My Empire

Chapter 102

My Empire Chapter 102


Chapter 102 102 Peace is Precious

"Do you think our Dragon Knight brought nothing back to the Holy Demon Emperor? We already got the 'guns' your soldiers were equipped with in Mariza!"

"I have to correct you, Mr. Bakarov, that is no longer called Mariza, it is called Falling Dragon City."

"Ha! How dare you call it Falling Dragon City? We may lose hundreds of Dragon Knights at one time on the battlefield in the west!"

" I know that, but I like the name, so I'll just use it for now."

"hmph! Let's not talk about the name! We're talking about weapons! Your kind is called' We have actually researched the weapons of the spear."

"Although most of them were destroyed by the dragon flames, a small number of them were brought back to the Holy Demon Emperor! We already know this kind of The principle of the weapon is very subtle, which is why I came alone."

"Then what else are you talking about, go back and imitate it, and I can sue you for infringing my patent right. Chris mentions a term that Alanhill is working on recently, which makes Dez almost laugh.

This patent law is an idea jointly proposed by Alanhill Military Industry Group and Imperial Industry Group. They believe that Alanhill's knowledge has reached the point of invaluable value, so they believe that it should be more strictly protected.

They are actually monopolizing the right to use patents - after all, most of Alanhill's innovations come from Chris's technology tree, so what this patent law protects is actually the large factories that hold Chris's technology .

But everyone has selfish intentions. With the deliberate push of Dez and other vested interests, this law is now being revised. But when Chris said it now, he had a funny feeling of mocking the other party.

"Don't challenge our patience, if the Holy Demon Emperor really wants to go to war with Alanhill, we can dispatch thousands of Dragon Knights at a time, you know that!" He couldn't hold his breath anymore, when had he ever been so sullen to a mortal?

You know, he is a famous tyrant in his own territory. It's just that he, the tyrant, is an even more feared rational tyrant. He is brutal and powerful, but rarely shows his cruel side. Most of the time he solves problems with his brain, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting on the position of consul of the eastern province of Magic Empire.

"Hmm, but your thousands of Dragon Knights may not be able to capture my Serris City." Chris retorted with a smile.

Bakarov's gloomy face, coldly said: "If I didn't need your knowledge! I'd leave now! When the time comes I'll take Dragon Knight to Alanhill personally, I won't Attacking any large city will block your traffic, slaughter your people, burn your farmland, and destroy your mines!"

He saw Chris' darkened face and continued: "Don't think that only you have the brains! We have been using Dragon Knight for thousands of years. When bullying the weak, Dragon Knight is a powerful weapon to destroy the city. When facing the powerhouse, we naturally have other tactics."

For the first time, Chris has a new understanding of the natives of these foreign worlds. The other party is obviously not a group of stupid NPCs, waiting for his protagonist to conquer and slaughter. The other party also has its own wisdom and experience, and it is also the precious wealth that has accumulated for thousands of years.

"But because you want to guard against the Eternal Empire, your thousands of Dragon Knights can't stay in the mortal territory for a long time, right?" Chris insisted on arguing: "It's been raging here for dozens of days, You must leave!"

"So, must you fight to the death like this?" Bakarov thought for a while and said, "You provide us with more advanced weapons and equipment, and we give you room for development, Isn't that great?"

To be honest, Chris is actually very interested in Bakarov's proposal, others don't know about it, but Dez and him both know that Alanhill can't support it now. There is a protracted war.

Modern warfare needs the support of resources as well as the support of productive forces. Chris was unable to produce enough ammunition and weaponry for his consumption in a short period of time, so he was unable to start a full-scale war against the Holy Demon Emperor.

On the other hand, it was Alanhill's economic structure that constrained his decision-making. Alanhill has taken the deformed road of borrowing and borrowing since the beginning of its rapid development. The end of this path is expansion, using war to pass on its own domestic economic crisis.

Therefore, on this deformed road, it doesn't matter how many wars of expansion are fought, because as long as there is money to be made in the war of expansion, the country's economy will not collapse. But when faced with Magic Empire, Chris found that he could only play defensive battles.

This is terrible, once the war doesn't end in a short time and spreads on the mainland, then Chris and his followers will not be able to repay those loans and his country will go bankrupt , will go from savior to deceiver.

So Chris really wants to make peace with each other. All he wants is two years of peace of mind to develop, and all he wants is to use these two years to annex other countries and flatten his current lending economy.

"Tell me, what kind of weapon do you want." Chris made a listening expression: "I also think peace is the most precious asset, and we should try our best to avoid war."


"You are really a wise monarch." Bakarov returned to a more peaceful state, and said, "We need your long-range weapons, the kind of weapons called cannons that can project explosive ammunition, but they are powerful As long as it's twice as big!"

A 75mm caliber infantry gun can't meet the requirements? The Eternal Empire's ground troops are so difficult to deal with? Chris thought about it in his heart, and he felt that it would not be unacceptable if he provided the Holy Demon Emperor with a 130mm caliber artillery gun.

Although it is possible that the other party has developed a lot of modern weapon technology, after all, the other party cannot complete the ultimate evolution road alone. What made him more concerned was the martial power level of the Eternal Empire. He was weighing whether he had the ability to challenge a more powerful existence than the Holy Demon Emperor.

Although Franzberg told Chris about the Eternal Empire, after all, Franzberg is a big magician, he is not a warrior. Therefore, his understanding of the battle strength of the Eternal Empire is not as good as that of Bakarov, the Archon who has been to the front.

In theory, the battle strength of the Eternal Empire described by Bakarov should be more accurate... Wait a minute! Chris suddenly realizes a serious problem. This world has always been the rule that the west is strong and the east is weak. The mortals in the east are the weakest, and the Holy Demon Emperor is weaker than the Eternal Empire. What about the west of the Eternal Empire?

He suddenly had the urge to laugh. It turns out that this world is a world like a staircase, and the closer it is to the west, the stronger it is. But now that the bottom level, that is, the mortal kingdom has risen, this pyramid-like structure almost ceases to exist.

After a second thought, Chris felt that there was no need for him to hand over more advanced weapons to the Holy Demon Emperor. Thinking of this, Chris pondered for a while, and pulled out a famous weapon from his mind.

"I can give you a cannon that is more powerful than the one we're using now, but because the shells are bigger, the weight is exaggerated, and the shells consume more." Chris The face does not change color when lying.

Bakarov is not a character that is easy to deceive. He shook the head and said, "Don't lie to me by lying to Arrant! I have to compare it myself and receive the goods only when I am satisfied! You understand the principle of this kind of weapon, so you'd better not make any tricks."

"..." He even had to make up lessons before coming... He even had to inspect the goods in person! I haven't had time to equip a larger caliber gun! Bros! Chris groaned inwardly.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with that either. After all, as long as he completes the mechanization of the troops and equips large-caliber howitzers or howitzers, it will only be a matter of minutes.

The bottleneck that restricts the large-caliber artillery of Alanhill now is due to the lack of production capacity and transportation capacity. Chris has long been on the 105 caliber cannon.

Before today, Alanhill had been working hard to produce more anti-aircraft guns. The air defense pressure was in front of us, and the ground troops had sufficient firepower to support rifles and machine guns, so the development of infantry artillery was stagnant.

Now the Holy Demon Emperor has higher requirements, just to expand the production capacity of artillery. Chris nodded and agreed to Bakarov's request: "You can send someone, or you can supervise in person, we will provide our existing artillery for comparison until it meets the requirements."

p> "Also, I want 1,000 of your 'guns', finished products, for testing. If this weapon meets the conditions, I'll buy 100,000 of these weapons from you." Bakarov lion's big mouth said.

"One hundred thousand . cough cough cough!" Frenzberg choked on his saliva when he heard this offer, he coughed again and again, and it took a long time to stop embarrassingly. His cough caught Bakarov's attention and made Bakarov realize that the price might be tricky.

So, the consul thought for a while, and gave a price that he thought was reasonable: "1...step, rifle! Two knowledge magic balls!"

"Four!" Chris bargains.

"Three!" Bakarov, a little impatient, agreed.

"Deal!" Archduke Alanhill with a smirk made the final decision.

(end of this chapter)

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