My doppelganger drama

Chapter 696 Using disaster to prove disaster

Battle flies in the air.

But instead of flying spontaneously, his body was knocked out uncontrollably.

Its vision was in a trance, the sky in front of it was dark and cloudy, and a golden light shone downward between the clouds. The battlefield fell into a brief and strange silence.

Due to the activities of Baigui Fei and Wanyi's clones, both sect alliances and independent alliances suffered heavy casualties. As the battle concentrated power on Baigui Fei, extreme emotions could no longer dominate. The tragedy at the scene was like a cry. A great drink that will wake up quite a few people.

After that, they quickly chose to stop and evacuate to wait and see.

The melee is over.

Only the smoke of gunpowder remains on this huge empty island, and the devastation of all life shows a scene like the end of the world.

This tranquility makes the battle in the sky subtly uncomfortable.

I can't hear the restless voices and passionate heartbeats of others, and the feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously.

This may be the first time in its two lives that it has felt such a peaceful moment, but perhaps it is just a temporary illusion caused by the violent blow.

Consciousness works again, recalling what he was doing at this time.

Yes, it is making a desperate move against a formidable enemy.

It didn't understand what the replicant was for a while, but after the brief encounter, it was probably certain.

That was a disaster.

I don’t know why the power is so scattered, but just by looking at the tip of the iceberg, you can feel the depth.

The disaster, which is far more powerful and terrifying than when it was in its heyday, uses that hateful face to cover the abyss beneath its feet.

It turns out that the louder and louder sincerity on this battlefield during this period was not caused by it accelerating the war.

The most deafening sound... turned out to come from this existence!

The black spots in the distance quickly enlarged. With a maniacal smile, Wan Yi stepped on the road paved by himself and ran all the way to the fallen battle. He raised his foot and kicked the opponent's head hard.


After a muffled sound, the brief tranquility of the battle was broken by this kick, and it instantly flew across and smashed into a tall building.

It recovered from its brief distraction. After breaking through the building, it clapped its hands in front of it. Thousands of arrows appeared behind it, and with a command, it flew towards the enemy in front of it.

The fight resumed.

All disasters that seem to be incompetent in fighting can easily burst out with unimaginable power after their abilities reach a certain level.

Just like fighting itself, its power has nothing to do with direct violence, but relying on external emotions, not all of it can build such a powerful body for itself.

And obviously, the replicator in front of him also has his own logic. Following this logic, it seems to be just one of those ordinary clones, but its strength is far beyond the ordinary clones it can instantly kill.

Wan Yi can control his soul power to walk through the air. There are also many other ways to make himself fly, but for Wan Yi, these are too slow and far less convenient than what he himself can use.

He directly pulls the clone out of his body in mid-air, uses the clone's power, and then steps on the clone. This ability that requires no coordination at all and comes from the source is far more convenient than other additional skills.

Wan Yi moved quickly, dodged the dense area of ​​​​arrows, and rushed towards the battle again.

Seeing arrows approaching again, Wan Yi directly threw out the corresponding number of arrows, eating them all to offset them, and passed safely.

Zhan Zhan doesn't want to be approached by Wan Yi.

Because it had confidently encountered Wan Yi before, the thin-looking figure in front of it would immediately sprout countless hands after it approached, and its hands could make any opponent doubt its life.

But it doesn't matter whether it wants to get close or not.

After Wan Yi got close to a certain distance, the fight was getting closer, and Wan Yi was seen shaking his hand hard at it.

Immediately, a string of Wan Yi joined together to form a creepy long rope that quickly crossed the distance and directly grabbed the shoulder of Zhan Zhan!

While grabbing Zhan Zhan with one hand, several Wan Yi emerged from Wan Yi's body as the rope head, and directly hugged Zheng Zhan tightly from top to bottom.

Struggle struggled desperately and chopped up all the Wan Yi wrapped around him with the sword energy generated out of thin air, but it couldn't be completely cut.

Cut one and more will pop up immediately!

It’s like these disgusting replicants are growing in the air!

In the distance, various energies gather.

Soul power, flesh and blood cutting, curse, nightmare, pressure magic, zero spell, pure negative energy output...

The air seems to be boiling, being squeezed out by the extremely abundant energy, creating a vacuum realm like a restricted area of ​​life!

Struggle immediately pulled out a patchwork of battle puppets in front of him as a barrier, but its battle puppets were really limited. I don’t know if there is a limit to the “battle” between the opponent’s clone and the rich hybrid power, but anyway, for it, there is no upper limit.


Battle swayed and flew out again, and the surrounding buildings were shattered. The other party showed no mercy to its clones. These clones were obviously completely independent, but they did not regard their own lives as their own. One thing.

Deformed, beyond comprehension, but...perfect.

If the world it has seen is hypocrisy in its understanding, then the disaster symbolized by these clones in front of it is absolutely real.

Why would the same disaster happen and what I pursue would be seen in another disaster...

Struggle stabilized in the air, raised his arms, and the clouds became thick and black, and the restless red and black undead began to swoop from the air toward the ground.

The rain of the dead swept across the entire empty island.

Those who were still watching were drowned in this sea of ​​pain before they had time to escape.

Others who were still alive fled the scene in a panic and used all means.

A large number of Wan Yi were also swallowed by this ocean.

But soon, the Wanyi Monument rose from the ground.

Black translucent tentacles rise from the Black Pool along with the towering black stone monument. The rapidly growing skeleton dragon and the cursed tombstone combine to further expand the domain.


With the Wanyi Monument as the center, a large number of small tombstones rose up one after another and spread out to the surroundings. The center of the empty island directly became Wanyi's cemetery!

Boundary area - Wanyizhong.

All those buried here are Wan Yi, and there should only be Wan Yi!

Wan Yi's dead souls rose from the ground, all of them white spirits harnessing black resentment.

Blood red sky, pale earth.

The scene at this moment forms such a confrontation.

Struggle stared blankly at the world that became a sea of ​​the dead for a while, until a scream woke it up.

That's all you have!?

In a field of vision full of red and white, Wan Yi threw off the windbreaker on his shoulders, smiled brightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly.

The fighting ether energy combined with the death energy formed the shadows of several corpse king puppets to greet Wan Yi.

But Wan Yiying directly threw out several of himself, scattering flowers all over the sky, setting off a series of violent explosions.

And these explosions are all high-concentration ether bombs!

The corpse king puppets were all involved in the explosion and disappeared into the violently fluctuating ether.

Wan Yi approached the battle again.

There is no clear expression in the transformed black eyes of Struggle, whether it is fear, numbness, or both.

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