My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 161: dreaming

In the ward, Fang Fang stood at the end of the bed, staring at Bai Jinxuan, who was sitting beside the bed, and glanced at the mobile phone from time to time, his expression mixed with worry and anxiety.

Just now, when Bai Jinxuan woke up, he was noisy about finding someone. Asked who she was going to find, she was like a captive, suddenly stopped, sitting there motionless, thinking about something in her mouth, almost half an hour.

She was so worried that she called the doctor to see her. The doctor said that she might have been stimulated. It would be impossible for her to calm down, and she would prescribe some medicine.

Then she stayed here. Worried that Bai Jinxuan was noisy and left, he couldn't stop himself. She was also worried that if she went on like this, people would have problems.

"Director Shao."

Suddenly, the voice of an assistant came from the door. Fang Fang was relieved. He walked over and pulled the door open. He saw that Mr. Shao had come to the door.

"Where is she?"

Director Shao looks between 30 and 40 years old with light makeup, and other parts are ordinary, but he has a pair of Danfeng eyes, with thin and long eyebrows, giving a sharp feeling, walking The pace was fast, and he asked before he entered.

Fang Fang gave way and whispered, "It's inside."

She went in and said, "You go out first."

Fang Fang walked out of the door and closed it.

Mr. Shao went to the bed, put the bag in his hand on the cabinet, pulled the stool, sat next to her, and shouted, "Jin Xuan."

After hearing her voice, Bai Jinxuan finally reacted, looked up to see her, and shouted, "Aunt Shao ..."

"Looking at how tired you are, the people in the company are becoming more and more ridiculous, the schedule is so full, and the good people are tired."

Director Shao looked at her pale face, and she couldn't bear it, and said, "I'll let them push all the work these days. You should take a good rest for a few days, and raise your body first."

Bai Jinxuan shook his head and said something else, "Aunt Shao, can you help me find someone?"

Aunt Shao asked, "Who are you looking for? What's your name? A man and a woman?"

"Man, but I ... I don't remember his name ..." Bai Jinxuan looked a little sad.

Aunt Shao's face was a little embarrassed, and she asked, "Well, who is he and what does he do, how old are you, do you know these?"

Bai Jinxuan thought about it and said, "He is a few years older than me, less than 30 years old. He looks a bit thinner than I am 7 or 8 cm. He ... he ..."

After speaking a few words of him, her voice was getting lower and lower, her eye circles slowly turned red, and she choked, "I can't remember it, I can't remember anything else ..."

Aunt Shao had been watching her. She saw her look, her slender eyebrows frowned, and felt a little tricky. Then she asked, "Why, why did you go to him?"

"Why am I looking for him?"

Bai Jinxuan looked up, staring blankly at her, with no focus in his eyes. "Because ... because, he is a big liar. He said he would come back safely. He lied to me. I want to settle accounts with him ..."

Aunt Shao frowned even more, and asked, "Where did you meet him?"

"In ... in ..." Bai Jinxuan said, and suddenly there was no voice.

Aunt Shao looked at her like this and said for her, "Is it in a dream?"

"Dream?" Bai Jinxuan seemed to be stimulated, and his face was frightened.

"Jin Xuan."

Aunt Shao reached out and touched her hair, trying to make her voice softer. "You've been so tired lately, these days, just rest here, don't think about it, okay?"

Bai Jinxuan lowered his head and remained silent.

"You lie here, close your eyes, think nothing, leave nothing to sleep, and when you wake up, everything will be fine."

Aunt Shao said, help her lie down, help her cover the quilt, and said, "I'll take care of something and come to see you later."

After that, she turned and walked out of the ward.

Bai Jinxuan looked at the white ceiling, listening to the reprimand murmuring from the door, and murmured, "No, that's not a dream. I will find you, you big liar ..."


Chen Xu resumed a peaceful life again. In the morning, he went out for morning exercises and returned to open a store after the end.

The difference is that after giving the kitchen to Aunt Zhou, he finally has more time for himself. After raising the salary a little, an aunt in charge of cleaning was soon recruited.

The new aunt named Zhang lives in this building and is here to help her son and daughter-in-law with the children. Now, the children are older and sent to kindergarten. I usually have nothing to do. When I saw the recruitment post posted by the noodle shop, I asked.

Chen Xu asked her to work for a few days first. Seeing her diligent work, she needed to coordinate her work time, which was not a big problem. Let her be a formal employee.

After getting familiar with it, he found that the aunt Zhang didn't have to say that he was too enthusiastic about his work. He heard that he didn't have a girlfriend. He said that he wanted to introduce him several times.

Chen Xu stared at the store for a few days, seeing that Aunt Zhou was doing things well, never made a mistake, and finally relieved. On the weekend, he gave everything in the store to Aunt Zhou, and went to the darts competition by himself.

The venue for the game is a hotel, a bit far away.

Early in the morning, he passed by car. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Dai Zixin and her friends waiting there.

Speaking of which, Chen Xu was exposed to darts thanks to her and her friends. The time and place of this game is also from the girl named Jiajia> "Why did you come here?" Dai Zixin complained when she came up, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Chen Xu said with a laugh, "It's not yet eight o'clock. Did you come here before dawn?"

As he said, he greeted several other girls.

"I don't care, anyway, today's dinner, you have to ask."

"That's okay." Chen Xu agreed, and they were able to rush over to watch his game, which was beyond his expectation. At least, they should treat him as a friend and ask them to have a meal.


Dai Zixin said with a look of surprise, "It's really different to be a boss myself."

She did not forget that Chen Xu's stingy personality.

"of course."

Although Chen Xu and her hadn't seen each other for a while, when they saw her, they didn't feel a little rusty, just like an old friend.

Several people joked and walked into the hotel.

Chen Xu has already registered on the Internet. After checking in the list, he entered the arena.

Many people came to participate in the competition, and the venue set up by the hotel was quite lively.

The game didn't start until nine o'clock, and Chen Xu followed Dai Zixin to chat in the audience area.

Chen Xu is not very familiar with other people, mainly because they are chatting, but only occasionally insert a few words. Of course, even if you are not chatting, it will not be embarrassing, because everyone has a mobile phone in their hands, and when they are not talking, they each look at their own mobile phone.

"Jia Jia, watch the news. Your family, Bai Jinxuan, is sick and hospitalized. He said that he was too much work and tired." Suddenly, a girl called.

When Chen Xu heard the name of "Bai Jinxuan", she jumped to her heart and looked at the girl.

"What?" Jiajia was taken aback, and hurriedly searched the Internet. She cried, "Really, it was all about last night. I hope she's fine."

When Chen Xu saw her look worried, she really did not expect that she was still a fan of Bai Jinxuan. It looks like the iron powder.

"Relax it ~ ~ Didn't she write in the news, she doesn't have any problem, she just needs to suspend work and rest for a few days." Another girl comforted her.

Jiajia was turning the news, and suddenly said angrily, "Jin Xuan's hard work and the sunspots hacking her online are too much."

At this time, the broadcast suddenly sounded, and the contestants were sent to the competition area. The competition was about to begin.

Chen Xu greeted Dai Zixin and walked away, while walking, what he thought was Bai Jinxuan. Knowing that she could not know the exact news, she still couldn't help worrying, and the connected games seemed absent-minded.

However, by virtue of his crushing strength, he finally won the first place with a huge advantage and won a prize of 50,000 yuan.

PS: Second, ask for a monthly pass.

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