My Empire

Chapter 266

My Empire Chapter 266


Chapter 266 266 Fragile Empire

Hearing the saying of going south to make money, the faces of many officials became much better. They did get unprecedented benefits in the south, and the rich resources in the south really made everyone ecstatic.

The Jesno Empire has many minerals, as well as gem mines and many other precious minerals. What makes Alanhill even more ecstatic is that oil has also been discovered here, and the reserves are quite large.

If the land gained and other benefits are counted, Alanhill's southward troops made a lot of money in the Jasno Empire area, which made many troops envious.

"Because of the discovery of oil fields, Imperial Oil's stock has risen a lot." A satisfied official nodded and agreed with the murmured words of the official in charge of finance.

"I suggest that we should continue to advance southward to attack the Bamyhir Empire after we have fully occupied the Jasno Empire!" A minister in charge of the economy stood up and proposed: "Add 10 more troops. Wan! Take down the Bamyhir Empire!"

"Agree! We should subsidize the Northern Front War, at least we should devote some of our attention to the countries in the south! There is also the War Zone, isn't it? What?" the other minister said, looking towards Gurlo beside him.

"Expanding the war is not good for us! Gentlemen! Don't just look at the immediate interests! Destroying is always easier than building. We have won so many places, and we have to build so many places. You think this is A good thing?" Chris finally spoke up, interrupting everyone's quarrel.

"I know that everyone wants to quickly gain benefits in the South, and I want to do it too! But we can't be impatient, we must win with stability! If we win a place, we must stand firm there!" He spoke slowly and emphasized to everyone.

"Select qualified officials, manage the Jesno area well, and make it our granary, this is what we should do now! As for continuing to the south... We can discuss it another day! "

"Now what we have to think about is what the war will look like in the future!" Chris stood up and walked to the map behind him with a serious expression: "The latest news, the puppet empire is scattered The retreating troops have spread even further!"

He tapped the map, his eyes swept across everyone's faces: "Before, we and they both wanted to use a decisive battle to eliminate our opponents, this kind of The situation of large-scale battles is actually beneficial to us mortals! We are good at collective warfare, which is our advantage!"

His words were a little cold, which made all those who were still discussing the southward attack warmly just now. The officers all swallowed involuntarily.

Someone took out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped the sweat left on his forehead tremblingly.

Just now they were too complacent, and all they thought about was how they and the chaebols they represented would make money. But they forgot that this empire is Alanhill, and this empire also has an emperor Your Majesty who is infinitely more powerful than any emperor!

Whether it's making money or developing an industry, everyone here has to rely on Chris's breath. Their strength is just a paper tiger, and Chris's strength is really strong.

In Alanhill, the emperor Your Majesty's golden words stand by one's word, if he orders the eradication of which family, the other ministers will carry out the emperor's order without even asking why.

That's dominance, that's Chris' reputation at Alanhill. Although he doesn't express his opinions often, and even hesitates at times, when he speaks, no one dares to question anything.

Chris's hand drew a circle in the area where yesterday's battle was fought: "Be it the puppet empire or the Holy Demon Emperor, they all thought they could win us in a frontal war, so our tactics were It's the same! They are all concentrating their forces, looking for the opponent's main force and waiting for a decisive battle."

After he finished speaking, he paused and continued: "But... now, our enemy realizes the mistake, They don't dare to assemble their troops because they are afraid of our weapons of mass destruction!"

"It turns out that this may instead allow them to find new tactics against us! I call it guerrilla warfare! Magic Empire's high The level magician, the magic snake troop, and even the giant dragon are all suitable for small-scale battles." Having said that, he looked towards Chief of Staff Luo Kai, and ordered: "Tell me about it, puppet. The empire's next counterattack."

"Yes!" Rokai stood up from his position and walked to the map with his chin up. He pointed to the enemy troops near Bellevue and said, "Once they disperse, start to harass our army with small-scale troops, and then consume our army with local conflicts, then we will be in a very passive situation!"

"Even if they infiltrate our army's control area, or go deeper and reach our core industrial area, then we will pay a heavy price!" After that, Luo Kai said Standing beside Chris, waiting for the Emperor Your Majesty to speak.

"Before they just targeted me, the plot against was how to assassinate me alone! If they figured out and put the attack on the city, what will we face, Have you thought about it?" Chris asked.

After his questioning, everyone suddenly realized that Alanhill, a technological empire that was invincible on the frontal battlefield, did not become stronger when fighting the enemy's attack, but changed. to be vulnerable.

Compared to four years ago, Alanhill can be said to be full of high-value targets now, and it is unlikely that the situation where he could continue to fight even after giving up half of his country is unlikely to continue.

Before, strategic locations were nothing more than some castles, and some cities. Even large cities are easy to rebuild, and as long as the people are still there, or as long as enough people can be filled, these cities can quickly recover.

In such an era, losing a city is nothing more than losing some population and some minerals. For a vast empire, it can't be considered very traumatic. But now, such good things are gone forever.

I have to stress that everything has changed now. The large city of Alanhill needs water and electricity, a powerful underground sewerage system, and prohibitively expensive infrastructure.

Nowadays, when a city is attacked, as long as one power station is bombed, it may affect many surrounding power plants. Once the transformer is destroyed, the long-distance power grid will be paralyzed, and many places will lose power supply. life will become a mess.

And if the waterworks are destroyed, then a city will be paralyzed, people will lose their ability to live, and the whole city will collapse in a few days. when the time comes the city stinks, and just having countless toilets can be a big problem.

In the whole city, there are countless important facilities. There is the steel smelting factory in Alanhill in the earth fort, and the ferry city has the largest dock and port.

Naaru, Dragon City, Wallawa, Main, Northshire, Hanhai, Bude... Tunsk, Arantix, Farud, Dossenaar, Higgs Gnar, Osa... So many cities, each with countless factories, are supporting the development of the empire.

Higgs has oil, Dothan Empire has rubber, Arrant has iron ore, Velonsa has apprentice magician... Countless resources are serving Alanhill, which link is destroyed, for this The empire is a disaster.

In response to a possible attack by the Magic Empire, Alanhill deployed a large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles. But these things have also become a heavy burden on Alanhill while defending.

How can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves? Alanhill has worked hard to protect these important facilities, and there will be more of them in the future.

When you think about it, a nuclear power plant, seemingly infinite in peacetime, could provide an almost infinite amount of electricity to surrounding cities. But in a state of war, this thing is a big dirty bomb on one's own territory.

If the other party really attacks the nuclear power plant, the consequences may be even more terrifying than the direct use of the atomic bomb. There may even be barren for thousands of years, and radiation will exist until the demise of human civilization.

More common are chemical factories, but Alanhill has its own chemical weapons production factory. Once such a factory is attacked, the terrifying VXpoison qi will leak out immediately, threatening the lives of everyone around.

The poison qi drifting in the wind can even spread dozens of kilometers away, and it can wipe out all breathing things in a village if it covers a village.

Let's take a step back and say that just an ordinary chemical factory, a large ethylene production container of hundreds of thousands of tons or even millions of tons, any random explosion is estimated to be the destructive power of a nuclear weapon.

Toxic and dangerous chemicals are the foundation of modern industry, and Alanhill is naturally looking to produce them. These chemical products that underpin the industry are irreplaceable in life, but they are terrifying in the manufacturing process.

Even if the supervision is not strict, there will be explosions, even more how to be attacked. Therefore, even if any magician fires recklessly in the city, it will cause terrifying consequences.

You must know that chemical factories are not paramilitary facilities, and factories that actually produce weapons are more dangerous: rocket launch bases deployed inland, missile production bases, explosives factories... any of these places are needed. Be safe or something goes wrong and it turns into a disaster.

"We're not getting stronger, we're getting weaker, gentlemen!" Chris looked at the staff in front of him and said slowly, "You think we won Now we can choose which piece of fat to eat first? No, gentlemen! We are far from winning this war! We are even in danger of losing!"

(End of this chapter)

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