My Empire

Chapter 212

My Empire Chapter 212


Chapter 212 212 First sight of the puppet

Amidst the palpitating ruins, a man in an Alanhill uniform was cautiously. Move your body. In his hand he was holding a very nice looking Mauser 98K rifle with a 4x scope on it.

He's an Alanhill sniper, that is, a hunter-killer who acts alone and is responsible for taking out as many of his enemies as possible. He wears a camouflaged M42 steel helmet, covered with canvas, disguised as a rock.

The sniper moved cautiously through the ruins, and then chose his position in a natural position. Here, he can have a very good view, overlooking the vast surrounding wheat fields.

A little further away is the Defensive Array of the Holy Demon Emperor Country, where the "armed" composed of civilians of the Holy Demon Emperor Country is basically equipped with Alanhill's standard weapons and equipment.

The opponent's hands are basically Mauser 98K rifles, and they are also equipped with a small number of machine guns and anti-aircraft guns. Such Defensive Arrays are everywhere in the Holy Demon Emperor country, and basically they can't stop Alanhill's main force from advancing.

What actually stopped Alanhill's troops from advancing was poor logistics and the poor quality roads of the Holy Demon Emperor. Most of the time, Alanhill's troops stopped their advance, instead of being stopped by the army of the Holy Demon Emperor.

Among the ruins, the Alanhill sniper put his eyes behind the 4x scope's eyepiece, and carefully observed the Defensive Array of the Holy Demon Emperor Kingdom in the distance from the scope.

The crosshair was pressed on the head of a resting Saint Demon Emperor soldier. The other party's helmet was of another style, and the package was better than the M42 helmet. It is a pity that this kind of steel helmet is very reflective on the battlefield, and it is easy for the soldiers of the Holy Demon Emperor to become the target of Alanhill snipers.

"Those idiots who don't have a long memory! They just can't learn how to hide themselves." Putting his finger on the trigger, the Alanhill sniper laughed to himself.

Then, he gently pulled the trigger, and a sharp gunshot echoed on the positions of the two armies.

The soldier of the Holy Demon Emperor who was wiping his rifle fell down, blood splashed on the face of his friend, the army soldier. The opponent's position suddenly became a mess, and everyone was lying in the trenches, wondering if there would be a second gunshot.

Copying Alanhill's weapons and having no way to develop its own weapon system, the army of the Holy Demon Emperor is actually very vulnerable. Although many people have plenty of ammunition, they often can only play half of their battle strength.

At the moment when Dorcam was encircled, the supply of ammunition for the Holy Demon Emperor was about to become a problem.

The front-line generals under the command of Alanhill didn't even know why the Holy Demon Emperor started the war like this and then retreated all the way...

"I'm really afraid. Dead!" The sniper pulled the bolt and was ready for the second shot when he saw a strange soldier in armor that he had never seen before, standing on the ground and looking left and right.

He really had never seen such an enemy, but that didn't stop him from aiming for this striking target. He opened fire with ease and shot the strange soldier in the head. The bullet knocked off the soldier's helmet, revealing the soldier's respectable face - it was a head composed of magic spar engraved with a magic array.

The puppet soldier collapsed, but Alanhill's sniper couldn't laugh. He saw that many puppet soldiers were rushing towards where he was. These soldiers of fierce and unafraid of death were carrying rifles with bayonets inserted, and dashed through the rubble vigorously.

Without time to move cautiously, Alanhill's snipers raised their rifles and began to retreat. He jumped off the high ruined platform where he was hiding, and staggered down the path he had chosen.

Behind him, these puppet soldiers have approached the ruins, they are walking on the ground where there is rubble everywhere, and they seem to have a good sense of balance.

"Cover me! Cover me!" Running down from the rubble, the Alanhill sniper ran back to the friendly position and warned loudly, "There are strange soldiers! Everyone, be careful! "

Amidst his shouts, on the ground in Alanhill's Defensive Array, a machine gun shooter oh la la pulled the bolt, ready to fire. The sniper jumped into the trench, turned quickly, and pointed his gun in the direction he came from.

The next second, the puppet master soldier climbed over the high platform where the sniper once hid, and revealed his face in front of the Alanhill soldier. These puppet soldiers are also wearing bright armor, and at first glance, people really don't know whether the other party is advanced or backward.

"tú tú ! tú tú !" Without any politeness, Alanhill's machine gunner pulled the trigger at these enemies who appeared in his shooting circle. The MG-42 machine gun spit out tongues of flame, and the tracer bullets shrouded the level full of puppet soldiers.

The bullets hit these puppets, some were bounced off by the defensive magic glyphs carved on the armor of the puppets, and some directly penetrated the fragile magic defense barrier and hit those puppets .

The power of machine gun bullets pierced through the bodies of these magic golems, shattering their arms and knocking their heads off. However, even with broken arms, these puppets still fierce and unafraid of death, rushing towards Alanhill's Defensive Array.

The tracer bullets are intertwined into a web of fire between the two sides. Unlike the enemies who usually fight with Alanhill soldiers, these magic puppets of the fierce and unafraid of death can take it easy in the hail of bullets. Fired back, picked up the rifle and fired desperately.

Alanhill's troops were also stunned by this situation for a while: those puppets, although not very outstanding in Spear Art, are really many! Some of them stopped and opened fire, while others continued to charge forward, as if they were covering each other with fire.

Seeing an iron chariot with only one wheel rushing up the high ground, Alanhill's defenders were all stunned by the scene in front of them. For the first time, they saw that their opponents had heavy weapons of war...

You must know that in the past, they were the only ones who used heavy weapons to bully others. Now that I suddenly saw that others also have heavy armored vehicles, a feeling of suffocation suddenly came to my heart.

The wheeled tank was armed with a 30mm rapid-fire gun, which was a burst of fire at Alanhill's position. This kind of artillery was exported by Alanhill to the Holy Demon Emperor, and later sold to the puppet empire by the Holy Demon Emperor.

Today, this type of artillery has become the standard firepower on many puppet empires' heavy weapons and equipment. It is not only equipped on six-wheeled puppet tanks, but also given many air defense tasks.

This was a real surprise. Blood flowing into a river on Alanhill's position immediately. A dozen soldiers were hit by shells and sacrificed in their positions. With this series of strafing, the entire Alanhill line of defense began to become on the verge of collapse.

"How do they have this kind of weapon? Where did they get the tank?" On the position, a battalion commander in command of the battle stood anxiously in the command position, and put down his hand in disbelief telescope, subconsciously asked.

In his questioning voice, a second such wheeled tank appeared behind the ruins, and behind this wheeled tank were the densely packed puppet soldiers. They swarmed up, seemingly wanting to take back the ruined town that Alanhill had occupied in one fell swoop.

At this time, two Il-2 attack planes whistled past, pouring all the bombs they carried on the heads of the puppet soldiers.

The explosion spread everywhere, and countless puppet soldiers were thrown into the sky by the bomb. The wheeled tank, which was just showing off one's military strength, was overturned by a bomb, and its wheels rolled into the distance.

In the sky, the two Il-2 attack aircraft made a circle and returned to the battlefield. They poured their 30mm shells against the ground, leaving white smoke from the impact of two rows of shells on the ground.

These puppet soldiers picked up their weapons and started to shoot into the sky. Some bullets left holes in the wings of the Il-2 attack plane, which scared the two Alanhill planes and hurriedly pulled up to avoid them. Opened up more attacks.

Alanhill's machine gun position roared again as the puppet soldiers, who were being pinched on both sides, raised their heads and opened fire on the plane.

Numerous tracer bullets shot into the puppets, breaking their bodies, knocking their arms flying, and breaking their legs. There were debris from bullets hitting the wood everywhere, and countless puppets fell in the hail of bullets, and those who were not completely damaged were still struggling desperately on the ground.

In the division headquarters of this Alanhill Infantry Division, behind this fiercely engaged position, the division chief of staff, clutching the field phone, was reporting the news he had just received: "Yes! We have encountered the puppet empire's Soldiers...that's true!"

He pondered what he said as he read the telegram: "We haven't got the remains of the corpse yet, but our positions are still there...if reinforcements are made, we I can start a counterattack immediately... Yes, there are piles of puppet wreckage on the ground, as many as you want!"

Soon, he hung up the phone and walked to the commander who was looking at the map and preparing for countermeasures. , Kaikaihui reported: "The reinforcements will arrive soon, and the above orders us to hold the position and hold back the puppet troops here as much as possible!"

"Okay! The division's artillery covers the forward positions..." The division commander tapped the temporarily drawn map of the scribbled area with his finger, and opened his mouth to instruct. ►

The other two episodes will be a bit late. Long Ling is in a really bad state today... You can stop waiting and see you tomorrow...

(end of this chapter)

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