My Empire

Chapter 537

My Empire Chapter 537


Chapter 537 538 Change of thinking

"The news just sent by the satellite, the magic eye near Greken is also restless... The demons seem to be adding troops to our world, in every direction." An officer waved his pointer and pointed at a giant circular floating ball simulating a planet.

Standing beside him was Chris, who had arrived at the operational headquarters from his Imperial Palace, and standing beside Chris was Rokai, the chief of staff of the Empire.

Just after hearing the news that the Eye of Magic was starting to agitate massively, Chris immediately called an emergency response meeting. Now, the entire army of Alanhill has been mobilized nervously, and everyone is paying attention to the magical eye that suddenly becomes active.

"Our satellite overlooking the No. 3 satellite also sent back the corresponding photos. The original territory of the elves, the demon troops are also gathering... There are many." Another officer pointed to the magic house on the other side. Eyes, open mouth to report.

A person like scholar sent a calculation report and said to Luo Kai and several generals behind Luo Kai: "The calculation results are not optimistic, we speculate that only in the past Within half an hour, the total force of demons in this world has increased by at least 3 million.”

“If this activity is not curbed immediately, then in the next day, mankind will face An army of 20 million demons." His conclusion made the faces of the staff members of the General Staff Department such as Luo Kai even more ugly.

"We have no way of suppressing the three demon eyes together, especially the farthest elf leader, the Earth Demon, which is out of range of our nuclear bombs." A missile unit chief of staff , lowered his voice and said to Luo Kai.

His voice wasn't loud, but Chris could still hear it clearly. Chris also knows that Alanhill, the magical eye of the remote Elf Race's original territory, is beyond his reach.

"In the direction of Greken, the 1st Army of Greken has been caught up in a tough battle with the Demon Front. The enemy's force is large, exceeding Greken's expectations." The general, opened his mouth to explain the fighting situation on the Greken side.

This sudden change made Greiken's side also completely unprepared. The battle was fought in several directions at the same time, and Greken had not even formally presented Alanhill with a request for support.

"The 1st Army has already begun to move to the west of the Eternal Empire... It's just that our speed is a little slow, and the deployment of logistical supplies is still being prepared." A logistical commander saw Chris's gaze Sweeping towards himself, he immediately opened his mouth to report.

It is definitely not an easy task to make an army group move up and down with more than 500,000 people. Now Alanhill's 1st Army responded immediately after the problem occurred, and it was already in a very good state of combat readiness.

In fact, if the basic requirements are calculated, from the time the order is received to the time when the troops start to move, the deployment time of the army group level is within 72 hours, which is considered very fast.

"Our attack on the Magic Eye on the Endless Sea has already begun... The specific effect will be available in half an hour." The officer in charge of explaining the preparations for Alanhill's counterattack to Chris, using The pointer pointed at the missile sticker marked on the blue sea of the sphere and continued.

"Hopefully a high-yield nuclear bomb can stop the magic eye on the endless sea from continuing to be active." Rokai looked towards Chris and said, "Otherwise, we will be killed in many places. We must increase our troops to resist the possible invasion of demons."

"This is the last nuclear bomb we can use in the short term." Luo Kai said a little depressed: "The weather monitoring department has submitted Radiation contamination warning, because of our frequent use of nuclear bombs recently, environmental contamination has begun to spread..."

"It's not good news at a time like this." Chris also knew that they were in the past. In half a year, a large number of nuclear bombs were used in the direction of Greken, and more nuclear warheads were used in the southern kingdom.

Although these nuclear bombs are low pollution levels, the number is still very exaggerated. Because of the frequent use of nuclear weapons, the radiation of this planet is increasing, and if it continues, it will easily lead to a series of uncontrollable consequences.

So, for the first time, the environment department seriously warned Alanhill's top management, and demanded a stern call to temporarily stop the use of nuclear weapons.

"There is no way...if we risk continuing to use nuclear weapons, then we have to take the corresponding risk." Rocky, sighed, said to Chris: "Have a consequence, similar to the consequence of the Yellow Springs plan being executed. ."

"It's really a consequence we don't want to bear." Chris bitterly laughed, then looked towards the generals on the other side: "Then there's nothing to say, order the Eastern Front Troops, enter a state of emergency!"

"As ordered! Your Majesty!" A general stood at attention and saluted, then turned and walked out of the headquarters.

"According to the previously drawn up combat plan, the 15th and 4th Army Groups will enter the level 1 combat readiness state within the reinforced coastal defense line." Luo Kai briefly introduced the preparations on the Eastern Front: "Generals Medias and Durando will be on the coast to block any enemy landing."

"Our navy is also well prepared compared to previous ferry battles. General Laurence's aircraft carrier The fleet, as well as the artillery support fleet, have already left for the north." The navy staff introduced while pointing at the other side of the sphere with another pointer: "General Bakarov's 2nd fleet has gone to sea, and they will do their best to Possibly at sea to intercept enemy forces trying to approach our coastline."

"We are more prepared than the last battle. Also, this time we have a sky fleet with more advanced weapons Equipment..." Luo Kai added.

"Don't be obsessed with those weapons." Chris was obviously a little upset and interrupted Rokai: "It's not a pleasant thing for us to be passive like this all the time."

He paused and continued: "The enemy is trying to keep the battlefield in our world. The opponent is fighting outside the country, and we can't attack their rear. This situation is not good for us."

"It's just an activation of the Eye of Magic, what if there is another time? What's the next time?" Chris frowned, staring at the Eye of Magic on the sphere: "We must find a way to push the front line as soon as possible. Go to the world where the magic eye is located! This is the only way for us to win!"

"Yes!" Although the solution has not yet been found, Rokai stood at attention and saluted. As a soldier, defending the enemy outside the country is of course his lofty goal. If possible, of course he also wants to go to the devil's world, where he burns, kills, loots, commiting any imaginable misdeed - that's his dream !

"Let the technical department set the research direction on space magic. Since demons can create space magic, the so-called magic eye must be a huge Spatial Teleportation door or something!" Chris instructed.

He then went on to give orders to get Alanhill's most powerful force into action: "Order Valgeron to lead the Sky Fleet, join Lawns, and gather and destroy the navy of the demonic forces at sea, and defeat the Endless first. The Devil's Forces on the Seas!"

"As for the Western Front, order General Cisse's 7th Army Group to keep up with the 1st Army Group and form the Northwest Front with the 9th Army Group to help Grey Ken holds the line." Chris, worried that the 9th Army Group would not be able to hold the Greiken line on its own, reinforced two Army Groups.

At the same time, the current southwest region is also the front line against the demon army, so it also needs to increase the defense.

Therefore, Chris can only order the troops that originally attacked the puppet empire to be turned into auxiliary defense troops on the spot to help the new puppet empire lay out the defense line: "The 2nd Army Group merged with the 3rd Army Group, plus it is heading south. The 8th Army Group, formed the Southwest Front Army, and stationed in the new puppet empire..."

All the rest plans originally reserved for the various army groups were all in vain, and the original plan for the soldiers to take vacations was also completely gone. hope.

What's even more depressing is that Alanhill's plan to abolish 1 million troops when the war is in hand has become a joke that cannot be executed.

It is even possible that in future wars, Alanhill will expand his army again, expanding his regular army of 8.5 million to about 10 million.

These armies would be a heavy burden on Alanhill's economic development, and of course many of the military would be dissatisfied with the Empire's decision to keep fighting. Although this kind of dissatisfaction has been reduced infinitely in relation to the life and death of human beings, dissatisfaction will still breed, which is bound to happen.

"Report!" An officer walked into the headquarters and handed a report to his immediate superior. The general took the report, looked down, and then handed the report to Luo Kai: "Your Excellency Chief of Staff... The result of the nuclear strike has been confirmed, and the Magic Eye has not stopped being active... The devil is still there... Entering our world continuously!"

"What's the result of the damage?" Luo Kai felt that his luck was really bad, and the result he didn't want to see was just like it should be by rights happened.

"We hit the target, and the nearby demon troops suffered heavy losses, but they are still continuously..." The general in charge of the nuclear bomb replied.

"It doesn't matter... Since we can't continue to use nuclear weapons, let's change our minds." Chris waved his hand and cheered everyone present: "We don't only have nuclear weapons!"


Thousands of kilometers away from Serris City, in a long-abandoned mining area, a huge rocket engine is fixed on a hard rock reinforced by magic. The surrounding workers are evacuating, and only a few technicians are left, checking the operation status of the equipment.

The red warning lights above their heads were flashing constantly, and the loudspeaker beside them was echoing a high-pitched siren: "Attention, attention, there is still the last half hour before the launch time!"

(end of this chapter)

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