My Empire

Chapter 243

My Empire Chapter 243


Chapter 243 243 Second Bombing

Originally, in order to ensure the destruction of the San Lunos Bridge, Alanhill also prepared horizontal bombing and Fritz-X bomb.

It's okay now, those B-17 bombers from afar have not yet arrived near Daoqiao, this crucial bridge was completely destroyed.

In the eyes of countless people, the bridge that is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, along with its proud, defensive-level magical barrier in the city, was smashed and broken in such repeated attacks. Destroyed and fell into the rolling river.

"I took a look and found that at least half of the anti-aircraft artillery positions have been destroyed. Those terrifying bombs that can be scattered in the sky are simply the devil's weapon." An officer came over and said yes His superior, the commander-in-chief of the anti-aircraft guns of the Holy Demon Emperor, reported.

They just searched the entire position and found that the missile attack just now covered almost the entire position. There is no communication signal from the other side, and the bridge has collapsed again. They are now lost with the opposite side. contact.

However, it can be judged without actual contact. Even if the damage to the anti-aircraft artillery positions on the other side is the same as the damage here, it can be described as heavy losses.

About 300 anti-aircraft guns of various types are deployed on this side of the river, including the puppet's 30mm anti-aircraft gun, the Holy Demon Emperor's 30mm anti-aircraft gun and the improved 130mm anti-aircraft gun.

These anti-aircraft guns add up, and the number of anti-aircraft guns that can threaten the Alanhill bomber is actually not many. After the bombing, they can only barely find a dozen large-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

"Even if you add the opposing ones, there are only less than 30 anti-aircraft guns. How can you deal with so many bombers?" The commander of the Holy Demon Emperor country, headed by him, glanced at the puppet beside him, with an embarrassed expression on his face. speak up.

He still doesn't know that all the soldiers of the Holy Demon Emperor country on the other side have been strangled by an invisible hand. There is dead silence now, only the soldiers of the puppet empire are left, still active.

No one knows what happened, the Holy Demon Emperor army on the shore only knows, and the friendly forces on the other side of the river have made up.

With the development of technology, telegraph is no longer a proven technical equipment. Many civilian-level telegrams have long been spread to various countries, as early as Alanhill sold related technology to Grecon , the related technology of this thing is no secret.

Everyone is using the civil telegraph, so the principle is gradually being mastered. The Holy Demon Emperor also has its own telegraph equipment, and it also imitated the Alanhill military and designed a complete cryptographic system.

It's just a pity that their passwords weren't really a secret in front of Alanhill's second-generation computer. Even the most confidential telegram is no different from sending it in plain text after encryption.

Of course, the Holy Demon Emperor still retains important communications to pass by word of mouth, otherwise the sneak attack that might have turned against Alanhill before would have been successful.

"Send another telegram to the other side! Let them reply! If there is still no news, it means that their Telegraph is damaged." The commander reluctantly ordered and asked his subordinates to try again. newspaper.

After all, he couldn't see that on the air defense position on the other side, in the concrete-reinforced headquarters, next to the bicycles responsible for generating electricity, there were several soldiers responsible for generating electricity lying in a row.

Beside the Telegraph, the officers responsible for sending and translating telegrams were all lying in front of the machine, and had long since been silent.

Confidential documents, as well as some statistical reports about the War Section department are scattered on the ground, and a map of operations near the bridge hangs on the wall.

There are no more living people here, and several puppet soldiers have not stopped after passing these buildings full of corpses. They are trying to find a way to collect the intact anti-aircraft guns that no one controls, because they Know that, soon, a larger battle is coming.

The puppet soldiers were right. After they were ready for battle, densely packed Alanhill bomber clusters appeared on the horizon.

In the humming sound of the engine, in the eyes of everyone's despair, above the altitude of 10,000 meters, all the B-17 bombers flying to the San Lunos Bridge have slowly turned on. own bomb bay.

"Bombing begins! Bombing begins!" In Wireless Electronics, the commander gave the order to drop the bomb. All the bombardiers had already touched the control button to start the bombing with their fingers, and then put their eyes on the on the sight.

In the crosshair line, they saw the target they were going to attack, and the anti-aircraft gun position of the Holy Demon Emperor country where the smoke of the explosion had just dissipated.

The next second, the bombardiers pressed the switch for the bomb drop, and with the sound of metal friction, one bomb next to another escaped from the B-17's bomb bay.

The bombs were scattered in the airstream, eventually forming a straight line along the plane's flight path. Because of the resistance, the bombs quickly turned head down, roaring towards the pitted target positions below them.

The explosion of the bombs began as bomber after bomber swept over the anti-aircraft gun positions. A huge flame burst on the ground, and countless shrapnel collided everywhere in the towering anti-aircraft gun barrels.

Although the "bang!" was very weak, on the ground, the despairing anti-aircraft artillery troops of the Holy Demon Emperor were still fighting back desperately. Shoot a cannonball into the sky.

Before the artillerymen, who were already firing desperately, had time to look up at their results, a bomb hit their spot. The huge explosion lifted the sandbags and the bodies of some nearby soldiers.

Many people fell apart beside the twisted artillery, and the gunner who was face covered in blood was still desperately shouting slogans to fire.

Not far behind them, the soldiers of the puppet empire who controlled the 130mm caliber anti-aircraft guns, in the fire of the bomb explosion, methodically loaded the shells, and fired the ammunition from the magazines one by one. Go in the sky.

However, compared with the bombers flying over their heads, their small firepower really poses no threat.

speak frankly, when Alanhill developed the 30mm caliber anti-aircraft gun, it was not against the B-17 bomber that dropped bombs at a height of about 5,000 meters. At that time, Alanhill did not have such a difficult enemy to fight against.

At that time, Alanhill's army hoped to use this kind of anti-aircraft gun to deal with those Dragon Knights who were not fast and did not have high protection! Those Dragon Knights aren't as fast and sturdy as the B-17.

Therefore, these 30mm caliber anti-aircraft guns, which were born relatively early and whose performance is not backward, really have no advantages, really have no advantages when facing the old club Alanhill.

"I'm aiming!" On the slightly bumpy B-17 bomber, a special bombardier used his sight to focus on the very damaged bridge and said softly.

His hand pressed on a special joystick - and the other hand pressed the launch button. With his movements, a winged bomb escaped from the modified magazine of the B-17 bomber.

In order to make the best use of these old bombers, many B-17 bombers have been converted into special bombers, such as special models that carry Fritz-X bombs, special models that carry nuclear bombs, or It is a special model for high-altitude reconnaissance.

The B-17 carrying the Fritz-X glide bomb dropped a new type of bomb, beside it, another B-17 also dropped a Fritz-X bomb. In the case of insufficient hit accuracy, such early glide bombs are actually very useful.

Several planes dropped Fritz-X bombs together, and these heavy bombs hit the remaining bridge deck again. Precise attacks made most of these bombs hit their targets, and the San Lunos Bridge began to shake again in the explosion.

Now, the bridge doesn't even need to be rescued. The high-explosive charge carried by the heavy bomb broke the bridge. Originally, it just collapsed the bridge body of one third and completely collapsed into the water.

With the huge rumbling sound, only a few piers of the whole bridge are left vaguely in the river, and everything else is gone.

And the B-17 bomber, which was like a locust crossing the border, after flying through this airspace, turned around and left here.

Amid the smoke of gunpowder, the few remaining anti-aircraft artillerymen of the Holy Demon Emperor struggled to stand up and watched the terrifying bombers leave, filled with awe.

Alanhill's attack methods are more and more, they are more than 200 kilometers away from the front line, Alanhill can attack easily - their attack distance has been exaggerated to the point of numbing.

"I hope, what the Grand Consul said, with the addition of the puppet empire, we have the opportunity to be ashamed, it's true..." Standing in the headquarters, looking at the devastated anti-aircraft artillery positions, The commander of the Holy Demon Emperor said in pain.

"Yeah, if I had known, Alanhill had a bomb that could destroy Bellevue at once, and I would definitely not provoke them." Another young officer standing beside the general, while He patted the dust on his body while complaining.

Behind this headquarters, on the winding road, countless puppet soldiers stopped. The bridge they were going to cross was destroyed, so there was no way they could continue to reinforce Ludnar now.

With one command after another, the puppets turned and took their steps toward the north. Beside them, a puppet tank following another also began to turn.

(end of this chapter)

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