My Empire

Chapter 584

My Empire Chapter 584


Chapter 584 585 History of Space Magic

"This is impossible! There are still three days until the National Day, how can I cancel this time Celebration." Chris waved his hand, looking at the Dragon Emperor as if looking at an Alzheimer's.

The other party actually made a request that made him feel extremely absurd. He promised to hold a military exercise for the Dragon Emperor in a suitable place, and let the Dragon Emperor judge Alanhill's battle strength.

But the Dragon Emperor feels that it is more intuitive to show battle strength on the real battlefield. Therefore, the Dragon King suggested that Chris cancel the National Day celebration, and the main force immediately went south to fight the real thing of Prince Salux who was struggling on whilst at death's door.

Not to mention whether the rest of Prince Salux in the south should be wiped out with such great fanfare, just canceling the National Day parade at this time will have a huge negative impact on Alanhill's morale.

The Queen of Elf Race, who had been sitting on the other side without speaking, felt that the Dragon King's request was too much at this moment.

Of course, she has seen the terrifying battle strength of human beings. The demon prince Salushis who defeated her died on the way to the east. The army of millions of demons is still covered with dust full of nuclear radiation. So she has no doubts about Alanhill's terrifying battle strength.

Even, she also knew that a few weeks ago, when the demon Floating Void City Macasillo was shot down and won the second ferry battle, the human battle strength seemed to have increased a little!

This is the message back from Fa Saint-Falé, and the first great victory for the Elf Race's re-entry into the fray.

Under the cover of human fire, Elf Race wiped out a demon army without even paying the price.

"I have to see Alanhill's army in actual combat with my own eyes! This is very important. Moreover, what I want to see is Alanhill's strongest battle strength..." The Dragon Emperor looked at Chris and said seriously : "And, the sooner the better."

"In three days, my troops are unlikely to have any action." Chris shook the head and answered the Dragon King's request: "Even if the military parade is three days later. At the end of the day, Alanhill's troops will also be ready for a day or two before they can be dispatched."

"So, I need at least a week before I can use these troops." Chris explained: "If, You just need to see the troops in combat, then I think you can rush to the southern War Zone yourself, my southeastern front army is doing a cleanup of demons."

"Chris Your Majesty, you know magic What does the eye do?" The Dragon Emperor was silent for a while, then asked a question that Chris was a little confused about.

Without waiting for Chris to answer, the Dragon Emperor continued to ask each minding their own business: "Then you know the real history of this world?"

"The real history? History?" Chris looked towards Andrea, the Queen of Elf Race, and looked at the dignified Dragon Sovereign, and asked such a question.

Dragon King nodded, and then continued: "Actually, the Magic Eye is similar to a kind of beacon, which functions, using powerful magical energy, to provide precise coordinates for a type of Spatial Teleportation magic! "

"That's why the devil came to this world?" Chris looked at the Dragon Emperor, waiting for the other party to continue: "What does this have to do with the truth of the world?"

"This demonic invasion was actually caused by the disaster of the Elf Race, or the Moonlight Clan." The Dragon King looked at the Elf Queen Andrea and said word by word.

Hearing this news, Andrea's expression slumped. This is the dark history of Elf Race. Even if all records are obliterated and human beings are concealed for thousands of years, the experience at that time cannot be allowed. That is, the Dragon Emperor in front of him forgot about it.

I know the Moonlight Clan, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this world. Chris heard a familiar word and complained a little in his heart.

Although he knew that "the light of the moon" and "every month to spend the income" are two words with two different meanings, but he still connected these two "moonlight people" Up, it looks like it should be by rights.

The Dragon Emperor Albert on the side continued to tell the unknown history ten thousand years ago: "The ancestors of Elf Race originally lived on the beautiful, prosperous and rich moon. They were the most beautiful people in this world. Powerful ancestors."

"Stronger than Dragon Clan, not even a little bit stronger!" He told the history of the past, and Chris sat there, looking curiously at the Elf Queen.

As an emperor, of course he knows why the Elf Queen concealed this history, because it is not a glorious thing for any race to cause the disaster of foreign invasion.

"At that time, there was only natural magic in this world, that is, the magic of Elf Race! They abused this magic, causing the Tree of Life to dry up! The prosperous moon began to become desolate."

"The magic energy from Tree of Life has been reduced a little bit, and Elf Race has really reached a dead end."

"So, the Spirit King at that time launched A magical forbidden spell was activated, the space magic they had just developed was activated, and a seed of Tree of Life, and the only remaining Elf Race people, were sent to the magical continent..."

" This successful self-rescue brought Elf Race to this world, and at the same time gained a new life! Another Tree of Life took root, and it seems that Elf Race's brilliant future is just around the corner..."

"But The problem is coming one after another, Elf Race's space magic broke the rules of the magic world, this teleportation attracted the attention of the magic source in another space! So, because of the existence of space coordinates, the magic source in this world opened a huge Space Transmission Formation - This is the Eye of Magic."

"The Eye of Magic brings another dense and powerful magical power to space, making this world physique more suitable for the rise of the magical Dragon Clan, which It's what happened 100,000 years ago."

"It was exactly 100,000 years ago that Dragon Clan, who used to rely entirely on the fleshy body, became the real Guardian of this world! We joined forces with Elf Race. , repelled the first attack of the source of magic." When the Dragon Emperor said this, he paused, waiting for Chris's response.

Chris didn't let the Dragon Emperor wait too long, and said, "I really benefited a lot from you talking about so many things that happened in the past."

He looked towards The Elf Queen, however, was still asking the Dragon King: "Then, the Elf Race who got into trouble has not been punished?"

"They have already been punished." The Dragon King said: "The punishment is What I'm about to say next! Now that you know the history, I can give you a good talk, Magic Eye."

"Please go on." Chris made a please gesture , continued to put on a curious look, waiting for the truth of the Dragon Emperor to be revealed.

Dragon Emperor didn't bother Chris either, and said, "The price Elf Race pays is that Elf Race elders, who know space magic, all keep their mouths shut forever."

"..." Chris was stunned for a moment, and then he realized how bloody and cruel it was in the dispute that the human being had not yet participated in.

Dozens of other Peak experts of Divine Grade were wasted in vain, and Elf Race lost their most powerful magic forever.

Later, Chris realized that the price was definitely not that simple. With a cold smile on his face, he looked towards the resolute face of the Dragon Emperor: "Wait a minute, I may have guessed... The price is not the lives of these people, but the technology mastered by these people! Space magic is in Dragon. Clan, or rather, in your hands?"

"You're smart! Chris Your Majesty! That's right, I'm here to tell you this!" The Dragon King looked at Chris, nodded replied: "The spatial magic of the origin of magic, that is, the four magical eyes you see, is one-way, or the Spatial Teleportation magic itself is one-way!"

"We can't Get into these magical eyes, and demons can come out." Chris certainly knew that.

How many brave soldiers did Alanhill sacrifice to test this kind of thing? A destroyer went missing in the endless sea, and more than 40 aircraft of various types crashed or whereabouts unknown because they got too close to the magic eye.

In short, Alanhill has been trying to find ways to probe the Magic Eye, and they have been looking for a way to enter the Magic Eye and enter another dimension.

However, this attempt is very clumsy, and the price paid is not too heavy. However, Alanhill never gave up his attempt in this regard, and the complete elimination of the Magic Eye has always been a matter of the Alanhill Empire's heart.

"You mean that you can use space magic to open the door to the foreign world?" Chris changed his face for the first time, looked towards the Dragon Emperor, and asked with some excitement in his tone.

If the Dragon Emperor can help Alanhill sound the horn of counterattack, then this world will no longer be in a state of passive defense when facing the source of magic.

He can counterattack and break into the world where demons live! It is the dream of many Alanhill soldiers to burn the flames of war into the devil's world!

"Yes, I can!" Dragon King admitted Chris's guess.

Chris narrowed his eyes, was silent for a few seconds, and asked a question that he was curious about: "Since Dragon Clan can go to the foreign world and burn the war to the devil's hometown, why do you want to? Wait until now?"

"Because we are not strong enough..." The Dragon King admitted calmly: "With just Dragon Clan and Elf Race, there is no way to counterattack Demon Realm..."


"Now, I see a strong Alanhill, which makes up for our numerical disadvantage! So, I want to know how strong Alanhill is and if he can fight alongside us..."

"Fight side by side? No... you think too much." Chris stood up and looked down at the Dragon King sitting on the sofa: "You will soon find that destroying a world is much easier than building a world. ..."

(end of this chapter)

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