My Empire

Chapter 507

My Empire Chapter 507


Chapter 507 508 Bloody Beginning

Shake is a seaport city, its city wall is incomplete, in fact these city walls meander After reaching the beach, it was blocked by the fort and the coast.

Strictly speaking, the city's port area is not actually within the city, or, in other words, not within the protection of the city wall.

The port area and the buildings in the port area here are only protected by simple fortifications, but they are covered by forts and have a certain degree of security.

However, in the face of the devil's attack and Alanhill's attack, the fragile city wall still cannot protect the safety of the city's main streets, and the unprotected port area will naturally no longer be there. Any security at all.

Behind the city wall of Shakeburn City, there are some cleared military camps, and the part close to the core is the city street.

Now there are civilians who have taken refuge here. They have nowhere to evacuate and can only crowd the streets, waiting for their destiny.

Hearing the sound of the trebuchets and seeing the troops being transferred to the city wall one by one, these refugees crowded under the eaves and leaning against the corner of the building were frightened and didn't know what to do. .

They were able to get here, it was the limit of what they could do. Although starving, there are not many old, weak, sick and disabled people here, because the real old, weak, sick and disabled have disappeared halfway.

"All numbered youngsters gather! Go to the weapon warehouse to get your weapons! The demons are attacking the city wall! If the city wall is breached, no one will be spared! All fight! Be fast! "An officer with a long sword, followed by a guard with a long spear, shouted loudly as they walked across the street.

The slightly hoarse shouting made everyone feel uneasy, and they were afraid to go forward, because they didn't know what terrifying things they would face once they took up arms.

"Quick! You must fight! Otherwise, the demons will rush in, and you will all die!" The officer was still shouting loudly. At this time, some men could only stand up with a brave oneself. After all, they also knew some demons. terrifying.

On the other side, all the soldiers in the barracks are busy now. Some soldiers have just retreated from their positions to rest, some have lost more than half of the troops waiting to be replenished, and there are a large number of personnel in charge of logistics. run around.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of a troop's barracks, came in and asked, "Anyone here to help?" The hanging around the waist looked battered and exhausted.

"We haven't received the order to go to the city wall." The only officer in the room stood up and replied.

The dozen or so soldiers stationed in the square in the house stared blankly at the soldier who broke in, wondering what he was doing here at this time. to the command on the city wall.

"Sorry, I'm from the Fifth Army regiment that was withdrawn. We have too many wounded soldiers! The hospital is short of manpower, can the big brothers do me a favor." The words are very polite, and it can be seen that the front line is fighting very fiercely.

The Captain in this barracks is the only one in this unit who has fought in battle, and he naturally knows the seriousness of the matter.

No one will come to help them until they help. This is all mutual, and it is also a tacit understanding between friendly forces.

So he stood up, walked to his subordinates, and commanded: "It's not easy to survive, we don't have anything to do right now, and we won't die if we do some work."


After he finished speaking, he pointed to a few of his subordinates and said: "You stay and guard the equipment and things. Those who go put the equipment in the barracks. It is inconvenient to bring armor to save people."

"Thank you, thank you." The Fifth Army regiment seemed to have gone to a lot of barracks, and it was likely that they had been rejected along the way. With moist eyes, they bowed to the Captain in front of him and thanked him. .

After a while, these soldiers who came to help followed Captain to a nearby field hospital. Except for the Captain who had experienced the battle, everyone else was completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

A stretcher was hurriedly carried in front of several people. The soldier on it was face covered in blood. Half of his body armor had been deformed. A lot of white bones were spent. He was not born because of the blood. From his mouth came shards of viscera and blood. Those eyes stared straight at Captain and the others, seemingly unwilling and painful.

Not far away, the lightly wounded were left in the open space and were cared for by an aunt, screaming incessantly. Soldiers are helping to look after their comrades.

"Gentlemen! Which army do you belong to? Where's the armor?" A medic with a white shirt over a chainmail came over, frowned. His white smock had been blood-dyed half-red, and it looked very disgustingly wet.

Upon hearing the question, Captain knew the military doctor with a higher rank than himself, and immediately saluted and replied: "Sir, we are soldiers of the Fourth Legion. I heard that you need manpower here, so I came here to help."

The military medical officer heard Captain's answer, and his face immediately became kind: "There are too few soldiers willing to help voluntarily. Thank you for your hard work for your compatriots. Go there to get a few stretchers, Please help bring the wounded soldiers from the city wall here, thank you."

"Yes, sir!" Captain saluted again, and the military medical officer returned a military salute very solemnly, hurriedly Busy turned to another direction.

These soldiers who came to help found the quartermaster who was already busy in the chaos, where they took a few stretchers, and the people with the squad helped lift the wounded soldiers.

Everyone didn't speak much, because they could only look for soldiers who could be treated from the piles of wounded soldiers on the front line. What step is stepping on is a corpse that is already cold.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed a recruit's ankle, making the soldier who was sluggishly following his team shiver involuntarily.

He looked down and saw a soldier spitting out blood and begging in an unclear voice: "Help me, please help me."

"Hey! Captain There's a living person here." The soldier who was caught by his ankle was frightened to death, and hurriedly called Captain who was walking in front.

It's a pity that his Captain didn't even look back, and continued to move forward. He didn't stop his steps, but answered the question of the soldier behind him: "Leave him here! Not every living person can be saved."

At this time, he finally stood up. The courageous recruit lowered his head and looked carefully at the wounded man who was holding his ankle, only to find that the other's legs were gone.

Probably only 2/3/2022 wounded soldiers were left lying in the mud, surrounded by blood-dyed red soil. According to the current state, there is really no need to waste time to rescue this kind of injury.

Being ruthless, and even needing to be brave, the recruits threw off the hand holding his ankle. Trembling forward, he caught up with the Captain in front, and the two found a soldier with arrows in the shoulder and side, and put the lucky guy on a stretcher.

While they were putting the wounded on the stretcher, the wounded soldier lying not far away, covered in blood and without his legs, let out a wailing, "Save me! Save me! For the gods' sake! Take me out of here! I have gold coins in my armor! Take me away!"

And in the process, Captain never looked back, and finally took these with him It was the first time that the novice, who saw so many dead people, ignored the sound of pleading in the distance and headed back towards the hospital.

Once again, passing the half-wounded man lying beside the pile of corpses, the recruit saw once again the half of his body that had just grabbed his ankle.

Now the body is lying motionless next to the corpse pile, the blood under his body has condensed into the soil, and the other side motionless has no voice, and of course he can't tell if he is still alive...


Back at the hospital, two medics came to the stretcher carried by the recruit and motioned for the recruit to lay the wounded on the ground.

These recruits, who were carrying the wounded for the first time, of course did so obediently, but the other party did not wait for the wounded to react. When they put down the stretcher, they grabbed the wounded man with one hand, which was full of rust and rust. At the end of the barbed demon's arrow, he pressed his hand near the wound and pulled out the iron arrow with all his might.

"Ah!" The wounded soldier let out a heart-piercing scream, and the blood was pouring out, splashing the face of the recruit who was carrying the stretcher. The medic didn't even look at the wounded soldier, but stared at the recruit instructed: "Help close the hole with your fingers! When the two bandagers over there come over, you can go. The arrow on the arm is not enough. Deadly, leave it alone."

"I, I said...this, how can this can, how can it be so rude..." The recruit was already frightened by the sight in front of him, He felt his legs were weak now, and asked the "human life as grass" doctor with a trembling voice.

After all, as a soldier, he didn't want to be carried here after being injured, to be so terrifying when he was most helpless.

"Soldiers!" The man who seemed to be a temporary guest doctor frowned, pointed to the wounded in the distance, and explained, "If I follow the procedure, I will Only 20 can be saved!" The medic's eyes were bloodshot, the recruit who no longer paid attention to nonsense, wearily walked to another stretcher in the distance.

At this time, Captain walked over with the bloodstains of others running on his chest, pushed his subordinates aside, apologized to the doctor, and then turned around, snorted scolded : "You know now, right? This is war! It's not easy to survive."

The soldier on the stretcher gasped in pain, groaned loudly, watching Captain stuck his thumb into the bleeding wound, stammering, "Thank you... thank you."

(end of this chapter)

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