My doppelganger drama

Chapter 782 Putting pen to paper

Pushing open the familiar theater door, the theater was dark, and all the lights that were usually not extinguished were dimmed.

The only remaining light was not focused on the stage, but on the edge of the stage, on the desk where many scripts had been inspired and written.

The sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper is rhythmic, like a melodious piece of music that will never stop.

One hand is holding a pen and writing continuously. The black leather notebook with red edges has countless pages, which is meaningless to it.

Occasionally, the pen tip paused slightly, and the pages of the book were gently turned. After the crisp sound, there was the sound of writing again.

Wan Yi walked in slowly.

Although he was already familiar with all the displays around him, when he walked in here, he still felt a little strange.

The undisguised footsteps began to mix with the sound of writing, breaking the usual peace, but the writing did not stop.

There are no characters in the play here, and there are no toys that he used to randomly display here. The whole theater seems to be inverted, like another world in the mirror.

Subtle illusion, but real.

It has always existed, but Wan Yi did not realize it for a long time.

The script has always been in the theater.

Wan Yi overlooked something.

What did he overlook?

In his memory, he didn't pay much attention to it at first. As the number of clones increased, instead of being clear, things became increasingly blurry.

What Wan Yi ignored was himself.

In front of him, the figure sitting on the desk writing carefully was wearing a white shirt with a brown button-up vest on the upper body, and loose brown trousers on the lower body. Some of her long, messy hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head.

Wan Yi's footsteps stopped some distance away, just in front of the stage.

At this time, the writing figure in front of him suddenly stopped writing. The white quill pen in his hand trembled slightly, and the hand with thin black gloves slowly put down the pen.

The theater suddenly fell into silence until Wan Yi opened his mouth and said: That is the 'script'.

Well, that's it. The figure gently touched the page in front of him, From the time you came to this world to today, I have been writing for as long as you have experienced.

The place where I first arrived was not the Golden Circle, but here. Wan Yi followed up and said.

Furthermore, this is our real birthplace, and it is here that you received the real initial stimulation, inspired your abilities, and separated into your first clone.

As he said that, the figure stood up, turned around, and looked at Wan Yi with a somewhat indifferent smile.

Familiar face contours, facial features, the same deep eye sockets and dark circles, but with an extra pair of gold-rimmed large round-framed glasses.

His dress revealed a fragile literary style, with a hint of refinement, but he felt like a shadow that could fall down and disappear at any time.

Hello, me. Wan Yi said in front of him, I am your forgotten first clone. You can call me 'playwright'.

Hello, I, my first clone, the playwright. Wan Yi also greeted with a smile.

The Playwright nodded and said: It seems that you have fully awakened and understood everything, so this is the last thing you need.

He closed the script on the table and held it in his hand.

Similar in size to the Book of Disaster and Black Copy, but much thicker.

'Theatre' is the starting point for thousands of stories, large and small, in the broken world. The existence of that being was buried in this world, which caused the concepts to be shattered and events to be distorted. At that time, the world was actually about to perish.

It's just that there is another being outside the world who lends a helping hand, using part of the power of that dead being to connect with this broken world, create a theater, and become the foundation of events, so that the world does not completely collapse and become chaotic nothingness. part of it.”

If you want to become the final god in the void, this is what you need.

The playwright spoke slowly, looking down at the script in his hand: This is your last piece of the puzzle.

What have you been writing so far? Wan Yi didn't dwell on this, but asked.

Complete some broken stories, and write stories that don't exist. Playwright replied, The operation of the story requires the actions of the characters. Some theaters themselves cannot support fully functioning stories and need my help to complete the details. Not The story of existence is often in the boundary zone.

The story of the boundary zone?

The flow of the story in Boundary Zone is different from that in Broken World. Boundary Will interfered too much in the story. Some things were deliberately cut away by them. I need to write them back.

Playwright said, and said to Wan Yi: The special clone in the boundary zone you created through the theater is also in this part. But don't worry, I am happy to give the story its own fluidity. Otherwise, I can do it alone. I can’t even write it.”

Wan Yi was not too surprised. He just raised his eyebrows and said, But at least you did write their stories?

Well, at least, most of the time I hope that those clones can complete their own stories, even if they are mediocre, at least they should not be allowed to exist because of the rejection of the boundaries themselves. Playwright laughed. road.

That's why I haven't been able to grab your pen. Wan Yi looked at the quill that the playwright had on his waist.

Each revision was so painstaking and laborious, and it was not until Shi Pu left him another pen that he was able to improve slightly.

You who were not yet awakened in the past were not strong enough to control it. Of course, this is also because I have moved far away from you. Even myself, I don't like to give up the direction of the story at will.

Even if I just want to make their lives better?

You want them to live a better life, and I can only try to make the story as complete as possible. The joys and sorrows or the reunion of the family are not things that I can care about. I am not completely you anymore, Wan Yi. Playwright Qing He sighed and shook his head.

Wan Yi looked at the playwright in front of him. Although they were exactly the same, the difference between the two was no smaller than the difference between Wan Yi and the person in the play. It was even bigger and more distant.

As the earliest avatar, the first avatar, he was immersed in the dark side of the theater writing, and his pen never stopped. Under the environment of the ether sea, and with countless stories flowing before his eyes, he had already moved towards Strange roads.

Okay, I can accept this reason for the time being and not beat you up. Wan Yi said with a smile.

If the people in the previous drama and even the countless clones who did not end well were all controlled by the person in front of them, then Wan Yi and others would definitely not let it go easily.

Whether you will beat me or not, that's not certain. The playwright said, slightly raising his glasses.

Wan Yi looked at him.

I'm sorry, I won't give you the book or pen.

After the words fell, the theater fell into silence.

For a long time, the playwright saw that Wan Yi had no reaction, and then continued: The pen is the flow line of the story. It is born in line with the broken world, but it is only a broken world. It itself has no ability to write a more complete story. Ability. And if the script... is given to you, you will become a supreme existence. But after that, without the script, the theater will collapse, the world will be completely shattered, everything will return to the chaotic void, and the story will no longer exist. .”

The Playwright looked at Wan Yi: The meaning of my existence is different from yours. Maintaining the world is the way I have found for myself. I will not sacrifice the world for your way.

Stories have a value of existence, not a ladder of nothingness.

Suddenly, Wan Yi smiled.

The changes are indeed great. Among all the clones, you are the only one who intends to stand on the opposite side of me. What you do is not yourself but the grand world. I can't imagine that the self who was so confused after graduating from college will one day become I wonder if such a person can be praised as great?

Wan Yi turned around and walked slowly onto the stage. Without waiting for the playwright to respond, he continued: What do you think I will do?

According to what I know about myself, I will leave this fucking world regardless, become the supreme god alone, and go to the endless void to be free and at ease.

Maybe I won't do it?

Yes, you may not do this, but you are me, and I can't see through you. The playwright said calmly.

This is the biggest barrier. You have gone too far, too far away to hear my voice.

As he spoke, two books appeared in Wan Yi's hands.

The self-sealing chain of the Book of Disaster has been broken, flashing red light, and the black copy also flashes black light, and the two complement each other.

Thanks anyway, I know what the key props are for. After saying that, Wan Yi rubbed the two books vigorously and then stuffed them into his body.

In the end, the ether spliced ​​and blended the two books, and then formed a brand new script with a red background and gold edges, which was integrated into Wan Yi's body.


In an instant, Wan Yi felt that his existence suddenly expanded, and all Wan Yi suddenly disappeared, retracting back into Wan Yi's body.

After Wan Yi's vision passed through the fragments of the world, he saw the endless void behind it, a world of nothingness filled with creeping chaos.

Is this the perspective of God outside the world?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Wan Yi felt the long-lost tranquility. All Wan Yi's thoughts reached absolute unity at this moment.

However, the two books are just copies and cannot be absolute support. Wan Yi's state is not eternal.

He quickly scanned the chaotic void, and seemed to see countless similar powerful beings casting doubtful glances at him.

The real chaotic void is like a dazzling starry sky. Under the full chaos, order shows its own colors like stars, and under order, stories between sorrow and joy continue to happen and revolve.

Finally, Wan Yi looked into the depths of the void, and with the support of curiosity, he tried to incorporate everything into his impression.

In that depth, he saw another starry sky, which was more active than the void itself. It seemed like a living life, with a grand starry sky with more brilliant colors, and there was tolerance in the majesty.

The depths of the void are quite beautiful.

Thinking whereabouts.

Wan Yi gathered his will, opened his eyes, and still stood on the stage.

All the lights in the theater were turned on, and the eyes were filled with splendor, but there was no one in the audience.

The playwright looked at this scene in surprise, and then the script in his hand started to move automatically and flew into Wan Yi's hands.

He was about to reach out to stop him, but realized something halfway and retracted his hand.

I see. In the end, you are greater than me.

He shook his head helplessly, then smiled after sighing.

Wan Yi picked up the pen, the pen left behind by Shi Pu.

Not just the timeline, but all the four people who once saved the world. It is the pen they left together, the pen that leads to completeness.

The pages of the script turned violently and came to a brand new page.

Wan Yi placed his pen on the page.

There was a brief pause.

Put pen to paper.

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