My Empire War Game

Chapter 357: 1 family should be neat and tidy


The Northland barbarian robbers who rushed up were directly pushed down, and then a battle flag was raised in the convoy. The battle flag was painted with a shield and a weird spear, and a fierce frost wing was painted on the shield. The dragon is the banner of Zhenbeicheng.

After seeing this flag, the remaining robbers seemed to have some riots. Obviously, someone recognized the flag.

"They are the orc slayers, they are the caravan of Zhenbei City!"

There was an exclamation from the robbers. The prestige of Zhenbei City is now fully regarded as the retreat of evil spirits in the northern wilderness. After discovering that the caravan was in Zhenbei City, the group of robbers seemed to be frightened and saw these robbers appear. With such an obvious mistake, the soldiers of Zhenbei City would not miss the opportunity.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed up directly. There was no need for Su Lun to fight. His soldiers dispelled the robbers with just one charge. Then there was a rout. Many people even dropped their weapons and chose to surrender. Some robbers want to resist to the end. The result was immediately taken away by a hand axe and a spear.

The entire battle lasted for a lot of time, from the beginning to the end, it was less than half an hour. These two hundred northern barbarian robbers were completely defeated. Except for the dozens of people who died, most of the rest were captured. , And others escaped first with oil on the soles of their feet.

"Take them to torture."

Su Lun waved his hand to let the two drows go in to interrogate the captives, "I want to know how these robbers stared at us, and where is their lair?"

"Others went to clean the battlefield, collect loot, and repair the damaged carriage."

"Yes, sir." The barbarian captain said respectfully, and then began to command the others to clean the battlefield.

These northern barbarian robbers are generally equipped, weapons can only be recast, and there is no decent armor. The fur on their bodies is not bad, but it looks too dirty, and the body needs to be buried. In addition, these prisoners will also be sent back.

The drow's torture was very efficient, and several screams came from the prisoners from time to time. After about a few minutes, the two drow elves who were in charge of the torture ran over and whispered a few words in Sulun's ear.

Su Lun's eyes lit up, and then he said, "Is their tribe nearby?"

"Are you sure he didn't lie?"

The drow standing next to him patted his chest and promised: "My lord, with our drow torture skills, do you think these simple-minded guys can fool us? I tortured five prisoners separately, and their answers were all In the same way, these northern barbarians are supposed to go south to avoid the frost giants."

"Frost Giant?" Suren said with some surprise, "Frost Giant went south?"

Frost giants are a kind of pure blood giants. In the records of wizards, the pure blood giants living in the material plane are divided into six types, namely, cloud giants, frost giants, hill giants, fire giants, stone giants, and Storm giant.

These giants have their own sequence, the highest level is the storm giant, the lowest is the hill giant, and then some relatives, such as ogres, two-headed giants, swamp giants and many other hybrid giants and subspecies.

Giants are highly hierarchical. The lowest-ranked giants in the higher-level branches are higher than the highest-ranked ones in the next-level branches. For example, the chief of the hill giant tribe is often not as high as an ordinary stone giant. .

The frost giants are the races living on the pathogens of the Northland. They have always claimed that the roof of the world (the Northland Ice Sheet) is their private domain, but this statement is not recognized by other races.

The northern wasteland continues to the north, and the ice field is also called the northern ice field. If you continue to the north, the terrain will gradually rise. The entire northern region is a cold, rugged and sparsely populated area, which is covered with snow-covered mountains and rugged rocks. Hills, dense forests and misty valleys.

This place is dotted with isolated fortresses, ancient tombs, and many remains of lost empires. To the west of the north is the Golden Desert, the territory of the desert kingdom, to the east is the sea, to the south is the northern wasteland, and the north extends to the endless sea. In the northern ice field, there are only scattered human towns in some valleys.

The frost giants are distributed in the form of tribes on the northern ice field. A frost giant tribe usually has 30 to 50 frost giants, 20 to 30 ogres, plus a mentor, and about 30 winter horses. Wolf and 1-2 juvenile white dragons.

Speaking of frost giants, one has to mention the white dragon among the five-color dragons. As the weakest white dragon among the five-color dragons, they are not only the lowest in wisdom, but also the smallest in size, but although the strength of the white dragon is among the five-color dragons The lowest, but they are the most numerous of the five-color dragons.

Red dragons and blue dragons usually have three eggs in a nest, while white dragons have six, and the hatching rate is also the highest. If according to this number, within a few years, the trails of the white dragons will cover the entire northern ice sheet, but unfortunately, they will have to face the attack of their old enemy Frost Giant.

An adult white dragon can easily kill a frost giant, but frost giants usually like to sneak attack on underage white dragons. To some extent, these frost giants maintain the ecological balance on the ice sheet.

Frost giants usually hunt in groups. The main targets of large groups of frost giants are usually polar ice bears or white dragon lairs. Even adult white dragons can only escape when facing hordes of frost giants. Killing the white dragon is the highest glory, and the ice queen Hermesid and the storm lord Talos are generally worshipped.

They are as ferocious and combative as the white dragons, and the frost giants are basically irresponsible for their children's food. If they want to survive, they can only hunt on their own. And not only are they not responsible for the food, they also usually plunder the spoils of their children, and as a result, the children of the Frost Giants will behave the same after they grow up.

Cruel, ruthless, selfish, aggressive, and tyrannical are the fine traditions of their family, and they are the most difficult hunters on the northern ice sheet. Frost giants will hunt powerful beasts or white dragons. They will dedicate these sacrifices to Tarros, Lord of the Storm. If he is lucky enough and the sacrifices offered satisfy the Lord of Storms, it is possible to receive the grace of the Lord of Storms. , Become a storm warrior or priest.

Now these bandits say that there is a Frost Giant going south, which makes Suren also a little wary. Frost Giants are not orcs. Adult Frost Giants are Tier 4, and Frost Giant Chieftains have reached Tier 5, legendary level, although only the lowest level 21. , Some powerful ones will reach level 22 or 23, and the king of the frost giants is the lowest level 26 powerhouse.

"My lord, is that tribe..." the drow next to him asked.

"Of course it has to be arrested, and the whole family is neat and tidy, right?" Su Ethic said of course.

Now that a tribe of the northern barbarians has been discovered, and this tribe has attacked himself before, no matter what aspect it is, Suren does not intend to let this tribe go.

"Leave some people watching these captives, and others will follow me!" Su Lun stood up and said.

The news that the drow elves interrogated was very complete. The location of this northern tribe was not far from here. It took a group of people about two hours to get to the vicinity of this tribe.

Observed from the outside, this is a barbarian tribe with a size of about 500 people. The tribe is a bit dilapidated, some of which are built tents, and some are wooden houses. Judging from the oldness of the wooden house, the time for this tribe to migrate here is not long, not more than two months at most.

At this time, part of the tribe went hunting, and the other part became robbers. The army in Zhenbei City was killed by the army. Now there are not many people in this camp. Seeing this situation, Suren will order an attack, but just At this moment, a clamor came over.

On the back of the tribe, a group of tall human creatures are attacking the tribe’s camp. Take a closer look, they have rock-like faces and their cracked mouths show sharp teeth. They look very hideous, under light blue skin. They are majestic muscles, with knots of blood vessels on them, which obviously contains powerful strength.

This group of humanoid creatures gathered in groups, about seven or eight, and they scattered to attack the barbarian tribes. They were wrapped in simple furs and exposed chests full of scars. One by one, these people walked like flying and fought with huge long handles. The axe and the mace looked hideous and terrifying, and the headed one was wearing a black horned helmet, surrounded by a frightening aura.

Obviously, they are not humans. Although Su Lun saw this creature for the first time, he instantly recognized that they were a group of frost giants.

"What did the Frost Giant come here for?" Su Lun muttered to himself, looking at the momentum, UU Reading www.uukā easily overturned the Frost Giant of the Northern Barbarian Tribe.

"My lord, shall we continue?" a barbarian warrior next to him asked in a low voice.

Su Lun did not speak. This group of Frost Giants has a total of thirty people, and the leader is even more legendary. The fighters around Su Lun are only third-ranked, and even the most ordinary Frost Giants are better than them. One level higher, if a war starts, even if these frost giants are killed, the result will be a terrible victory.

The Frost Giant Chief Sulun was sure to solve it, but the ordinary Frost Giant was likely to cause heavy damage to the army in Zhenbei City when he was fighting with the Frost Giant Chief.

"Wait for a while." Su Lun shook his head and said, then rushed to Lingbing to beckoned, and took out a token to let him pass the letter in the northern city.

The barbarian tribe, which had lost a lot of combat power, could not resist the attack of the frost giant. Soon this barbarian tribe was occupied by the frost giant. The frost giant didn’t seem to have any plans to leave, but directly occupied the magpie’s nest and occupied the tribe. Upon seeing this situation, Su Lun left two clever soldiers to watch, and he took the remaining men back to the caravan.

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