My Empire War Game

: Episode 436

Monsters like brain hunters are difficult to deal with. Their bodies are not entities. Although you can see them, in fact, brain hunters are not completely in our space. Some of them are still in different dimensions, ordinary weapons. It is ineffective for them.

Even if it is a magic weapon, they have a 50% chance of being immune to this damage, and this kind of monster also has a talented arbitrary door. Although their body is bloated, they have the ability of any door, and they can flash at will. The most troublesome thing is its sucking brain. As long as it is within its sight, it can perform a sucking brain attack on you. Once the judgment fails, your brain will be sucked away by it (True·Eat Your brain!), and even if the judgment is passed, it will cause you a dizziness.

This thing likes to eat brains, but what does it have to do with arresting those girls? Su Lun is also a little confused.

"Do you know where these people are?" Su Lun asked.

"I know, it's in a noble territory near San Ferto." Alex said.

"First put people in custody." Su Lun left here after speaking.

It is not a simple thing to deal with a monster like the brain hunter. In a sense, this thing is not weaker than the gods. He needs to talk to Hathaway about the action.


Zhenbeicheng, north wind tower, astronomy station.

"You mean the brain hunter?" Hathaway looked at Su Lun in surprise.

"It's not yet certain. The traffickers I arrested saw a tattoo similar to a brain hunter on their bodies." Su Lun said.

"The tattoo of the brain hunter seems to have a high chance of being real!" Hathaway said.

Ordinary people don’t know the appearance of this kind of monster, and now they actually make tattoos on their bodies. In all likelihood, they have seen this kind of monsters, but they have seen this kind of monsters come back alive. According to the habit of brain hunters, it will not let go of the human brain.

"The brain hunter is very difficult to kill. Normal attacks are ineffective to him, and he also has the ability to teleport. He must limit his spatial ability, otherwise he can't deal with him at all!" Hathaway said.

"Also, his brain-absorption skills can't be resisted by ordinary spells. I remember you have a ring that can strengthen your mental defense."

"Here." Su Lun withdrew a ring from his hand and handed it to Hathaway.

This is a silver ring. The style of the ring is very simple, with a lot of runes carved on it, which looks very mysterious.

Hathaway checked for a while, then input some energy into the ring, and a strange energy fluctuation appeared on the ring.

"Not bad, but the spell attached to it is offensive. I am going to modify it and make it into a defensive ring!" Hathaway picked up the ring and said.

"Of course, to be honest, the attack spell on this ring is basically useless to me!" Su Lun said with a shrug.

The spell previously blessed on this ring is called Soul Impact, also called Soul Sting. This is a spell that directly affects the soul. It ignores defenses and causes damage to the enemy. Even if the judgment fails, it will cause dizziness. However, he already has the divine ability to war roar, whether it is power or casting range, it is much stronger than this soul impact.

Now in order to defend against the brain-sucking attack of the brain hunter, Hathaway is going to transform this ring. As a legendary wizard and alchemist, making a magical item is a breeze.

After handing the ring to Hathaway, Sulun left Zhenbei City for San Firto City. Not long after returning to the palace, several Jinyi guards sent the collected news.

The current Jinyiwei has been fully deployed in the area occupied by Sulun. Although it is still not pervasive, it is still doing a good job of collecting intelligence. This time Sulun asked them to collect information on the nobleman and the brain hunter. , And now a lot has been collected.

"Your Majesty." Jin Yiwei dressed in black stood aside respectfully.

Su Lun waved his hand to signal the others to retreat, and then directly asked: "What news have you collected from that noble territory during this period? Tell me everything!"

The Jin Yiwei did not hesitate, and directly spoke out the information collected during this period.

An organization suddenly emerged in this aristocratic territory. When this organization appeared, they didn't know, but it was certain that this organization had been lurking in the world for a long time.

This organization has been hiding well before, but it has become a little active recently. The members of this organization are very complicated. There are civilians, nobles, merchants, villains, etc. These people join this organization for many reasons. Some are for wealth, some are for rights, and some are for strength. .

"Is this organization so powerful? Wealth, power, and power can actually be provided." Su Lun raised his eyebrows and said. These three things, knights have already wrapped most of the things in human desires.

"What is this organization called?"

"They claim to be the masters, mastering all the rules and powers of the world." Said the Jin Yiwei.

Su Lun smiled disdainfully: "Control all the rules and power? Hustle!"

"If he is so powerful, does he need to be so sneaky?"

"Go on." Su Lun shook his head and said to Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei cautiously said: "Others are not clear, but after joining this organization, you can obtain the power bestowed by the master through a special sacrifice ceremony."

"It is said that this kind of power can directly turn an ordinary person into a powerful professional fighter."

Su Lun frowned slightly, sacrificing rituals, this kind of unreliable thing, in all likelihood is blood sacrifice, this is also a common way for many sacrifices to evil gods in exchange for power.

"They arrested those girls for the sacrifice ceremony. It is said that the more excellent the pure girls are, the more likely they are to get feedback after the sacrifice is successful."

One of the important reasons for those nobles to join the Masters Organization is that Suren pressed too hard. These nobles didn't want to give up their rights, but they couldn't beat Sulun, so they tried various ways to strengthen their own strength. As a result, this is the control of the organization into the eyes of these nobles.

Hearing this, Su Lun looked at each other a bit, and Su Lun was also responsible for this result, but this was not the reason for their betrayal.

"Are they powerful?" Su Lun asked.

The Jin Yiwei hesitated for a while, and slowly said: "I don't know. I only know that they are lurking in many places, and many nobles are their members."

"The base camp of the controller is in the south. According to our information, the important personnel who came this time are also used by the priests."

Su Lun nodded and continued, "Jin Yiwei continues to inquire about intelligence according to your method, and see me as soon as there is new intelligence."

After arranging manpower to continue collecting news, Su Lun became busy. During this time, various things were piled up because of the demon hunters.

In the next few days, Su Lun generally handled government affairs and waited for more news about the brain hunter.

That day, Su Lun returned to the North Wind Tower again. After a few days of busy work, the modification of Su Lun’s ring was completed. Besides this ring, Hathaway also prepared some other things for him. .

"Look at it, this is the ring for you!" Hathaway handed him a beautifully crafted silver-white ring.

When Su Lunding saw it, his eyes brightened, and this ring was completely changed.

[Guardian Soul Ring+4: This is a magic ring made by two legendary casters. A powerful spell is burned on it. It has good defense. Of course, the material: Mithril, Thorium, Demon Steel, Mountain copper and so on.

Equipment requirements: more than 20 mental power.

Equipment effect: Soul resistance. Soul resistance +2, mind resistance +2

Equipment skills: mind shield

Mind shield: instantly build a strong barrier around your body. Can resist mental attacks Before the mental barrier is not broken, it will not be harmed. 】

In addition to this ring, Hathaway only made a few other pieces of equipment, all for the purpose of targeting the brain hunter monster.

Hathaway took Sulun into the laboratory. At this time, there were already all kinds of rune arrays drawn on the ground of the laboratory.

"You stand in." Hathaway pointed to the rune formation. Su Lun did not hesitate and stood directly in the center of the rune formation in the laboratory. After seeing Sulun standing, Hathaway activated the rune circle.

A dazzling aura flashed, and powerful elemental energy appeared in the laboratory. Then it quickly merged into Su Lun's body.

"What is this?" Su Lun was a little surprised, he felt no change in his body.

Hathaway said: "This is a telepathy spell I made. It can be used in battle, even if it's far away in San Ferto."

Everyone was surprised to hear that there could be such a long distance telepathic communication.

"By the way, this is the space coordinate. When you find the brain hunter, leave this coordinate directly, and I will open the portal directly."


Everything was ready, and Su Lun began to go to the nobleman's fief.

Tianma's speed was very fast, and it only took half an hour to arrive near this aristocratic territory. Su Lun didn't disturb the people here, and then went to the predetermined goal.

The destination this time was the noble manor, where a stronghold of the dominator’s followers was, and the local nobles had joined the cult.

The entire castle was shrouded in an evil spirit, and Su Lun estimated that there might be a large altar below.

Judging from the current sensed situation, this altar should have been established for some time, and several blood sacrifices have been carried out.

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