My Empire

Chapter 177

My Empire Chapter 177


Chapter 177 177 God's Gift

Above the built-up dirt wall, the soldiers of the Eternal Empire are watching the distance vigilantly the plain. They were defeated by the demons and retreated to this place, and it was the magicians of Gricken who broke the cover.

They built an earthen wall here, which was a simple fortification. With Dragon Knight and magician, they've held their ground.

But the pressure on the defense was still very high, and they lost thousands of soldiers before they managed to stop the Demon Dogs in the vicinity. As more and more soldiers from the Eternal Empire came in, the attack of the demon dogs became more cautious.

They are also waiting, waiting for the arrival of the follow-up troops-even if they are in the hundreds of thousands, but after the loss, they have to wait for the new kind to be replenished from the Magic Eye.

"You say, what are those mortals doing? What can you say to stop the next demon dog's attack, and let us not take the initiative to attack..." Holding the saber around his waist, the Eternal Empire's The officer said with some dissatisfaction.

He had never really dealt with mortals, because the two sides started at different speeds, and by the time the Alanhill ground forces passed through the Eternal Empire, they had already entered the territory of Greken.

In the battle in Greken, they and the mortal empire did not cooperate with each other because of the different battle modes, but were deployed to both ends of the defense line separately, so they did not really see the so-called The battle of the mortal empire.

Therefore, these magicians from the Eternal Empire still have their own prejudices against mortals. They looked down on Alanhill, even though Alanhill had already defeated the Holy Demon Emperor.

But in the eyes of the Eternal Empire, they can often defeat the Holy Demon Emperor, which is not something to boast about.

Another officer was also very dissatisfied, and complained with both hands crossed near chest: "Isn't it? The Dragon Knight troops who were investigating the harassment have all been taken back. I heard that it was from Greken. The order makes people feel a little depressing."

"We can just wait and see the excitement of those mortals, but I want to see what abilities these mortals have and what tricks they can come up with. ." Beside them, the general who commanded the Eternal Empire stared at the mountains in the distance and said.


Having flown over the heads of these Eternal Empire soldiers, Alanhill's atomic bomber fleet has penetrated deep into demonic control.

"Gentlemen! We have almost reached the demon concentration area. If my navigator makes no mistake, in a few minutes, we can launch an attack!" On the slightly bumpy plane, Captain Paul reminded his men. It was their first time to drop an atomic bomb, so instead of joking with each other as usual, everyone kept their mouths shut for fear of the slightest mistake.

No wonder they were nervous, because just behind them, in the cabin separated by a few steel plates, hung a terrifying bomb that could instantly devour everything around them.

Left and right of the bomber, the pilots of the P-51 fighter jets threw away their own auxiliary fuel tanks after the fuel in the auxiliary fuel tanks was exhausted. They were now flying slightly higher than the bombers, ready to cover the bomber force.

As time passed, Paul found that the B-17 bombers that were covering them at the foot of his plane had dispersed, revealing white clouds. Through the gap between the clouds, the bombardier saw the ground covered with demon dogs beneath his feet.

The ground seemed to be revived, shaking slightly as the demon dog advanced. On the ground that the pilots of Alanhill could not see clearly, some large demons stopped their progress and lifted the head to look towards the sky.

They heard the faint rumbling sound of the aircraft engine, but they didn't see the B-17 bombers flying 10,000 meters above the clouds.

"Are those birds?" Paul asked his co-pilot.

The co-pilot glanced down, then shocked the head replied: "Those birds are too big for our height! They are not birds, they should be the air force of the demon army!"

"Whatever it is! They're all fucked up!" Paul shouted loudly to his co-pilot.

In his shouts, their B-17 bomber opened the hatch of the bomb, revealing the sturdy nuclear bomb inside.

"The Destroyer has reached the designated position, and the target is under our feet! We are dropping bombs! We are starting to drop bombs!" Because of the bombing, the B-17 bomber, which had canceled its magical defense, finally broke the silence of Wireless Electronics , and began to report to the ground command center about his upcoming mission.

In the sound of their report, the bomb bay of the B-17 bomber was completely opened, and there was only a huge round atomic bomb, ready to be dropped. The atomic bomb, named "God of Serris", was the fourth atomic bomb Alanhill built.

"Are you ready?" The bombardier looked towards the technical officer beside him on the plane with the turbulent airflow, and asked, "If you confirm that there is no problem with this bomb, I will It's dropped!"

"It's ready to drop!" After the officer in charge of technical testing took a final look through the glass window, nodded agreed with the bombardier's suggestion: "For Alanhill!"

"For Alanhill!" After pressing the bomb button, the bombardier also shouted this familiar slogan.

"Crack" With the sound of a metal collision, the atomic bomb began to descend to its own height and slid toward the demon dog troop below. Because the huge B-17 bomber lost its payload, it swayed slightly before it stabilized its flight posture.

Immediately after it began to climb rapidly, Captain Paul pressed the intercom. A loud reminder in Wireless Electronics to cover their comrades: "Climb! Climb! We need to get out of here as soon as possible! Get out of here!"

All Alanhill aircraft, after dropping the atomic bomb, Started to turn sharply, and flew towards the direction they came from in the distance, without the slightest feeling of nostalgia. After all, according to the user manual, this kind of bomb can instantly cause strong airflow, which can easily cause nearby aircraft to crash.

For the pilots at 10,000 meters altitude, the most feared thing is to hear the word "crash" - so no one misses anything, they all turn around and speed up immediately.

Behind them, a black spot gradually approached the ground. It slowly descended above the group of countless demon dogs. The parachute was pulled away with the resistance, and the entire bomb's descending speed became slower. stand up.

Many demon dogs stopped, lifts the head and howled at the thin bomb overhead. The huge black bats flying in the sky also surround this huge iron bullet.

Then, the barometric altimeter measurement equipment began to work, and the optimal detonation altitude determined by the barometric pressure began to approach a little bit, and the fuze was getting closer and closer to the activated position.

"bang!" The detonator detonated the explosives in the atomic bomb, and a ray of light as if the world was born instantly enveloped everything. With the rising temperature, the light that pierced everything spread to the vicinity. The nearby ruins of the village and the demon dogs looking up at the sky, the four-legged giant beasts like orangutans, and the bats flying in the sky... all evaporated in an instant.

The next second, the earth began to boil, a huge shock wave crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood destroyed everything that tried to stop it from ravaging, the trees were set on fire and cut to pieces, the demons tenacious 's body was also torn all split up and in pieces in the shock wave.

With the loud terrifying noise that can shatter the eardrums, within a few seconds, the one third demon dog in the nearby area has completely become nothingness, and half of the remaining demon dogs have become flying horizontally. Half of the corpse that went out became incomplete fragments of flesh and blood.

When the Destroyer, that is, Paul's crew members, saw in the sky behind them in horror, and the white clouds were all changed by the shock wave formed by the explosion, they realized that they had just left That atomic bomb has the power to destroy heaven and extinguish the earth.

Because of the dense formation, almost 30,000 demons could not even find their bodies. In addition, there are about this number of demons who can only find corpses... an army of demons that was originally grandiose, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant.

Standing on the distant earth wall, several officers of the Eternal Empire stared wide-eyed to see the mushroom cloud that was soaring into the sky. They just stood there stupidly, feeling the vibrations from the ground beneath their feet, and the rumbling echoes of that huge explosion.

In the first second, they seemed to see 10,000 suns rising into the sky, and they seemed to see a super magician using a forbidden spell of terrifying magic. It was an attack that could change the terrain, and it was a force that could decide the outcome of a war.

"Then, what is that?" An officer, unaware of his altered voice, pointed to the huge mushroom cloud in the distance and asked his companions.

And his companions didn't care about his problems, he just stood there, staring blankly at the huge explosion and whispered: "This is the power of mortals? This is not the power of mortals! This is the power of God!"

"Damn it! Have these bastards already mastered such a terrifying weapon?" The Eternal Empire general headed back suddenly, staring at his subordinates: "When did they, mortals, master such a powerful power?"

Looking at the mushroom cloud covering the heavens, shielding the sun from a distance, the Greken magicians standing on high Also shocked by this time attack.

The bearded old magician leaning on a magic wand took a long time to look away from the mushroom cloud: "This is the will of God... Alanhill, it is a gift from God!" ►

There are also updates today, old rules, everyone will read it tomorrow morning... In addition, ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, rewards, collections, subscriptions...

(this chapter end)

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