the spot to repair all the connecting rings.

Da Luoben was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

He didn't expect any other forces in the Golden Circle to help him at this time.

Mechanical armor, could it be someone from the research institute?

But he has also seen the research institute's mechanical armors, which are different from the ones in front of him.

The armors that were there to help him had different colors, and they were completely DIY products. There were domineering red and black colors, old and gentle brown and yellow colors, some colors, with or without paint, some Iron Man, some Batman , and the classic clown model, not the Gotham model, but the circus model.

This random style gave Robben a sense of déjà vu.

Hello, our dear big lion, the road of a hero is not easy. A Green Devil armor with a completely different style from other armors flew next to him. When he came to Big Robben, he opened his mask and revealed the Green Devil. Brother's handsome face.

What's wrong with you? Big Robben asked.

When he asked the troupe for help before, he should have been rejected.

Like you said, we don't mind spreading some superficial goodwill if it doesn't matter. In fact, things here are about to end, and we want to keep as many spectators as possible before setting off the fireworks.

What? Fireworks?

Okay, okay, hurry up and send the people here up. Aren't you tired of holding on for a long time? Big Robben's question was interrupted perfunctorily by the Green Devil.

Quickly install a micro-propeller on the bottom of the connecting ring, and the Green Goblin also lends a hand, and the broken connecting ring begins to lift back up.

When the connecting ring was installed, the people above cried tears of joy.

Big Robben still had many questions, but before he could say more, the Green Goblin quickly said hello and flew away.

Suddenly, he felt another movement and quickly looked below the connecting ring.

The herd boundary zone that had been silent for a while has started to move again and is now rising!

Why at this time...

He was about to go down to stop it, or at least change its movement route, but this time the boundary belt of the herd was faster, and under the surprised eyes of Big Robben, he gently bypassed the boundary belt, and the entire boundary belt was Far away from its original location, it rose into the sky.

The herd boundary zone ran away?

In the boundary zone of the herd, Wan Yihe seemed to be standing in a darkness, and the entire darkness was made up of surging rats.

The process of [disease] has stopped, but Shang Yang’s original body no longer exists.

The forced position of will merged everything that Shang Yang originally had.

Continuing in a form he did not want.

Whether it is the spiritual world or the physical world, in the process of being replaced by rats, the unity and intersection were completed by mistake. As Shang Yang awakens, the time and space within the boundary are completely unified.

A whole new world takes shape in the boundary zone.


Shang Yang became a god.

That's it, thank you for your hard work. Wan Yi learned from Shang Yang what he had gone through in the end, and could only sigh softly and said.

There seemed to be no response, and there was only the sound of chirping mice all around.

He seemed to be standing quietly on the side, but he was not at all timid because of the large group of strange rats around him, and his posture was even a bit casual.

As the conversation between Wan Yi and Shangyang ended, the two were sent out of the boundary,

The place where he appeared happened to be on the connecting ring that had just been pulled back by Green Goblin and Big Robben.

As soon as they came out, a shock wave blew by, drawing their eyes to the sky.

I can't deal with that thing. He seemed to say directly.

I don't expect you to be able to handle it. By the way, do you feel okay now? Wan Yi asked after responding.

As if shrugging, he spread his hands and said: It's amazing. I know I have changed, but I feel that everything is natural and should be. A change in the way of thinking.

Wan Yi nodded and said: Then you are welcome to join us. We need you there, so go and go.

Yeah. It seemed that after responding, the exchange with a clone was completed directly.

Yes, it seems that he has almost become Wan Yi now.

But it’s a little different,

He knows that he is not Wan Yi and knows who he is, but his way of thinking has changed to Wan Yi's, and his mental characteristics are closer to Wan Yi, but he will not really enter Wan Yi's network.

If anything, it should be a supernumerary Wan Yi.

This is the impact of animal nature on people themselves.

It seems that due to the expansion of Fox Wanyi's body, the balance between his own humanity and Fox Wanyi's animal nature was lost, and in the end, the part belonging to Fox Wanyi was easily crushed.

Only some residue is left.

The final result of the blending is what it looks like now.

After spending some time to help stabilize Shang Yang's situation, Wan Yi finally came out of the herd boundary zone.

However, although he has not been present at the scene of this big drama, he is still there in his avatar.

In the sky, several boundary zones have been completely absorbed by The One. These general boundary zones were already on the verge of disintegration. They were pulled and sucked fiercely, and now they have completely lost their cohesion.

All turned into fragments like stars in the sky, scattered one by one.

And as the power reached a terrifying peak, the only figure had completely exceeded the entire golden circle.

It can now even knead the entire golden circle directly with both hands!

Wan Yi gently tapped the brim of the hat: Then let's finish from here... Miss Mask, are you ready?

Mask: I don’t want to talk.

Wan Yi chuckled lightly, then turned around and said: Shang Yang, I just stopped you. Now, you can do whatever you want.

As soon as the words fell, a large number of rats suddenly appeared at Wan Yi's feet, from bottom to top, completely engulfing Wan Yi's figure.

Then the rats dispersed.

Shang Yang chose the look he was most familiar with.

Dry white hair, all black clothes, one eye dark, one eye pale and burning with candlelight.

Holding the crutch in his hand, he tapped the ground twice.

After taking a deep breath, he lifted off the ground and flew towards the only one.

While Only was enjoying the pleasure of gradually increasing strength, he suddenly felt a strong chill.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~

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