My Empire

Chapter 258

My Empire Chapter 258


Chapter 258 258 The Battle of the Two Powers

"tú tú! tú tú!" A ZSU-25-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun stopped In its selected firing position, because of the simple radar, the hit accuracy of this artillery has a qualitative leap.

The tracer armor-piercing bullets densely packed formed a rain of fire in the sky, covering the high level magician of a puppet empire that just flew up. This magician held up the magic defense barrier, and then felt the terrifying pressure of the opponent's shells.

"Damn it! What is this!" He dodged to the side, strengthening his magical defenses. But the tracer armor-piercing bullet, which made him extremely uncomfortable, moved with him like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Yes, because the target is locked, this anti-aircraft gun equipped with a radar fire control system has been pouring terrifying ammunition on the magician of this puppet empire. Densely packed ammunition knocked on the magic defense barrier, making the magician feel a painful desperation.

He struggled to support his defenses, unaware that in the other corner, another Alanhill soldier picked up a red-eye anti-aircraft missile and flipped the safety device on him.

"Phew! sou!" The soldier firmly pulled the trigger and let the anti-aircraft missile rush towards his target. When the missile flew to the magician's feet, the magician discovered the huge threat behind him.

"Damn it!" The magician frowned of this puppet empire split a hand and tried to destroy the incoming missile, but was pierced by the shell from the ZSU-25-4 anti-aircraft gun. Defensive barrier.

Then, in the next second, the red-eye anti-aircraft missile exploded under the block of the magic defense barrier under his feet. There was a huge fireball in the sky, and then the magician fell from in the sky, with shrapnel from anti-aircraft artillery shells on his body, and there were also traces from blast fragments.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, but he didn't die immediately. Covered in blood, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and cursed loudly: "Ant! Mortals! You wait for me...wait!"

When he cursed , a 203mm caliber artillery shot the shells into the sky, rapidly expanding in his eyes. He widened his eyes, then reluctantly extended the hand to draw a magical defense barrier.

In an instant, the huge cannonball that hit him smashed the hastily formed magical defense barrier, then hit his stomach, penetrated his body, and then exploded. A huge black smoke column formed.

The place where the magician was, has now become a huge crater, which is still steaming and steaming with the magical breath of light blue. Immediately afterwards, these magical breaths began to dissipate, and eventually became impossible to find.

On the position, the majestic ZSU-25-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery was still spewing flames violently, countless tracer bullets scattered in the sky, and a giant dragon came from the other side of the anti-aircraft artillery whistled past, the flames in the mouth suddenly enveloped the anti-aircraft gun that just made a contribution.

In the flames, the anti-aircraft gun exploded, the turret split in two and rolled over to the sides of the hull. The ammunition and oil inside exploded violently, and in a short while the anti-aircraft gun was completely unrecognizable, and only the twisted charred shell remained.

A UH-1 helicopter fell in flames, crashed into the trench and exploded, propellers flying high with the explosion, and the entire 1st Armored Division's defenses were on the verge of collapse.

In the violent explosion, the soldiers of the puppet empire rushed into the defense line of Alanhill, the magic long sword in their hands, this time in hand-to-hand combat they should have exerted the power they should have.

"ka-cha!" A sword slashed the bayonet held by an Alanhill soldier, and the soldiers of the Holy Demon Emperor in heavy armor looked down at the mortals in front of them.

He was just thinking about what kind of enemy could inflict such huge casualties on them. Now he saw it, and saw these mortals who were nothing like ants in front of him.

"Poor mortal!" He had a faint smile on his face, without any pity, he shook his wrist gently, and the long sword in his hand pulled out a beautiful sword flower. In the daze, an Alanhill soldier fell while clutching his neck, and several Alanhill soldiers lost one's head out of fear and kept retreating with bayonets.

"Is it good to be like a man? Don't you have any honor? Don't you have any dignity?" The puppet empire soldier in bright armor stepped forward with a long sword and sneered at those who were not on the opposite side. Stop the retreating Alanhill soldiers.

"Dignity is worthless..." A middle-aged grenadier with a bayonet suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his face. He wiped his nose and shouted loudly: "I can replace you, I have lived for 42 years, it is worth it!" A little bit of color for mortals. He took a sharp step forward, only to hear a ka-cha crashing metal under his feet.

"Before your father went out, he didn't tell you there was a landmine, this thing!" The sharp Alanhill thorn pierced the heart of the distracted puppet empire soldier.

It's a pity that his enemies are too strong, at least in melee combat. I saw the opponent slap the long sword with his backhand, and the sharp magic blade cut off the Mauser 98K rifle in the veteran's hand.

Then the soldier of the puppet empire slashed forward again, and the long sword immediately sank into the shoulder of the veteran: "I'm sorry! You are too weak! After I finish dealing with you guys, I will study it carefully. The things under your feet are fine!"

The smile on the veteran's face continued, and he said happily, "You didn't move, but I did."

It turned out that there were two landmines buried here. When the old soldier rushed up, he stepped on the second landmine. He was thinking of perishing together, and simply didn't think about going back.

tone barely fell , the veteran lost his life and fell straight down. Before he fell completely, the booby-trapped mine in the trench exploded, and the huge explosion set off a cloud of dust, followed by the second mine, the mine at the foot of the puppet empire soldier, which also exploded.

"Attach the bayonet!" All the Alanhill soldiers held their heads high in a position, and their commander calmly took the Mauser 98K rifle handed to him by the adjutant, and inserted the long thorns into it. on the muzzle.

Following his orders, all the soldiers inserted their bayonets into their guns, and then with a resolute expression, they took their steps towards the phalanx of neat puppet imperial soldiers: "Alanhill Long live!"

"Long live Alanhill!" In the face of those bright armors, and in the face of those long swords that were burning with flames and entwined with lightning, the phalanx formed by mortals was shining brightly. The bayonet and the densely packed M42 steel helmet did not flinch at all. Before they were cut down, they were all shouting the slogan they had suppressed the previous year: "Mortals will never be slaves!"

In Amidst the shouts, another Scud missile rushed into the puppet empire's phalanx, and without the slightest obstruction, the missile exploded in the crowd, and once again flew many soldiers of the puppet empire.

The 1st Armored Division and the 1st Air Cavalry Division used their flesh and blood to form a solid steel line 40 kilometers south of the westward railway. On this side of the defense line is the high level Magic Empire; on the other side of the defense line is the Mortal Empire.


On the flat runway of the airport, a ground service commander is swinging his arms with standard command gestures. In front of him, a MiG-21 fighter jet was taxiing toward the center of the runway.

Following this MiG-21 is another MiG-21. They have made preparations, checked all the status, and qualified for takeoff.

"Meteor 1 requests takeoff!" "Meteor 2 requests takeoff!" The pilot's voice came clearly on the Wireless Electronics channel with almost no interference. The officer on duty in the ground control tower quickly grabbed the intercom and ordered: "Approve takeoff! The front line is waiting for you!"

"Meteor 1 takes off!" The pilot with an oxygen mask faced After the ground crew gave a military salute, they pushed the engine output rod, and hot flames erupted from the back of the MiG-21 engine.

"Two take off!" From Wireless Electronics, the voice of the wingman pilot came. Two MiG-21 fighter jets, one after the other, rushed to the end of the runway, where the two planes escaped gravity and rose into the sky.

Further back and farther in the airport, a slender aircraft with a huge wingspan was also taxiing towards the takeoff runway. These new bombers, loaded with countless bombs, are beautifully carved with rune, a magical defensive barrier.

"The B-52 bomber group is taking off in formation! This group of Magic Empire bastards, try our Alanhill justice hammer!" Inside the headset, the officer of the ground command center gnashing teeth said.

"Let them know, Alanhill is amazing!" One missile launcher after another was moving into the position on a newly refurbished missile launcher. In the woods not far away, a Scud missile was standing upright, and the pointed missile head was already higher than the treetops.

"bang!" On the fork in the westward railway, ten K5 train guns were roaring furiously, and the cranes had been prepared to replenish ammunition. When the guns spewed thick smoke, the soldiers It has already begun to prepare for the second fire.

"Watch out under the clouds! There are 30 seconds left to enter the battlefield!" While shouting, the pilot of the P-51 fighter jet gave a thumbs up to another aircraft beside him.

In the small cockpit of another Mustang fighter jet, the pilot also gave a thumbs up: "Prepare to dive! Kill everything you can see!""

Dragon Spirit I have to stay up all night and update again today... Let's see tomorrow... Don't learn to stay up late...

(end of this chapter)

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