My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 165: This is not true

In the early morning, Luo Xiyun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass door, holding his hands on his chest and looking out of the balcony.

This is a two-storey villa located close to the hilltop. From here, the view is very wide, and you can see the building group below the mountain.

The floor-to-ceiling glass door was open, and a gust of wind blew, blowing her hair and clothes corner with the fresh breath unique to the plants.

She is wearing a lilac long-sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue tunic today. She has been standing this way, her eyes are a bit confused, and she does not know what she is thinking.

Ding Dong.

I don't know how long I stood, the doorbell suddenly rang. She woke up from a certain state, took a deep breath, walked to the first floor, and opened the door.

Outside the door was a cleaning aunt in her forties, asking politely, "Miss Luo, I have kept you waiting."

"come in."

Luo Xiyun apparently knew her and asked her to enter the room, saying, "Help me clean all the rooms. After that, cover the furniture and appliances with a white cloth."

"Okay, Miss Luo." Auntie Cleaner nodded, then couldn't help but wonder, "Are you planning to move away?"

"Yeah," Luo Xiyun said in a light voice. "Everything should be over."

Auntie Clean didn't hear her and didn't dare to ask. It just feels that these rich people's thoughts are really elusive.

When the villa belonged to the previous owner, she cleaned it here. At first, the former owner didn't want to sell the villa. Later, I heard that Miss Luo paid a high price and bought it.

The first day this Miss Luo moved in, she was called to help.

At that time, she felt that Miss Luo was weird. She could spend half a day in the living room, kitchen, and other places. Sometimes when I look at it, my eyes become red. It's also pitiful.

However, because of this, she was a little afraid of this Miss Luo.

As far as she knows, the villa was built just over two years ago, and the previous owner has been living here. This Miss Luo seems to have had a sad past here. Moreover, she was so beautiful, and it was creepy to think about it.

Fortunately, every time she comes, it is daylight. Miss Luo is also generous in giving money, otherwise, she may not dare to take up the job.

Now, Miss Luo has lived for three or four months, and she is moving away. Although it is not clear what is going on, but look at her look depressed, it is likely that he was hurt by another man.

I don't know which iron-hearted man actually bears to make such a beautiful girl sad.

Luo Xiyun told him, "I'm going to get something."

"Let me help you."

"No, I'll do it myself."

She went upstairs alone, walked to the bedroom door, and pushed in. When she turned on the light, she saw one of the switches, and she paused.

With a snap, she pressed the switch and saw that the frosted glass around the bathroom suddenly became transparent, and she could clearly see the bathroom.

Her heart was hot and her head was on the wall, her finger lightly tapping the switch.

After a while, she sighed, turned the switch off, and the glass around the bathroom became frosted again, blocking her sight.

She turned on the headlights in the room, walked to a suitcase placed in front of the bed, held the handle of the box, and walked out of the door.

Before going out, she looked back at the room and slowly closed the door.

She carried the suitcase down to the first floor, said to Auntie Jie, and walked out of the door.

At the door, a new yellow Porsche was parked. She opened the trunk and put her luggage in.

After getting in the car, she took a pair of sunglasses and put it on, and finally glanced at the villa behind her, started the car, and quickly went away in the roar of the engine.


When Luo Xiyun came to the company, it was a few minutes earlier than usual. When she entered the department, she saw Don, stayed on his desk for a second, and walked straight to the office.

"You come with me." As she entered the door, she said to Secretary Guo outside.

Secretary Guo usually came to the company early. At this time, he was cleaning up the dust on the table. He heard Luo Xiyun's words, and he murmured in his heart.

In the company, she is the person who has contacted Luo Xiyun most and knows her best. When she spoke in such a tone, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky.

She didn't dare to delay, put down the things in her hand, and went in.

Luo Xiyun sat on the chair, looked at the pot of tomatoes on the table, and said to Secretary Guo, "Throw it."

"Ah?" Secretary Guo froze, couldn't help confirming it once, "throw it?"

Others don't know, she knows, how much baby Luo always has, and the first thing to do every day is to water it. When he is free, he will wipe the dust off the leaves with a paper towel.

Now she said she would throw it away.

Luo Xiyun looked at her and asked, "Why, have questions?"

"No, I'll do it right away." Secretary Guo was taken a look at her, and her heart was agitated. She immediately picked up the potted plant and walked outside.

"and many more."

Luo Xiyun stopped her again and said, "Go talk to the personnel department and transfer Tang Wenhai to another department."

"Yes." Secretary Guo didn't dare to ask more, and left with a potted plant.

When I went out, I almost bumped into Liu Kun because I was in a hurry and apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?" Liu Kun said strangely when she saw the pot of plants in her hand.

"There is something for Luo to let me do, I'll go first." Secretary Guo bowed and left in a hurry.

Liu Kun walked in and asked, "What's wrong, so brazen in the morning?"

"Let her do something."

Luo Xiyun didn't want to say more about this, and asked him, "Sit down, so early, what's wrong with me?"

After Liu Kun sat down, he talked about the business, "Have you heard about Fairview Investment?"

"No. What happened?"

Liu Kun said, "During this time, Jinrust Investment was selling Fangdong Group's shares. You also know that now is the most critical time for our cooperation with Fangdong Group. I am worried that this will affect our plans. "

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Xiyun frowned. Although she had a bad perception of the woman, she had to admit that she had a good investment mind. So far, her judgment has not been missed. She must sell her shares in Fangdong Group for her reasons.

"So, I want to meet her and ask better." Liu Kun said, looking at her expression. Seeing her falling into thought, she felt relieved.

After a while, Luo Xiyun said, "It's okay to meet up, by the way, say hello to her on my behalf."

Liu Kun was quite relieved. She finally grew up, not as emotional as before, and said, "Okay, I will bring it."

When he had finished his business, he left. As for potted plants, he never asked again.

Luo Xiyun leaned back on the back of the chair with a little tiredness, and closed his eyes.

After a while, the cell phone on the table rang, and she took it for a look. It was Liu Yumeng who called and connected.

She asked, "I made several calls to you last night. Why don't you keep answering?"

"Don't mention it, the phone was lost. I just checked it before I found it." On the phone, Liu Yumeng's voice came. "It's okay to find it back. In case you can't find it, then something is wrong. Now. "

"Just find it." Luo Xiyun said, got up from his seat, and habitually reached out to take out the watering can at the bottom of the table, only to remember that the potted plant had been let out by Secretary Guo and thrown away, a little stunned.

"By the way, you are so eager to find me. What's the matter?"

Luo Xiyun put the watering can in his hand on the table and said, "Have you ever gone to Chen Xu?"

"Well, how do you know? He won't give you a small report, right?"

"Last night, I met him. His sister told me." Luo Xiyun pressed his finger on the slightly forehead and said, "Did I not tell you, it wasn't him."

"Okay, you can lie to anyone at this level of lying." Liu Yumeng's voice grinned, "I was just out of curiosity and went to chat with him. I found out, this person I have a fight with you. My character is awkward. "

Luo Xiyun felt his head hurt more and asked, "Did you say anything to him?"

"Rest assured, what should be said, what should not be said, I am very clear. I'm just going to talk about it. By the way, have you told him that you have a boyfriend?"

Luo Xiyun froze and said, "No."

"That's weird, who told him? It's a nose and an eye. If I didn't know your details, I would have been stunned. But then again, I think he is probably because of this. I deliberately alienated you. "

Luo Xiyun glanced a bit, and subconsciously looked at the spray shell on the table, and the place where the pot was originally placed, there was a round mark, which was left after the flower pot was placed for a long time.

"Speaking of which, wouldn't your family really have an old friend named Du Feng?" Liu Yumeng suddenly asked like this on the other side of the phone.


Luo Xiyun said, suddenly his heart beat. Du Feng, why is this name familiar?

"That's right, he must have been rectified, and he doesn't know who ..."

"Wait, wait ..." Luo Xiyun interrupted her with a trembling voice. "He, how did he describe it?"

"You said that Du Feng, what is a MIT doctor ~ ~ The executives of technology companies, or your parents' old knowledge ..."

Luo Xiyun's mobile phone fell loose and fell to the ground. Her whole body strength seemed to be evacuated, and she supported the chair with her hand, so she did not fall.

"Xiyun, Xiyun, what happened to you ..."

Liu Yumeng's voice came from the phone whose screen had cracked.

Luo Xiyun was completely inaudible and murmured in his mouth, "How can this be? Impossible? Why did he know the name? No, this is not true, he ..."


At this moment, the door opened from the outside, and a man rushed in. She looked up, and at once, time seemed to freeze.

PS: Three more, more than eight thousand words, ask for a monthly pass.

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