My Empire

Chapter 577

My Empire Chapter 577


Chapter 577 578 Don't miss

Some people, when you are alive, you will dislike him and hate some of his behavior, but When he leaves, he will miss him immensely.

Actually, Chris really misses Lonsadre a little right now, the leader of the Grecken.

Although in Chris' view, this wise old man often did not trust Alanhill, and even was wary. However, as one of the few high-level magicians familiar with this world, Chris still has no way of forgetting this old fogey that looks like Santa Claus.

Hundreds of thousands of years of lifespan almost made Chris forget what it was like to be parted.

Now he recalled the taste, the taste of parting from another world, the taste of parting from a familiar person—these tastes made his nose sour and made him gloomy.

In this reception room, on the chest of drawers next to it, in an inconspicuous photo frame, there are three people standing side by side. Lonsadre stood in the middle, wearing a Peak-pointed magician hat and a white beard that was very professional.

On his left is Vivienne, who looks like his granddaughter, both of them with curiosity written on their faces as this is their first time facing the camera.

And Chris is standing on the far right, tall and young in a military uniform with bright yellow lace. Back then, the Alanhill empire was not as strong as it is today, and Alanhill was still as young as a newborn.

Nowadays, the empire has supercomputers, powered armors, sky battleships, powerful tanks, and fighter jets twice the speed of sound.

Its nuclear weapons threaten the entire world, its Starlink project is changing the whole world, it has risen, standing on top of the world, overlooking innumerable living beings like a giant.

In the afternoon sun, in the sky port in the distance, two more sky battleships floated solemnly to the sound of the gun salute. From the reception room of Chris, you can see clearly. Arrived, the two floating battleships are adjusting their flying postures little by little.

This is a big era. Everyone living in this era will be proud of this era. They have extremely rare opportunities and can use their own efforts and choices to stay in this era. Put your own stamp on it.

Long Sadelai, Travish, too. Of course, those who have left have history to comment on, and those who are alive, such as the Elf Queen in front of them, such as the Dragon King Albert, such as Chris at this moment, they have to continue this era and use their own interpretations. Make this era more exciting.

"Albert the Dragon Emperor came just in time, although I can't visit the new puppet empire, but I can invite all friends who are willing to come to the Alanhill Empire and let them witness the progress of this world!" Chris packed up After taking a look at his emotions, he looked towards the elf queen.

As he said, he motioned for Luther to replace the two cups of yogurt with imperial black tea, which is more suitable for slow drinking, and then continued: "Alanhill six years, we have made great achievements, so this On National Day, I will be holding an unprecedented military parade in Serris, the capital of the Empire.”

“This is a special military parade, because the Alanhill Empire stipulates that there will be a large-scale military parade every five years...” Chris laughs Explained a sentence, proving the importance of this time military parade: "Many weapons and equipment that have never appeared, even Alanhill's secrets, will be displayed in this time military parade."

"Then I'm very interested and want to see it." The Queen heard Chris say this, and immediately showed a very interested look.

Even if she pretends to be a youngest daughter, she is still a queen who has been wasted on the throne for thousands of years! She has keen political sensitivity, and she is also not a fool who can be fooled by a few words.

Because of this, of course, she knew that Chris was going to show off his muscles in front of the Dragon King, but on the other hand, Chris really had something to show off, or wanted to show off to others. something to watch!


The corner of the queen's mouth showed a faint smile, and she naturally took the cup of imperial black tea with sugar in it from Luther's tray. The slight bitterness is accompanied by a mouthful of sweetness, which is truly unforgettable.

"In addition, there is another thing that you must be interested in." Chris took out a not very clear photo from his jacket pocket, pressed it on the table, and pushed it to the elf Queen: "Look at this."

The Elf Queen glanced down at the photo, and couldn't take her eyes off the odd photo.

The photo was taken from a very close distance, so it can be said that the framing angle is not particularly good. Moreover, the environment for taking pictures doesn't look very good, the background is actually dark, and the holes are a little uncomfortable.

However, the Queen recognized it at a glance. This is an Elf Race symbol. This symbol is part of the magic lock, a seal that must be carved on the gate of the ancient Elf Race's cemetery.

"There is one more! This should be a pair!" The queen finally lifted the head, looked towards Chris, and said, "This is the seal of the door, the seal of the ancient tomb of our Elf Race! "

"There is indeed a pair." Chris nodded to the moon, holding the cup of black tea in his hand, with a faint smile on his face: "The thing in this photo is found in the ruins on the back of the picture." ."

"Where have you been? Chris! Those are Elf Race's relics!" The Elf Queen lost self-control, staring at Chris's expressions all changing, her tone a little annoyed.

"We haven't landed on the moon yet." Chris knew it wasn't a joke, it was time to tease the beauties, so he explained: "We launched a lunar exploration rover, which is searching for the far side of the moon. When the time came, the pictures were taken."

"..." The elf queen seemed to be sighed in relief, and the slightly shifted buttocks also fell back into the chair: "Chris Your Majesty! Honorable and kind Chris Your Majesty I beg you, please have pity on us homeless survivors, and give us a chance to return to our homeland!" The Elf Queen stared at Chris's eyes and pleaded with grief.

She knew that Alanhill's space program was in full swing, and she even knew that some of the Elf Races who came to support Alanhill had completely surrendered to Alanhill and volunteered to become a member of the Alanhill Empire.

They acknowledge allegiance to Chris, in the hope that one day they can return to the arms of Luna. And these Elf Race people are already helping Alanhill take care of the horrible project called Star Ring.

As long as it's not blind, you can see Alanhill's long Milky Way shining in the night sky when you look up. Of course, the queen of elves is not blind, so she lifts the head every day, and she can see the great building that can compete with the moon.

since ancient times, including Elf Race and even Dragon Clan! No race or nation can build such a huge structure at such a high place! What makes the Elf Queen panic is that she has not been able to find out what the building does.

As the elf queen, because of the existence of special contract magic, she can't even arrange a real spy to break into Alanhill.

So, she, as it should be by rights, doesn't know that Alanhill's star ring has grown very large, and of course she can't imagine that the current star ring can produce advanced equipment, even in Launch rockets in space, saving countless launch costs.

She certainly didn't know that, in many places covered by the star ring, it had been targeted by a super weapon called the Heavenly Staff of God. At the word of Alanhill's Emperor Your Majesty, an attack that rivals the power of nuclear weapons without any contamination will be completed in minutes.

"It's the same sentence, it's impossible, it's impossible, it's free." Chris shook the head and said to the elf queen, "If you want the moon, I'll give it to you. You moon, Ming Heavenly Dragon asked me for Serris, should I give it or not?"

"Give me some time, and I will pay you what you want!" The queen breathed heavily, as if Making a big decision: "We at Elf Race are willing to pay any price to get back the ancestral relics!"

"We've discussed this many times." Chris put down his teacup , looked at the black tea that had frozen into ice cubes in the tea cup and said, "I didn't see it, but you have a great temper."

"Your courage is also admirable!" Queen Your Majesty squeezed her fist , I don't know if he is venting his depression, or he is arrogant and arrogant: "Don't you even have a gentleman's demeanor?"

"I do." Chris remembered fighting in front of him. , Vivian, who dismantled a god puppet in the puppet empire, had a face full of love: "Luther, send out the invitations for the National Day military parade. In addition, tell the new puppet empire that I have agreed to the visit."

Maybe, at this time, accompany her to take a walk in those familiar places and relax, and she will be more cheerful.

That chattering girl, come back soon... Chris thought silently in his heart.

He is graceful, but, I don't deserve him to show his grace... The elf queen is bitter, she has never been so lost - she even has a little inferiority complex, there are some vague Jealousy and envy.

If she could get to know the man in front of her earlier, it wouldn't be difficult if she wanted the stars or the moon...

Some people really miss it once Just passed away. Thinking of this, she was suddenly taken aback - what did I miss? It's not that he won't marry...I...I'm not not marrying! ►

Today is the anniversary of the death of Long Ling’s mother, so yesterday and today Heavenly Dragon Spirit is in a very bad mood. The first sentence of this chapter is that Long Ling, an unfilial son, is in a year’s time, The feeling in my heart - it's really not a taste, it's really uncomfortable.

(end of this chapter)

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