My Empire

Chapter 589

My Empire Chapter 589


Chapter 589 590 The once small and weak how much stuff.

Anyway, in the end, a navy fleet of Alanhill set off to protect a huge fleet, loaded with cargo, and sailed into the endless sea.

The fleet set off the day before the National Day, carrying generators, mobile phones, tents, food and other supplies - just a variety of hoarded food, Alanhill prepared dozens of items for the orc territory freighter.

Plus, there's an assortment of towels, scarves, blankets, and sheets—many things that just wrap around the burly body of the Beastman Race to make clothes.

Anyway, Beastman Race rarely had real clothes before. In most cases, they only had a piece of rags, wrapping them around themselves, trying to pretend that they still had clothes on their bodies.

With these supplies, let alone Beastman Race this winter, we can have enough food and clothing. In this way, when spring starts next year, the population of Beastman Race may grow a bit!

Beastman Race, who don't need to worry about food and clothing, will definitely fight harder. When the time comes, if they still have opponents, then these opponents will definitely be very sad.

There's actually a reason why these sheets and towels were chosen: Alanhill couldn't produce enough huge clothes for the Beastman Race in a short amount of time.

As a result, the Dragon Emperor chose these items that could be found at random in major supermarkets and could be transported in large quantities immediately, and urgently sent them to the Beastman Race territory.

The deputy commander-in-chief of the Navy, General Bakarov, was ordered to lead the Northern Fleet to escort this huge transport fleet, and they would safely transport these materials to the location designated by the Dragon Emperor.

The sea breeze blew against General Bakarov's cheeks on the side of the ship, and seagulls screeched sweetly around the deck of the huge battleship.

Further afield, an aircraft carrier temporarily assigned to Bakarov was following the same course, decks full of bulky F-14 Tomcats.

Protecting these main battleships is Alanhill's destroyer fleet. These battleships are scattered on the outermost periphery of the entire transport fleet, protecting the largest southern fleet in human history.


Standing on the high hill, looking at the slightly chaotic camp in front of him, the leader of the Beastman Race wriggled his heavy lips and looked towards the body standing beside him. General Dragon Clan in golden armor: "My lord! Are we really going to give up these places?"

He pointed to the black woods in the distance with his thick fingers: " The demons have polluted this place, if we retreat, they will soon retake these lands, and more demons will come to this world!"

"These demons will snatch our food and slaughter us. Our people." The leader's words in a low, muffled voice made the general Dragon Clan standing there speechless involuntarily irritated.

This Dragon Clan general does not think that retreating is a good choice, of course. The land under their feet took at least 1,000 orc soldiers to get it back, and the two sides have already made it here before. It has been contested countless times.

The past few days Beastman Race forces counterattacked and recaptured the surrounding land.

Before this, hundreds or even thousands of battles were fought here. It can be said that every inch of the land here was soaked with the blood of soldiers from both sides.

Now, the leaders of the Beastman Race will not tolerate abandoning the land that once buried countless warriors for no reason.

"This is not honorable! Your lord! This is not in line with the beliefs of Beastman Race!" The burly body of the Beastman Race leader with pale green skin was trembling slightly. It's not that he is afraid, but that he is suppressing Peng Bai in his heart.

"I don't understand either, why are we giving up here." A Dragon Clan general with a golden helmet came over, and it was the Dragon Clan general Adair who stood beside the Dragon Emperor a few days ago. .

He had just patrolled the entire camp and was very dissatisfied with the speed at which the orc troops were retreating: "However, this is the order of the Dragon Emperor! He gave us an order to abandon this place...and, not only here , as well as Semiya, Dobalon, Balosik..."

"Let these places out...the devil's forces will at least triple!" The orc headed by surprise looked towards him. Adair said, "When the time comes, the whole situation will deteriorate, and if we want to take back these places, we will pay ten times the price!"

"The situation may be worse... Adair glanced at the other party and said to the head: "However, the Dragon Emperor said that humans will carry out a powerful blow to these areas. It is the Emperor of Humans who said that this time attack may affect the above mentioned areas. Local."

"Ha! Humans? Those little cowardly parasites?" Coldly snorted, the leader of the Beastman Race, with a look of disdain on his face: "How did they deceive the Dragon Emperor, Let the Dragon Emperor make such a ridiculous decision?"

In the impression of the orcs, humans are actually lamb-like beings. In the age when humans had not mastered magic, Beastman Race only needed an attack of 3,000 orc soldiers to defeat an army of 100,000 humans.

Even if humans later mastered a part of Elf Race's magic, when faced with the Beastman Race attack, the human troops still lost more and won less.

Even if they don't know much about magic, the army of the Orc Empire can still swept most of the troops with its tyrannical strength, and even their ordinary infantry can compete with the heavy cavalry of humans.

So, as the leader of the orc army that has defeated human armies countless times, he is very contemptuous of humans.

For him, joining forces with such a small and weak race as humans is simply a big joke.

"Pay attention to your words!" General Adair interrupted the other party coldly, with dissatisfaction in his tone: "Questioning the judgment of the Dragon Emperor... you think you Are the troops strong enough?"

"I'm sorry! My lord, I... I didn't mean to question the Dragon Emperor Your Majesty!" The leader of the orc hurriedly one-knee kneels, lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I just think, think, think that humans are really too weak..."

"Get up!" Seeing the sweat on the orc leader's forehead drop drop by drop onto the dirt beside his toes Inside, Adair waved his hand and instructed: "Retreat with your people immediately!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The leader of the Beastman Race hurriedly stood up without shaking his knees He immediately waved his huge palm and loudly ordered the generals behind him: "Let the troops hurry up and set off! Hurry up!"


And just above their invisible heads, several human beings who are shorter than them, even magic will not, are floating in the control cabin, tapping the keyboard in front of them with slender hands.

The computers are doing their final test calculations, and they have entered the expected orbit as ordered.

The ground command center has issued the final preparation order to the personnel in the control room that controls the Great Fall through the Starlink relay station.

According to the precise calculations of the supercomputer on the ground, this huge man-made meteorite that is about to fall to the surface of the Alan Sheres planet will open a limited portion of the magical defense barrier after falling into the atmosphere.

These magical defensive barriers will protect the massive meteorite from losing too much mass in the atmosphere, thus maintaining supply strength.

And these magical defense barriers are pre-designed, they not only ensure that the meteorite will not be completely burned, but also ensure that the remaining departments will not disintegrate, or other accidents occur.

"On the ground, the National Day military parade should be about to be held... It is estimated that further instructions will be given to us after the military parade." The porthole on the wall of the meteorite control room, which was constantly flipping, saw the white clouds over the planet Alan Sirius, as well as the pale-yellow, barren land below the white clouds.

"Now, under our feet, is the area we're going to looks barren." Another scientist deliberately put on a lighter expression to hide his nervousness .

The leader of the orc army under his feet must not know that the once weak human beings have grown to this point.

At a height that Beastman Race cannot see or even defend, human reconnaissance satellites are actually densely populated, and the man-made meteorite that symbolizes death has also entered its predetermined orbit.

Simply wait for a word from Emperor Your Majesty, and the meteorite will be propelled into a crash orbit.

Then, relying on the gravitational pull of the giant planet, the man-made meteorite will slice through the sky, drawing a graceful arc through the atmosphere.

After circling the entire planet, the remnants of the meteorite, which would eventually go completely out of control, would hit the designated target area, where it would then be completely decontaminated!

"It's really a barren land." Another astronaut looked at the magnificent world that had swirled above his head and sighed: "Have you seen that huge magic eye? The impact point is near there!"

"All the demons in the vicinity will disappear completely." The leader of the commander stared at the distant land and said.

"Yes, everything there will disappear, even the traces of the invasion will be erased." Nodded, a scientist in a spacesuit, said: "Hopefully, I can watch it hit the designated spot here. "..."

"I can't see... We have to return immediately, so it is impossible to maintain this dangerous orbit... This is an order." The leading officer gently pushed the workbench in front of him , the whole person floated in midair: "I also want to go back to the star ring, we have been out long enough."

"Yeah! It's been a long time." Another astronaut Attachment Road.

(end of this chapter)

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