My Empire

Chapter 137

My Empire Chapter 137


Chapter 137 137 Extraordinary Courage

Considering civilian casualties and the future stability of the Higgs region, Alanhill executives gave the order for the Higgs War Zone civilians to evacuate. This order saved the lives of millions of Higgs civilians, but also caused unprecedented trouble for Alanhill's troops advancing on the Higgs front.

The roads in the Higgs area, which were already in poor condition, are now clogged with refugees. The westward Alanhill reinforcements, as well as the retreat of the wounded and the transport of ammunition, were severely hampered.

This is something that no one thought of in advance, and it is something that really happened. As things stand, the chaos seems to be going on for a long time, and the price Alanhill has to pay for it will be even more.

Since they have decided to protect the civilians in the Higgs area, they can only endure the difficulties caused by the refugees' withdrawal to the east. This is a strategic choice. There is no difference between right and wrong. After all, no matter what you choose, there will be problems in the end.

Either the civilians died tragically in the War Zone, or the counterattack was delayed due to lack of capacity, in short, there is no sure-fire way.

However, at this moment, the former princess of the Higgs region, Her Royal Highness Princess Cape Luna, was among the refugees on the widest road, watching everything that happened in front of her with a burning heart. , decided to come forward.

"I have to do something!" Looking at the crowded road, full of Higgs refugees, Cape Luna Princess rode on her horse, and said sadly to the person beside her. said the guard Captain.

"These people hindered the movement of Alanhill's troops, they hindered the transportation of supplies..." The escort Captain was worried and said, "I wonder why Alanhill would allow us to Refugees retreat, this is a very morale decision."

No one knows his pain at this moment: the refugees in front of him may be in chaos at any time, involving them and making them die without a burial site. And their team also took a dangerous Dragon Knight prisoner.

This Dragon Knight captive didn't find much trouble along the way, except that he burned the rope on himself with magic, and did nothing out of the ordinary: he seemed to be a gentleman along the way, Polite and gentle, there's no sign that he was ever a warrior of the giant dragon.

But no matter how easy-going, putting such a dangerous person in the team is definitely a worrying thing. Along the way, the guards Captain are very wary of this prisoner, and have never let down their vigilance.

"That's because Alanhill sees the Higgs people as what they must protect! Such an army is a true army, and such an army deserves the land of Higgs' passion!" Luna Princess stared at the invisible end of the refugees, and the Alanhill army crowded among the refugees, and murmured.

"Let's set up camp in the vicinity! Her Highness the Princess, I heard that not far ahead is the combat range of the 2nd Army... We are not far from the front line..." The guard Captain reluctantly reminded his master.

It wasn't the first time he reminded Cape Luna of Her Highness the Princess this way, but the other party didn't mean to accept his opinion at all. This stubborn Princess is participating in this war in her own way.

Sure enough, in the next second, Cape Luna Princess pulled out the long sword from her waist, and her slender legs caught the warhorse under her crotch, and began to swim upstream in the crowd. .

Facing the nervous civilians, Luna held up her long sword and shouted loudly: "Get out of the way! I'm Cape Luna Princess! The people of Higgs! Follow in my footsteps! Get out of the way!"

Contrary to what Captain had imagined, there was no commotion. Her words made countless refugees stop their progress, and then many civilians who had seen Her Royal Highness gave a slight cheer. They thought that the Higgs royal family had left, and many rumors said that the Cape family had given up on Higgs. Sri Lankan people.

But now, these people saw Her Highness the Princess, who they once admired, and the Her Highness the Princess who had led them to face countless dangers. Even a few months ago, this Her Highness the Princess, the future queen in their minds, was the heroic Higgs star they recognized.

The crowd quieted down a little bit, Luna's warhorse slowly moved forward a little bit, the people in front of her took the initiative to make room, everyone raised their heads and looked at them still dressed in their suits. Her Highness the Princess in the familiar Higgs armor.

"I'm still here! I haven't left you! I brought the soldiers of Alanhill, and we'll face a mighty foe in this land, but we won't fail! Neither do the Higgs Well, Alanhill people, we will all defend our freedom with our lives!" Luna shouted loudly as she walked forward.

Her voice was originally very nice, but because of the force, her voice became hoarse after a few shouts. Although it was no longer as clear as a yellow warbler's cry, her voice still carried an undeniable firmness.

The once stubborn and stubborn Her Highness the Princess is back, and the Higgs crowding the road begins to cheer, wave after wave.

Alanhill's truck was jammed in the crowd. The fully loaded soldiers were carrying 98K rifles and looked curiously at the little girl on horseback not far away. They didn't know what she was doing, but they knew she was beautiful at the moment.

"Higgs will never fall!" Although her voice was hoarse to the point of being a little low, Cape Luna still used an uncompromising voice to encourage her people, one after another, until everyone They all believed in their own Her Highness the Princess again.

Moving forward again a short distance, Cape Luna commanded: "Get out of the way! Let the soldiers who fought for us go where they should go! Warriors of the west. Follow me, the civilians heading south are forbidden to walk on the main road! Separate to both sides of the roadbed!"

With her proud cry, the Higgs refugees who were originally disordered and in a mess began to flock Walking down the road, the originally crowded dirt road suddenly became wider. Youngster began to line up on the roadbed spontaneously, and a small one by one square was organized spontaneously.

The Higgs Kingdom can stand proudly for centuries between the Arrant Empire and the Holy Demon Emperor Kingdom, and naturally there is a reason for their existence. This country, though small, is full of stubbornness in the bones, like their Her Highness the Princess.

The original voice was completely lost, and Luna still shouted in her completely hoarse voice: "The Higgs won't back down! We won't hide behind others. , waiting for others to fight for our freedom!"

She rode across the one by one phalanx spontaneously organized by the civilians, like a general inspecting soldiers: "Today we have no weapons, but we Have a body! Every Higgs, or every Higgs who was a soldier, must do his part for this war!"

"Man! Please take the initiative Help the frontline transport the wounded! All women! Do your best to take care of the wounded soldiers! We are not cowards! Let's finish our battle!" Every time she passed a small square, she would see the soldiers in the square. Men and women raised their arms and pressed them against their chests.

This is the promise of the Higgs, as long as they put their right hand on their chest, then they will fulfill their promise, and they have never broken their promises. For this special Higgs promise, people here can give their all.

"Even if we give our lives, we have to send weapons and ammunition to the soldiers who need them on the front line! We don't have a carry, and we don't have the advanced equipment of Alanhill, so we use our shoulders and use Back, fight these things to the front!" She rode forward, and the crowd in front of her retreated, giving way to a broad and open road.

"We're going to show the soldiers of Alanhill the courage of our Higgs! We're not afraid of sacrifice, we're afraid of nowhere to prove our bravery!"

" One last time! Please come with me one last time, for the Higgs!"

"For the Higgs!" The sky-shattering shouts from the crowd drowned out the voice of the already hoarse Princess .

Amid the frenzied shouts of people, a team of Knights held up their long swords and cut through the crowd of people retreating east, cutting the sea of refugees in half along the road. Behind the group of Knights, Alanhill's truck jolted forward, heading to the front line ten times as fast.

"What you're saying is true? That girl at the front is really... Her Highness the Princess of Higgs?" Dragon Knight looked at Cape Luna's back and asked in disbelief.

"Of course!" Following behind his own Princess, the guard Captain proudly replied: "You are fortunate to be the first soldier of the Holy Demon Emperor who was captured by Her Highness the Princess!"


"I have to say, I think my impression of mortals is a little too...too one-sided." The Dragon Knight looked curiously at Her Highness the Princess not far away, subconsciously He murmured: "She is really beautiful, different from others, exudes the unique charm of female powerhouses, and makes people have a desire to conquer."

"..." The guard Captain released Slowing down, he came to the Dragon Knight's side, and looked at the other's expression full of admiration: "I have to admire your courage, as a prisoner, you dare to describe it like this, or to molest Higgs. Princess...the future queen of the Alanhill Empire!"

"..." The Dragon Knight closed his mouth in embarrassment and swallowed.

(end of this chapter)

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