My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 159: it hurts

"You don't even know what I want." A man threw out the door.

Behind, a woman was lying on the ground and crying.


"Mom, where did my dad go?"

The answer was a cold voice, "Dead."


"Xuanxuan, you are so big, remember your mother ’s words, do n’t trust the sweet words of men, they say good things, they just want to trick you. After you succeed, you will start to get bored and become disgusted with you until One day, I will abandon you. So, you must keep your eyes open, and if you are looking for, you can find a man who is really reliable ... "


Bai Jinxuan opened his eyes and touched his face, all wet.

It turned out to be just a dream.

She was a little bit lost, and it has been six months in this world. Her mother doesn't know what's going on now. After she disappears, the saddest thing is her.

Lying there for a while, and talking about it, it's been a long time since I dreamed about it.

I still remember that when her mother told her to find a reliable man, she always talked back and said that if the man was reliable, the sow would go up the tree.

"If you see Chen Xu, you will definitely like him. Except for a little puzzling style, he has no shortcomings."

"Actually, I was a little worried at first. He didn't touch me, didn't he? Can't do it. Later, when he was holding me, he held it too tightly, and it hurt me a little.

Having said that, she subconsciously looked at the small bed placed at the end of the bed. Seeing that Yaoyao had not yet woke up, she continued to say, "Now, he has gone to war and has been away for several days."

With that said, her brows frowned again. "The night before he left, I wanted to stay in his room, but he didn't agree. I can see what he was worried about, and he was afraid I would not forget him Right. Sometimes I think he's stupid, stupid at home. "

"I have always had a bad feeling when he went this time, and I was always frightened. Moreover, I looked at him as if I felt the same."

"Mom, you know, I always look right. Whoever treats me well and who treats me badly, I can see at a glance. The feeling was particularly obvious the day he left, and he looked at me. The look is like saying goodbye. "

"He knew he was in great danger and went away. Actually, he didn't love me, did he?"

"Sometimes I think about it. I tried so hard to please him, so I don't need the shelf and my skin, so I want him to be good with me. Is it really worth it?"

"After he left, I said to myself, if he really died outside, I would cry for him at most, and then go and find a better man."

"Who does he think he is? Can't I live without me?"

"Even if he can come back alive, I will put the shelf up, let him chase me, let him ask me. Let him give me gifts, let him accompany me to watch movies, and let him say good things to coax me Let him say he loves me in front of everyone ... "

Talking, she had a longing smile on her face.


Suddenly, Yaoyao's words rang, and the smile on her face was frozen. She looked at the small bed at the end of the bed and saw that Yaoyao had opened her eyes and was looking at her.

"Ah, you're awake." Bai Jinxuan's face was hot, and she was so ashamed that she was heard by a little girl. "Go brush your teeth, I'll make breakfast for you."

Talking, she fled and left the room.

Forty minutes later, Bai Jinxuan took Yao Yao out and was preparing to go to kindergarten.

"Long live!"

Walking along the road, I heard a burst of cheering, from far to near, and soon spread to the entire camp.

What happened?

When she was wondering, she heard someone shouting, "Victory, we won. Tai Chi and all the robots have been destroyed. The world is peaceful!"

When Bai Jinxuan heard this news, he was surprised for a while, which meant that the war was finally over.

Chen Xu is coming back!

She didn't care to send Yao Yao to kindergarten, picked her up and ran to the headquarters. She couldn't wait to hear about Chen Xu.

The senior members of the headquarters knew her and knew that she was the family of Chen Xu, and even the guards were quite polite to her. These days, she comes over every day to ask Chen Xu's news, and the guards are used to it.

After a while, a staff officer came out and told her that Chen Xu was very good. Not only was she not injured, she also made great achievements again. Come back this time, it is estimated that I can get the special battle hero medal again.

Bai Jinxuan heard the news that Chen Xu was safe and completely relieved, and quickly asked when he would be back.

"At the current rate of the troops, they will be back in two days."

After thanking her, she left with Yaoyao and said cheerfully, "Yaoyao, your Uncle Chen is coming back."

Yaoyao was held in her arms, looking at the smile on her face, asking curiously, "Are you going to marry Uncle Chen?"

"Who is going to marry him?"

She snorted, and then whispered, "Unless he proposes to me in front of everyone."

"Ha, I'll tell him when my uncle comes back."

"you dare!"

"Hahaha, don't tickle me, hahaha ..."


Two days later, it was almost noon.

In the room, Bai Jinxuan sat in front of the mirror and put on Chen Xu's favorite white sleeveless dress.

Every time she puts on this skirt, his eyes always look at her consciously or unconsciously. The most she sees is the position of her shoulders, which is really strange.

"Strange, why is it so quiet outside?"

She felt a little uneasy in her heart. She lowered her eyebrow pencil and picked up lipstick. This is the color number that can most attract Chen Xu's eyes. After she unscrewed it, she applied it to her lips.

Under a swipe, the lipstick suddenly disconnected from it.

Ding Dong.

The doorbell outside rang suddenly, and her heart suddenly became tense.

Is Chen Xu back?

She hurriedly put down the lipstick that was broken in two, took out the paper towel, wiped off the excess lipstick on her lips, looked in the mirror for a few moments, and saw that it was all right, then went out to open the door.

Opening the door, standing outside were the top leaders of the camp with a solemn expression.

Her heart suddenly jumped up and asked, "What about Chen, Chen Xu?"

Several leaders took off their hats and said with some sadness, "Comrade Chen Xu was suddenly ill on the way back, and died in the morning."

Speaking, they took notes from the door, exposing the stretcher carried by several people behind, and the person lying on it was covered with white cloth.

She walked step by step, shook her hands and opened the white cloth, and saw Chen Xu's familiar face, but at this moment, his eyes were closed, his face pale, without any breath of life.

For a moment, she just felt that the whole world had lost its color, and a gurgling voice was heard in her ear, getting faster and faster. She covered her chest, panting, and after a while of colic, her eyes became dark and she lost consciousness.

Faintly ~ ~ She seemed to hear the loud noise beside her, but none of this meant anything to her.


"Ah ... wow ..."

Bai Jinxuan covered her chest and wept loudly.

Outside the house, the agent Fang Fang, who was communicating with the makeup artist, was surprised by the movement inside the house, opened the door and rushed in, seeing her painful look, startled, "What happened to you?"

"My heart hurts ..." Bai Jinxuan said in tears, and he was almost out of breath, "Woo ... it hurts, it hurts, I'm about to die ..."

Fang Fang said in a panic, "Don't worry, me, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

PS: Three more eight thousand words, ask for a monthly ticket.

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