My doppelganger drama

Chapter 779 Source of Ether

In the theater, everyone is there. Except for kindness.

Everyone welcomed Fukong's return, but they couldn't help but lament the good man's choice.

Do you love your own world?

Apart from being a good person, who in the drama can speak out?

What they are obsessed with is often just a scenery in the world, or some kind of wonderful sense of mission.

And the good man, in his experience, poured everything he had into his own world, until that moment, he dedicated himself to mending the sky, delaying all dangers indefinitely.

This is a feat that can be accomplished by a being that is not bounded by the will, but is greater than the will by the bounded.

Fu Kong was also silent. He could stand here because Liang Rendao had provided help that could not be ignored. Liang Rendao's temporary departure instantly dampened his temporary joy.

Don't let the atmosphere get cold, he's not dead. Wan Yi clapped his hands and said in a relaxed tone.

Indeed, besides we haven't said anything yet, we are completely safe. We should pay more attention to our own side. The Demon Lord also smiled and said.

The essence is to temporarily block the danger. If the real source is not calmed down, external disasters will continue to flow, and the malice from the deep source will not be cut off. Fukong said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Wan Yi was silent for a long time, and everyone looked at him in unison.

The only person here, or even in the entire broken world, who can solve the root of the trouble is Wan Yi.

After being silent for a long time, Wan Yi slowly said: Time is running out.

After this statement, people in the play also remained silent.

Everyone sat side by side, staring blankly at the empty stage in front of them. Even Coffin sat calmly in his seat.

Everyone couldn't help but recall the scene of their respective landing here.

And in their memories, there is always the figure of the troupe leader who received them gently.

During the long hardships, this place became a safe haven for everyone.

Unable to forget, can be said to be reluctant to leave.

I will make a good bow.

Finally, Wan Yi said this.

Xin Pu has been very busy recently. After all, it is no longer the time to devote herself to opera. She often travels to various battlefields. However, she regarded this as a touring performance. As long as the music score was there, the effect would not be much worse even if it was performed elsewhere.

At this time, she looked at the old notebook in her hand, and finally put it down with a smile and said: It's wonderful. This should be your best work so far.

Brother Zhizhi sat in front of her and raised his glasses slightly: It seems you are very satisfied.

I'm really satisfied. You've already started training like this, but it's a pity that the current environment is not suitable. Xinpu said with a smile, his smile still very bright.

Yeah. Brother Zhi nodded silently.

That's right. Xin Pu suddenly said again: The slight drawback is that the main tone of the script is tragedy, but the ending seems to be so happy that it is a bit dreamy. It's not that the happy ending is bad, it just fails to sublimate. It feels like It's a pity. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. My opinion may be too outdated.

You should be right. Brother Zhi said with a smile and nodded.

Xinpu was a little confused: Then do you want to modify it?


You're playing with me! Xinpu cursed.

I hate tragedies, that's why. Brother Zhi said lightly, with a gentle and confident smile.

Xin Pu slowly put away his smile, and his beautiful green eyes looked into Brother Zhi's simple and ordinary brown eyes.

Can you finally write it? Finally, she asked softly with a hint of hope.


Wan Yi replied without thinking.

The two coffee cups touched each other lightly, as if conveying some kind of longing to each other.

Wan Yi walked among the ruins and scorched earth, as if visiting an exhibition somewhere.

After a long time, he stood still in one place and thought carefully.

What are you looking at? A voice sounded in his ear.

Looking back at my past, it's almost the end, why don't I miss it. Wan Yi said, looking back.

He was in the Golden Circle, the site of the Third Research Institute.

Now, when he returns to his old place, no one can stop him, and there is no restraint.

Is there anything worth remembering about this painful place for you? the voice continued to ask.

If I miss it, I really don't. It's just that I recently reviewed my memories and found that I can't seem to remember when I had my first clone. Wan Yi said.

When a disaster person activates his abilities for the first time, he usually follows a certain instinct. It's not strange that he can't remember it.

Hmm... Wan Yi responded dully without comment.

After a pause, he suddenly said: Huang Shun, why do you think Resadin wants a crazy world full of troubles and disasters?

The person who had been talking to him since the beginning was none other than Huang Shun, the Guidao master who had been missing for a long time some time ago.

This time, he contacted Wan Yi directly, no longer through any communication means, but directly sent a voice.

Huang Shun dismantled everything about himself and became the glue of the broken world. He tortured himself for a long time. What he was burdened with was not his own failure, but all the failures of Resadin before him.

Because of this, the fake leader Ize felt intolerable and despised what Resadin had done.

Huang Shun is no longer here, but he can be said to be everywhere.

But most of the time, it's even difficult for him to gather his consciousness and make specific expressions.

Being broken to the end is also an ending. He probably glimpsed the truth hidden deep in the etheric sea. Huang Shun said.

Listening to your tone, it seems that you also know the so-called truth. Wan Yi heard something else.

Yes. Huang Shun answered directly.

Resadin poured the ether sea into the Broken World, accelerating the tearing of the Broken World. I resisted in my current state, but it was just a mantis. However, my fight was not meaningless. Most of my body fragments were destroyed. When I was swallowed by the etheric sea, my remaining consciousness also came into contact with the deepest secrets.

What is that? Wan Yi asked.

I don't know either.


It is difficult for me to describe and explain that existence. But I am certain that it is probably the truth about the broken world, the source of the ether sea, and the original source of ether.

Now that things have happened, did you tell me that there is a hidden boss? Wan Yi didn't know what to say.

No. Huang Shun explained, That thing is already dead.

Are you sure? You can't even describe it, and then you're sure it's dead? Wan Yi didn't believe it.

Besides, the resurrection of dead things is not a very strange thing in the broken world.

It's not on the same level, and it's hard for me to explain. It seems to come from a wider universe. To be precise, it should be something beyond all our human concepts. For the broken world, it is outside the world.

Then let's call him Outer God. Wan Yi said casually.

Heh, that's quite appropriate.

You mean, that thing exists and is beyond imagination even compared to the previous 'complete' world? Wan Yi frowned slightly.


...Is it because it died in our world, leading to the emergence of the initial ether, and then affecting the chaos and fragmentation of all concepts, and finally the complete world was torn into a broken world?


Wan Yi blew the night breeze for a long time, and finally shrugged: Well, since you said it is completely dead, then I believe you for the time being. Anyway, Resadin has to overcome the hurdle.

It's a pity that I couldn't bring you decisive information. This is the last thing I can do. Huang Shun's voice began to weaken.

No, thank you. Anyone who still exists in the Broken World should say thank you. Wan Yi replied.

Haha, you are really good at saying nice things. It would be a wonderful thing if we could really become friends with you.

Huang Shun smiled and said: Apologise again, I'm sorry. Our mistakes, our failures, our future...

It's up to you.

After the words fell, Wan Yi's ears were left with only the sound of the evening wind.

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