My Empire War Game

Chapter 299: development of

Generally speaking, as long as it is a fief aristocrat, there will be a team of staff of its own. Many teams of staff serve an aristocrat for life, and even some generations have served an aristocratic family.

Most of these aristocrats were trained by the nobles themselves, with high loyalty, and only the nobles had the financial and strength to do so, and some other nobles would also form their own staff, such as the king’s ministers and so on.

Su Lun does not have such a deep background, naturally he does not have his own staff, so now he plans to build one by himself. He drew some savvy and capable staff from the city managers to form his personal team of staff.

The staff team formed in this way would naturally not be very good. They had no experience at all for many things, so they could only solve them by Su Lun, but they also learned very quickly. With the help of this team of staff, Su Lun was finally relieved.

Zhenbei City is basically free of foreign troubles. After the orcs were defeated, they evacuated directly to the north. The human army did not continue to pursue it. It would be thankless for humans to continue to pursue it.

On the wasteland outside the Blackstone Fortress, the weather is cold, the land is barren, and there are no roads. Humans must prepare a lot of logistics if they want to pursue them. Moreover, on the wasteland, humans also need to always guard against attacks by other races.

The logistics team needs a lot of manpower to defend, and there is no road on the wasteland. It is not easy to catch up with the remains of the orcs. If you chase too fast, you have to worry about falling into a trap. Even after you go deep into the wasteland, you will be easily attacked by the transportation line behind , Once the food passage is broken, the army in front will collapse on its own within a few days.

In history, the human kingdom entered the wasteland several times to completely solve the problem of the orcs, but unfortunately, it did not succeed once. In many cases, it was led by the orcs to run around, and the human army was dragged and matched. At this time, it was again. Cut off food and grass, exhausted, and without logistical supplies, the entire army plummeted, and then besieged by the orcs. The result was naturally heavy losses. After several such lessons, very few people have done this now.

Moreover, this time the war humans suffered heavy losses. The orcs invaded at this time. Many cities’ food was looted and some places were robbed. Those who were too late to grab the food have been burned to ashes by the fire. Now they still need to rely on. The kingdom is naturally unwilling to waste food to continue pursuing the rescue.

Many territories are now organizing large-scale crops to harvest a season of autumn crops before the beginning of winter, so that a large number of civilians will freeze to death and starve to death. Although the nobles do not care about civilian casualties, once a large number of civilian deaths will definitely affect their rule, after all, a large part of their tax revenue comes from taxation. If the civilians are dead, they will find someone to collect taxes.

In order to restore production, many nobles have purchased grain seeds and farm tools from Zhenbei City. The amount of grain in Zhenbei City is sufficient. As long as the money is in place, various materials will be quickly transported. It is also because of the arrival of these caravans that Zhenbei City has become more prosperous during this period. stand up.

After the orc army left, the human side began to summarize various interests after the war and the forces began to divide. Although the death of the Marquis of Winter caused serious damage to the royal family's strength, the royal family still has the upper hand after obtaining the support of Sulun.

Of course, even with Sulun's support, the royal family still inevitably gave up something. After all, Sulun is not Winter and can help the royal family unconditionally. In fact, even the royal family still has some concerns about this cooperation.

Lancelot also successfully completed the task of His Majesty the King, but the royal family and Suren are only verbally agreeing and have not signed the documents. Therefore, Lancelot is arguing with the noble council on the one hand, and on the other hand is sending envoys to the capital. , Let His Majesty the King formally send an envoy to Zhenbei City to sign the agreement.

Regarding the political alliance between the royal family and Suren, the Florentine royal family felt that such a paper contract was not reliable. In history, such agreements were torn too much. After learning that Suren was not married, they wanted to and Suren. Marriage. This kind of political marriage is very common in mainland countries. The royal family now has several princesses of the right age, and trading a princess in exchange for a legendary ally is a very cost-effective deal.

The Northland nobles suffered heavy losses in this orc invasion. Some noble families even disappeared directly. The territories of these extinct noble families will be taken back by the kingdom after it is determined that there are no heirs. Of course, some nobles who escaped will be captured. Go to jail, and in serious cases will even be seized.

The disputes in the councils of the nobles of these territories are very serious. After all, the territories are already developed sites. Just send someone to take over. Regarding these fats, whether it is the king or the nobles below, they want to share a piece of the pie. .

For the nobles, death is not the most severe punishment. The most serious punishment is to seize the nobility, which means to deprive your entire family of noble status. An aristocratic identity sometimes requires the efforts of several generations. If this identity is lost, those people will directly fall from the clouds, and the entire family will become difficult. Of course, this kind of punishment is rarely used, unless it is a serious mistake.

During the orc invasion, almost all the nobles of the northern nobles participated in the war, and at the same time nearly a quarter of the population of the northern provinces were enlisted as soldiers, totaling more than 400,000 people.

These soldiers will leave soon after the battle is over. At the same time, the orcs invaded and caused a lot of casualties. Suren also migrated more than 100,000 people from the northern provinces. The northern provinces are now in short supply not only for food, but also for population. Now the northern provinces are rapidly resuming production, and it has been impossible for Sulun to emigrate large-scale population from the northern provinces in recent years.

If you want to increase the population quickly, you can only buy from other countries.

Su Lun is now also preparing to establish a Principality. Now Zhenbei City has a population of hundreds of thousands, with a strong army, rich products, and sufficient military power and economic wealth to support it. It is not difficult to establish a Principality.

And this time, due to the invasion of the orcs, although the Kingdom of Florence repelled the orcs, its strength was also severely weakened, and it needed time to recover. Sulun signed a political alliance agreement with the Florence royal family. It can be said that the establishment of the principality is an obstacle. Has been reduced to a minimum.

If it wasn't for Zhenbei City that hadn't been completed yet, Su Lun had planned to announce the founding of the nation, but now he could only wait for the completion of Zhenbei City's construction before making an announcement. He couldn't rush to announce the founding of the nation before the capital was completed.

When a large group of refugees live in the camp, the walls of the royal capital have not been built, so Su Lun’s face is not good, and the establishment of the principality is customary to invite some countries to observe the ceremony, and also as a testimony, you can’t wait around. After the envoys of various countries came, they found that Zhenbei City was still a big construction site.

Su Lun couldn't afford to lose that person, so the plan to establish a duchy could only wait until the construction of the third phase of Zhenbei City was almost completed.

In fact, on the system panel of Sulun, the conditions for upgrading the Principality have been met. The population required to upgrade the Principality is 100,000. Now the population of Zhenbei City is far more than 100,000. As long as the city is upgraded, Sulun can announce the establishment of a duchy.

Several countries that have trade relations with Zhenbei City, Florence, the Southern City-State Alliance, the Desert Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Lorenza have all expressed that they will send envoys to observe the ceremony.

After the Principality was established, Su Lun could be regarded as a power on the mainland, although his country was only the lowest principality among the many countries on the mainland.


Hathaway is very busy now. In addition to repairing the Secret Territory, she also grows various magical plants. At the same time, the construction of the Wizard Tower also requires her care. Fortunately, Karina, Grace and Alex will help her. . Karina, Grace now also has Level 3 permissions in the Secret Realm.

I remember the shocked and stunned look of Karina and Grace the first time I saw such a secret realm, Su Lun still felt funny. The two former patriarchs of drow and half elves were always calm in front of that time it was also their very serious gaffe.

After learning that Zhenbei City has such a huge secret realm, Karina and Grace were surprised after shock. As four-level spellcasters, they knew the function of the secret realm. Such a huge secret realm would have no problem in supplying a wizarding organization.

Su Lun demarcated an area from the secret realm and divided this area between two people. The land was handed over to them for disposal, which could be used for planting enchanted plants or for breeding.

When Sulun came to the Secret Realm again, the two areas had been planted with various enchanted plants. Karina planted **** mandala, weeping grass, and shadow flower, and Grace planted gold. Oak trees, sunflowers, explosive peppers, mole coffee, thorn vines and the like.

These materials are now also planted in the secret realm, and some of them are left for their own use. The remaining Sulun intends to sell them. After all, there are too few wizards in Zhenbei City to use so many magic materials.

At present, there are still many places in the cultivation area in the secret realm that have not been planted. Although I want to plant all of them, there are too few people and they can only be left empty for the time being.

Su Lun sometimes wants to catch some fairies and come back as slaves. Fairies are small creatures, only a dozen centimeters tall. They look beautiful and ugly, but they are naturally smart, but they are not strong enough. Helping wizards to plant and cultivate magical plants, but unfortunately for many reasons, the number of fairies has been very small. These fairies are now hiding in some sinister areas and rarely appear in the outside world.

Some large wizarding organizations even have goblin tribes, and Suren is ready to have a chance to see if they can exchange some when trading with those wizarding organizations.

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