My Empire

Chapter 540

My Empire Chapter 540


Chapter 540 Assemble 541

Inside the gates of Ironforge, the giant Warhammer beat the dull war drums. Sumerai, king of the dwarves, stood at the top of this magnificent newly established city, overlooking the huge smokestacks.

Countless factories have sprung up in this city, and for the dwarves, it also means that countless hopes are bred in this city.

The one-time king of the dwarves looked down upon the earth and these new futures beneath his feet.

"The Archduke... the army has been assembled!" A dwarf with a bushy beard walked behind Su Molai, and said slightly as a nominee: "According to the order of His Majesty, 50,000 dwarves The warriors are ready."

"Go! Fight for the country!" Su Molai nodded, and said, "Smash all enemies with your Warhammer, Long live Alanhill!"

"Yes! Long live Alanhill!" The dwarf stood at attention and saluted, but his dwarf body was full of strength.

Heavy armor was like a sheet of paper on his body, and the Warhammer he carried on his back shone in the morning sun.

Behind them, there is a huge, just-built huge furnace. On both sides of the furnace, there are huge sculptures that symbolize the re-emergence of Dwarf Race under the blessing of Alanhill.

It was a huge eagle emblem 100 meters high, and its outstretched wings guarded a huge furnace that was constantly steaming.

Under this giant furnace, there are iron ferrite ingots that are constantly being produced. They will be divided thoroughly by other factories, manufactured into various equipment, and armed with various people.

In the sound of hammers, in the rumbling sound of machine stamping and casting, in the incessant beating of Dwarf Race's huge war drums, one armored vehicle after another. , tank after tank was built and rolled off Ironforge's new production line.

The Alanhill industrial system, which has not been in full production for a long time, begins to explode its true power after a day of mobilization.

This strength can be said that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, Alanhill's insistence on economic construction has always paid off in this brief moment.

Countless factories are running at full capacity all over the world, and the materials accumulated in an instant are consumed. Cars with paint not completely dry were driven to soldiers' camps, and new weapons that never appeared on the battlefield began to replace old items.

The black battle flag fluttered in the wind, and the huge white number 17 was printed on the battle flag. In the huge camp, young soldiers and middle-aged veterans began to pack their bags in silence.

Numerous warriors who have been recruited from all over the world gather here. Some of them are veterans who have just retired, some are new recruits who have just finished training, and some are mobilized soldiers who have turned into regular reservists.

In just one day, the barracks of the 17th Army Group, which was not too noisy at first, became noisy. The number of this unit, which was not originally the main army group, began to turn towards the main force in an instant. The army group aligns.

This is not as simple as simply expanding the number of soldiers. These soldiers have weapons and equipment they are familiar with, from the AK-47 assault rifles issued to them, to the 155mm howitzers that support them in combat. T-72 main battle tank, every equipment is sufficient.

They have plenty of ammunition, tents, medicine, quilts, helmets and even body armor. They have brand new radios and high-power Wireless Electronics for local communication.

Cars were neatly parked on the school grounds, with a gun behind them. Behind it is the rocket launcher that is still parked neatly. Some of these weapons and equipment were even produced by a military factory not far away yesterday.

Likewise, in the warm sun of the early morning, a huge silhouette covers an ordinary village of Alanhill.

The Alanhill fruit farmer who got up early to take care of the farmland sat on his tractor, squinted his eyes and lifted the head, looking up at the huge silhouette curiously.

The flagship of the Alanhill Sky Fleet, the newly modernized Sky One floating battleship, is slowly moving towards the east.

Behind it, Sky 2 and Sky 3 are on both sides, and behind it are three battleships of the same type, forming a huge triangle.

On Sky One's bridge, Vagron received a telegram from Alanhill Serris from his adjutant, which read Emperor Your Majesty's latest order: "Destroy any battle that does not hang Alanhill. The goal of the flag."

"Call Your Majesty back! Keep it simple." Waggon handed the telegram back to the other party and ordered, "Just say one word: 'As you order' ."

"Yes! Marshal!" The other party raised his chin, stood at attention and saluted, turned around in a standard manner, and walked out of the bridge with the order.

Outside the spacious and bright glass windows, the sun shines on the huge bow of the battleship in the sky through the sea of clouds. There is the vertical launch system hatch of the densely packed Tomahawk cruise missile, flanked by a quick-firing gun for air defense.

In those days, a sky battleship sank the demon's Floating Void City Vantilza, and now, Alanhill has six equally powerful battleships, and compiled a huge fleet.

There are many more such battleships under construction at Earthfort, at Ironforge, at Serris, at Maine, and when they are completed, Alanhill's sky fleet will be doubled in size .

"Maintain the current speed and course! Our naval fleet is waiting for us! Send a telegram to General Laurens, and we will arrive at the scheduled War Zone in about 4 hours." Varg Long instructed another officer standing behind him: "Stay vigilant and report any suspicious targets found!"

Above the tall bridge, the Alanhill battle flag fluttering on the mast fluttered against the majesty, On the spacious tarmac at the end of the battleship, neatly parked F-14 Tomcat fighter jets were bathed in the morning light.

The ground crew is checking the deck to make sure that these expensive and powerful fighter jets don't encounter any surprises during takeoff. And in the building behind them, all the pilots were ready to sit in their tactical discussion room, listening to the commander highlight their future targets.

The various demonic targets that Alanhill has seen on the chalkboard are coloured and crisp.

"Your mission is very simple! All targets that do not have an IFF signal on the radar will be shot down! Do you understand?" the commander asked loudly as he tapped the blackboard with his hand.

"Understood!" All the pilots replied loudly, staring at the grotesquely shaped enemy targets on the blackboard. ►

sorry, I overslept. There will be an update later, you can read it tomorrow morning.

(end of this chapter)

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