My ex is a queen, I'm on fire

Chapter 262 261, Always Fight for Something!

At this moment, Chen Wenhan lowered his head and frowned. At first, he didn't reject such things as shady things. After all, he came to the show just to make money, and it didn't matter which contestant was promoted or eliminated.

But the situation is different now. He met Yu Zhenzhen, who was born in poverty, and Feng Yu, who was unlucky. He really hoped that the two could have a chance to compete fairly.

"Director Tian, ​​Director Zhou, there is something I want to communicate with you two."

Chen Wenhan opened his mouth slowly: "You two may not know about Yu Zhenzhen's background. She was born in a small fishing village in Bincheng. To be precise, her biological parents abandoned her there."

"She was lucky. On the morning she was abandoned, she happened to meet a 'fool' who made a living by picking up trash. That fool was named Yu Fugui. It seemed that his brain was burnt out when he was a child, and his intelligence stayed at about nine years old. He picked up Yu Fugui. Zhenzhen, treat her as her own, and slowly raise her up."

Originally, Chen Wenhan didn't want to mention Yu Zhenzhen's background. After all, for Yu Zhenzhen, who was fragile in heart, this was a scar she didn't want to be uncovered.

She wants to live like an ordinary person and doesn't want to be treated differently because others pity her.

But the situation is different now, Chen Wenhan decided to tell Tian Hongqi and Zhou Hongren her background, no matter whether they are out of pity or sympathy, I hope they can give Yu Zhenzhen a fair chance to compete.

"It's really not easy for a player like Zhenzhen to reach the top 32, so I hope the program team can give her a fair chance."

"My thoughts may be somewhat idealistic, but I still want to mention that I am willing to give up the extra remuneration when I signed the contract in exchange for a fair competition environment for the players."

Due to the rush of time, Chen Wenhan didn't think too much about the solution to this matter. What he proposed was the solution he could think of right now.

After listening to Chen Wenhan's statement, both Tian Hongqi and Zhou Hongren frowned. The four pre-selected top eight contestants were either recommended by sponsors or had a very close relationship with the TV station's executives. The two of them can make a decision.

"Director Tian, ​​Director Zhou, I have something to say."

At this time, Chu Zihua, who caught the opportunity, said: "Any program has its rules, and as artists, we must also have our own professional ethics, and we cannot change the previously established rules just because of the special background of a certain contestant. "

"Yu Zhenzhen's life experience is indeed embarrassing, but this is not the reason to give her the green light."

"And there are many ways to help her, there is no need to be promoted in the show!"

Chu Zihua's statement is considered to be on the same front as the program group, so he is still very confident.

"I think what Zihua said makes sense. Talent shows have their own fixed gameplay and operating methods."

"There is no need to change the rules because of a certain player!"

At this time, Jiang Chen also stood up. First, he came to protect the interests of his team's players, and second, he also seized the opportunity to avenge his previous revenge.

Compared to Chu Zihua's young and frivolous, Jiang Chen, as a veteran in the entertainment industry for many years, has a deep background, and did not show a tit-for-tat confrontation with Chen Wenhan during the previous recording of the program.

But this does not mean that he has forgotten the previous battle with Chen Wenhan on the Internet, he was just waiting for the right opportunity, and now that the opportunity just came, he would go off the field directly and strive for a hit!

Seeing that Chu Zihua and Jiang Chen expressed their support for the program group, Tian Hongqi and Zhou Hongren let out a sigh of relief. As long as the mentors do not form a group and half of the mentors still support them, this matter will be easier.

"Mr. Chen, we can understand your feelings, but this matter involves a lot, and each player involved in the contract is different."

"So it's unrealistic to want to change the rules now!"

Zhou Hongren opened his mouth to make a statement, and then continued: "Mr. Chen, you may not know, in fact, it is very difficult for our program team to decide this matter. This involves the top management of the TV station and the title sponsor of the program."

"I think Teacher Chu's proposal can still be considered. Yu Zhenzhen's background is miserable. We can help her through other means. For example, we can hold a fundraising ceremony on the show!"

"I believe that many people are willing to lend a helping hand."

Hearing Zhou Hongren's words, Chen Wenhan frowned even tighter, he pondered for a moment and said coldly: "Does Director Zhou know why I didn't mention Yu Zhenzhen's background until now?"

"Because I know that a child like her has low self-esteem and is extremely sensitive. Soliciting donations in public is tantamount to uncovering her scars in public."

"And the reason why she came to participate in this competition is because she hopes to change her destiny by participating in the competition and through her own efforts."

"Among the five players in my team, no one works harder and harder than Zhenzhen."

"This program is called "Music Dream Chaser". For a real dream chaser like Zhenzhen, shouldn't she be given a chance to chase her dream?"

"I don't need the program group to recommend her to advance, I just need a level playing field. If she loses on stage and her skills are not as good as others, neither I nor she will have any complaints."

Chen Wenhan stated his point of view excitedly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Zihua said in a strange way: "Mr. Chen, don't you think it's ridiculous to mention fairness?"

Chen Wenhan nodded, but did not deny it: "You are right, there is no fairness in this world."

"But at this moment."

"In the program "Music Dream Chaser", I hope to give Zhen Zhen justice, so that she who has always straightened her spine and faced all the hardships can feel a little warmth!"

"Let her continue to have hope in this society!"

Chen Wenhan's words were very sincere, and this was also his true inner thought.

He is not the Holy Mother, and he does not want to change the world.

He is just a layman.

Most of the time he would just go with the flow, but one day he suddenly saw someone drowning.

At that moment, he did not just sit back and watch, but chose to jump into the river to rescue the drowning man.

He made such a decision not because of his noble character, but because he still had good thoughts and a fire in his heart!

A person can't live in a dream all his life.

You have to fight hard for someone or something!

Yu Zhenzhen's life experience and Feng Yu's experience ignited the fire in Chen Wenhan's heart.

He was willing to give it a try for both of them.

Even if the result is still not satisfactory, at least he tried hard!

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