My Empire

Chapter 529

My Empire Chapter 529


Chapter 529 530 Rules

The residents of Alanhill have not seen the thick white smoke coming out of the nuclear bomb silo for a long time, huge Missiles fly into the distance.

So, when one nuclear bomb after another flew out of the missile silo and flew into the sky with a press forward imposing manner, the Alanhill people who saw the scene in front of them all put down their actions. , watching those missiles take off curiously.

"It's some act recklessly..." A farmer shook his head, stopped the pesticide spraying plane beside him, looked at the huge missiles, and sighed.

His sigh is also the sigh of many Alanhill people at this moment. They still don't understand that if the scenes on TV after the nuclear detonation are real, why would their enemies not surrender?

Although the elf queen didn't have any similar thoughts, when she saw that Alanhill fired 10 nuclear bombs in one breath, the shock in her heart was also very huge.

Because, as a mature politician, she is obviously very aware of what a terrifying deterrent these bombs that can destroy a city mean.

If it is a normal enemy, if it is bombed by this weapon once, it is necessary to consider surrendering. Therefore, launching 10 nuclear bombs in one go is definitely not a trivial matter.

"Dear Your Majesty...It would be a bit too much to retaliate for using so many nuclear weapons just because of the attack of Saludis." Falley, standing behind the Elf Queen, Naturally, she understood the thoughts of the Queen Your Majesty, so she took the initiative to speak and found a topic with Chris at the dinner table.

Chris's knife and fork still didn't mean to stop, and he, the emperor, didn't have any table manners to talk about.

In the early years, he had to use the meal time to listen to the work reports of various departments, and even use the meal time to hold meetings. Later, although he didn't have to work while eating, he still read newspapers or listened to some news while eating.

This habit is not an elegant noble habit, so it is very uncomfortable for the elf queen who puts down her knife and fork when she talks while eating.

In the eyes of the Elf Queen, the new Alanhill Imperial Family has no cultural heritage and does not know how to respect others.

But Chris himself knows that this habit does not mean disrespecting others. He was used to working hard, and at the same time, he naturally disliked those traditional aristocrats who had nothing to do every day and paid attention to social etiquette.

Alanhill has been focusing on efficiency since its founding, a country that has grown on the wheels of rapid development.

Hearing Falley's questioning, Chris chewed on the steak and replied, "This is part of Alanhill's Doomsday Plan, which was made so long ago that I was I forgot its exact name...but since there is a law to follow, then we should be responsible for what we said."

After speaking, he took another sip of green vegetables and took a sip from the wine glass. A sip of red wine: "If one of our cities is attacked, then we will attack ten cities of the enemy, or even a hundred cities!"

"You are truly a monarch whose gratitude and grudges are clear. "The Elf Queen sarcastically said, her sentence translated, is actually "You are really a person who seeks revenge for the slightest grievance".

"Thank you for your compliment, Queen Your Majesty." Chris didn't know if he really didn't hear what the other party meant, or if he deliberately pretended not to care. In short, the sarcasm of the elf queen was like hitting cotton with a punch, and it didn't play any role.

So the queen Your Majesty doesn't plan to continue to dwell on this issue. In her opinion, the place targeted by these nuclear bombs is already in ruins, and there is no need to care about it. place.

Compared with the dead cities in the southern kingdoms occupied by demons, Elf Race is more interested in the moon, which is now regarded as its own territory by Alanhill.

Habitually put down the knife and fork again, the Elf Queen found that the delicious beef on her plate had hardly been touched, and the beef on Chris's plate had been eaten one third. .

Somewhat helpless, she looked away, and for the third time asked a question about the Elf Legacy on the Moon: "Your Majesty, you already know about the Elf Race Moon Legacy... ...I beg you once again to return the legacy that originally belonged to Elf Race to Elf Race..."

"I refuse." Without thinking, Chris once again rejected the Queen of Elf Race Demand: "If everyone asks for what belongs to them, then Alanhill will fall apart in no time."

"This is an acknowledgement of Alanhill's expansion, and Chengen himself has encroached on the territories of many countries. already?" The Elf Queen looked at Chris and asked a question that might embarrass a powerful Imperial monarch.

But Chris still didn't mean to be angry, he was still chewing the beef in his mouth rudely, and nodded admitted the problem of the Elf Queen generously: "Yes, I never denied Alanhill's expansion. We did invade many countries and even destroyed many ancient empires.”

“It’s not something to be ashamed of, on the contrary I think it’s the glory of an empire.” Chris laughed, using The fork pointed to the beef on the Queen's Your Majesty's plate, and asked, "Isn't it appetizing? The Queen, Your Majesty?"

At the dinner a few days ago, Chris invited everyone to eat Chinese beef. The meal, the taste is naturally not to say, the pattern is also more.

Yesterday at the official meeting of the Elf Queen, the two sides ate a light meal, which was actually a working meal, not very fancy, more like a bowl of rice or something.

Today is a private meeting proposed by the elf queen. Although there are still accompanying staff, the form is not so formal. So Chris asked people to prepare French dishes, with some twists.

However, with the appearance in front of her, compared to Your Majesty, the queen who ate Chinese food for the first time, she didn't seem to like the French food in front of her very much.

"I like it very much, Your Majesty." The queen was reluctant to talk about etiquette in person, but since the other party asked, she felt that she should kindly remind her.

So she paused and said, "It's very rude to say this, but I still think I should sincerely remind the emperor Your Majesty that you are chewing and talking to each other while eating. Impolite thing."

"Oh..." Chris smiled and put the knife and fork in his hand on the sides of the plate, and after swallowing the meat in his mouth did not continue to gobble, waiting for the queen Your Majesty continues.

The Queen was also slightly startled when she saw that the other party was so kind. She looked at her not handsome, but obviously aura-filled face, and continued: "The Imperial Family in every country has its own long history, as well as its own etiquette and glory. Alanhill is a great country, so you should pay more attention to this. The impact of this."

"Do you really want to exterminate all Imperial families in the empire? This will convey a sense of anxiety to the Imperial families of other empires." The queen finished , just looked at Chris, waiting for his answer.

Chris thought about it and said, "Your Majesty, Queen, if I followed these so-called etiquettes while eating, I would have about 100 minutes less every day to learn about the empire I now rule. ."

"Maybe, that's why those empires were defeated by me, and one of the reasons why the Imperial Family should worry about their own demise." Chris sneered and continued: "Also, what you said The so-called long history? Are you sure it's not another decent way of saying corruption?"

Hearing him ask this question, the elf queen was a little sorry. I thought that since I asked this question, it proved that the elf queen had heard the irony of "seeking revenge for the slightest grievance" just now.

"Decency, dignity, or glory... these are not given by others, but won by myself." Chris picked up the knife and fork again, and gestured on his plate: "I I have never been decent, because I was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building due to the heavy taxation of the Arrant Empire, and my territory was so poor that I couldn't even get 1,000 gold coins."

"When I want dignity, no Give it to me." He cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth: "I didn't need it later, when my anti-aircraft guns defeated Dragon Knight in Dragon City, when I destroyed Bellevue and rebuilt Ironforge After that, I found an interesting thing."

"If I don't have nuclear weapons, no electromagnetic guns, no tanks, planes, and battleships, even if I am the most elegant person in the world, Queen Your Majesty will not Will sit here and talk nonsense with me," he said, pointing the knife to himself.

Then he rudely used the same knife and pointed at the elf queen: "And when I have the power to defeat demons, when my nuclear bomb can move Ping City, when I An army of millions swept the world, when I have the technology to land on the moon... Even if I have no interest in being rude and reckless, Queen Your Majesty, you will sit here and want to walk away but dare not."

Without waiting for the elf queen to say anything, he laughed at himself: "Guess, if I announce now that eating and chatting without putting down the knife and fork, eating as rudely as possible is new. Rules, will the noble Elf Race abide by it?"

"We..." The Elf Queen, slightly frowned, wanted to answer an answer she would have answered in the past. But when it came to her lips, she was stuck - because she knew that if Alanhill wanted to, these rules could indeed become the new norm.

"You won." The queen picked up the knife and fork in front of her and began to cut the beef on the plate: "Since you like a lady who devours her facelessly in front of you, I don't care."

"It's alright, I like it very much." Chris remembered Vivian's ladylike appearance while talking and eating, smiled and said, "One more thing, I have to explain, I can learn from I didn't plan to kill the Imperial Family of any empire."

(end of this chapter)

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