My Empire

Chapter 298

My Empire Chapter 298


Chapter 298 299 Tortoise

The production of new aircraft is still far from water, and it cannot quench the thirst in the near future. What Alanhill has to face now is a demon army, and it is a direct attack from the main force.

Although, Chris can give up Ferry City and use nuclear weapons to attack after the demon army has landed - but Ferry City is different from other places, this is the traditional core area of Alanhill.

Destroying this place isn't just unacceptable to Chris, but to most of the Alanhill executives. In the eyes of everyone, it is one thing if you try your best to be defeated, and it is another thing to give up Ferry City voluntarily.

"Let the 15th Army set up a defense line near Ferry City as soon as possible, I heard that the flood water there has almost receded today?" Chris asked a general sitting in front of him.

The general nodded replied: "Yes, there is still silt on the city streets, but overall, there is no problem there."

"However, the flood in Ferry City has just Back, building a Defensive Array in the mud and sand is basically an impossible thing..." Chris remembered this and asked again.

"Yes, the 15th Army was ordered to rely on the city to build a Defensive Array, but the terrain they can use is not much." The general lowered his head and continued to answer.

Actually, there is really no good solution. A soldier of the 15th Army wiped the sweat from his forehead, supported the brand-new QGF Kevlar helmet on top of his head with his hands, and twisted it. He frowned at the vicious sun above his head.

"Damn the weather!" Depressed, he shoveled the sea sand from the street into the sandbag with a shovel, and then looked at the seawater seeping out from the sandbag.

The flood receded from Ferry City, but it couldn't take everything it brought with it. Fish carcasses can still be found in some houses, and on several streets there are ships that capsize and wreck, stuck between buildings.

There is sea sand everywhere, and the troops arriving later had to fill the sand with sandbags, and then transport it to the designated location to build a fortification.

"Isn't that right... This place has been flooded, and we cannot build fortifications at all. We can only rely on the building block to set up the defense line..." Beside him, another soldier also complained road.

Their weapon, the AK-47 rifle just distributed, is a new type of weapon that has just been equipped with the 15th and 16th armies.

As the war progressed, Alanhill executives finally admitted that their already terrifying production capacity was beginning to tighten slightly.

So, they finally gave up their insistence, stopped production of Mauser 98K and STG-44 assault rifles, and installed AK-47 automatic rifles - of course, the mass production is actually Earth AKM rifle in civilization, but named AK-47 by Chris.

This weapon is easy to produce and inexpensive, more reliable than the slightly more expensive STG-44, and more suitable for larger armies.

As for infantry weapons, Chris, who has all Earth's technological civilization, once again had to admit that he made a serious mistake in choosing weapons.

Before, he was more optimistic about the M4 automatic rifle with high precision, high accessories and more powerful battle strength. But reality hit him in the face again cruelly... Today's production accuracy can't keep up with demand, M4 rifles can only be equipped with a small amount of troops, and large-scale replacements cannot be completed.

And the Alanhill infantry, who have been unable to change to higher level weapons and equipment, can only fight with Mauser 98K rifles that are obviously outdated. What makes it even more difficult to know whether to cry or laugh is that the war has been going on for almost nine months, and half of Alanhill's soldiers are armed with Mauser rifles.

This is simply a satire for Chris. Not long ago, the emperor Your Majesty finally put down his face for the second time and ordered the factory to start producing AK-47 assault rifles, which were equipped for later formation. New Army.

At the same time, he also issued an order to change the caliber of the MG-42 machine gun to 7.62 mm, which can be regarded as maintaining the supply of logistical weapons and ammunition to a certain extent.

However, the entire dressing process still cannot cover the entire army immediately, and can only be eliminated little by little to clear the inventory.

As a result, an interesting phenomenon appeared. The main 1st and 2nd armies and one third infantry used the old Mauser 98K and STG assault rifles, while the newly formed 15th The army, the 16th army, has already installed AK-47 assault rifles on a large scale.

It is not only rifle weapons that are replaced, but also other weapons and equipment of the army. For example, the 15th Army has been reinforced by the missile force directly under its command because its defense area is close to key defenses.

With a whole regiment of Scud missiles and two brigades of air defense missile mobile units, plus the supplement of individual air defense missiles, the air defense force of the entire 15th Army Group is very powerful.

As the soldiers were clearing the gravel from the street, a truck with wet wheels passed them.

The back compartment of the truck seemed to transport seafood, and the turbid seawater flowed out from the gap. The carriage was full of sandbags filled with sea sand, ready to be transported to the defense line outside the city to reinforce the position.

There were also two soldiers with shovels on the truck, casually buckled with their helmets, and their military uniforms open, revealing their sweaty chests.

The commander-in-chief of the 15th Army was an Old General, a veteran of the Arrant Empire who later surrendered to Alanhill along with the Arrant region, and has served in the military to this day.

If you look at the resume, this Old General can be regarded as quite satisfactory, mature and prudent, and it can be regarded as raising the average age of Alanhill high level generals.

Otherwise, the empire of Alanhill is about to become a kindergarten in the eyes of other empires: the Minister of Defense, Duke Kastner, is 44 years old, the Army Commander is 36 years old, the Air Force Commander is 30 years old, and the Navy Commander is 30 years old. 42 years old...

The commander of the 1st Army was 27 years old, the commander of the 2nd army was 30 years old, the commander of the 3rd army was 48 years old, the commander of the 4th army was 43 years old, the commander of the 5th army was 25 years old, and the commander of the 6th army was 25 years old. 39 years old, the commander of the 7th army army is 50 years old, the commander of the 9th army army is 23 years old (still a woman)...

Now, the old general of the 15th army army, Mediyas, is 62 years old. A decent commander for his age.

Old General is still sturdy and looks bright, and because he is from an old nobleman, he still wears a long sword on the new military uniform, which is regarded as an alternative among all generals.

He is standing on the battery of Ferry City at this moment, discussing the defensive arrangement with the commander of the battery and the commander of the 15th Air Force supporting him.

"The front we want to defend is actually not too wide. The beach line of defense is the most vulnerable area. I decided to put the tank division in this position to prevent the opponent from breaking through from the flank." Medias pointed to The map, there is no sad or happy expression on a stereotyped face.

He was holding the gorgeous saber around his waist, looking rather comical out of the way, but the Old General still has two brushes, because he is Chris's man, a rare steady type. commander.

Those young generals in their 30s are good at offensive operations. Modler and Wilkes are also commanders with a balanced offensive and defensive, but they are not as stable as Medeas. .

This Old Master is simply a turtle. When he was in the Arrant Empire, he was known as "Three No Wars" - so he opened his mouth and began to distribute his troops, with a posture of standing still.

His nickname means that he never fights the enemy in three situations: he never fights until his troops outnumber his opponents; he never fights until his troops are ready. He never fights until he's not fully aware of his opponent's intentions - so he's fought all his life and never lost...

In other words, this Old Master only fights with the wind, and if he's weak, immediately Just huddled up and defended, being cautious and without exception, so I never lost in my life.

After he took over the 15th Army, he imprinted his character on the unit: wherever the Army went, the first thing to do was to dig a line of defense, and it was a large line of defense in depth and a circular fortification. With a circular fortification, like the Eight Trigrams Array.

The commanders of the whole army are familiar with the motto of the commander of the army: as long as the troops stop, they must start digging trenches.> Of course, five years ago, this Old Master's slogan was not like this. Five years ago, he said: "As long as the troops stop, the camp will be built..." Now the slogan has changed with the times. The long sword has not kept pace with the times.

"The news that the reconnaissance plane we sent out brought back, the devil's naval battleship, a few have appeared near the open sea..." The commander of the 15th Air Force of the Air Force introduced.

The large-scale long-range reconnaissance plane was intercepted during reconnaissance, and the effect was not very obvious. However, fighter jets can also conduct reconnaissance, but the scope is limited. The advantage of using fighter reconnaissance is that it is faster and safer, but the disadvantage is that the reconnaissance distance is relatively reduced.

Now that the enemy has reached the door, the short detection distance is no longer a problem, so the Air Force has also begun to dispatch frequently to detect the situation in the nearby Sea Territory.

The fact that the demon fleet spreads out and kills Ferry City is now well known to everyone. So after hearing the demon navy appearing offshore, no one was too surprised.

"The area covered by the fort is relatively safe... However, the enemy's landing troops." The commander of the fort pointed to the beach that he could overlook and said to General Medias.

"The counterattack is a matter for the reserve team. My requirement is that under the attack of the enemy, as long as my front-line positions are not lost, the enemy will not be able to stand on the coastline!" Maddie General Yas pointed to the map and said confidently: "The problem now is that this line of defense still needs time to deploy!"

"Unfortunately, Your Excellency General... What we lack now is time." Fortress The commander shrugged his shoulders.

(end of this chapter)

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