My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 219: Victory Smile (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

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A few days later, Chen Xu finally saved enough 10,000 credit points and said to Taichu, "Let's go and take me to see the learning machine."

The voice of Taichu sounded, "Are you sure, the maximum use time of the learning machine is eight hours at a time, and the next four hours work best."

"I'm sure, there is a sentence that is good to say that the knife is not accidentally chopped. It is too slow for me to make money now." Chen Xu has already figured out how to do these days.

Want to earn enough 80,000 points, at least twenty days. That was a very dangerous time point. At that time, dreams were almost one-third past, and major changes usually reappeared, usually accompanied by dangers, and there was no opportunity to use the learning machine.

So, let's eat the benefits first, and don't consider long-term things.

Tai Chu said, "Okay, please go to No. 3 transfer cabin and transfer to No. 0 transfer cabin after arriving at the transfer station."

Chen Xu walked to the place where the teleportation cabin was located, took out his card and swiped it. The cabin door opened and he went in.

The teleport compartment looks like a train compartment, but is shorter, with thirty seats inside. He sat down to the nearest position, pulled down the safety fence, hooped in front of him, and tightened.

Above the seat, the safety light is on, and the door closes slowly.

An announcement sounded, "The teleportation cabin is about to start. Do not open the safety fence."

With the sound, the teleportation chamber slowly moved, and the speed became faster and faster, and Chen Xu was a little uncomfortable by the safety fence.

Here, if you want to go from one area to another, you can only take this teleportation cabin. This is a type of transportation that mixes the characteristics of an elevator and a subway. It can move up and down like an elevator or move in parallel like a subway. Very convenient.

Moreover, the speed is very fast, he asked too early, when moving in parallel, the top speed can reach four or five hundred. Comparable to high-speed rail.

From this speed alone, we can infer how large the range is here. If it's the size of a second dream sanctuary, it's not necessary to design such a high speed.

After about three minutes, the transfer cabin stopped slowly, and the cabin door opened by itself.

Chen Xu unlocked the buckle, pushed the safety fence up, and walked out. Every time he took the teleportation cabin, his feet would be a little bit floating.

"This is the transit station?"

After he went out, he saw a large space, there are seven or eight floors above, the first floor, there are several entrances to the transport cabin, above the entrance, there is a huge sign that says line 1, Line No. 3 ...

"The No. 0 teleportation cabin is on the top floor and can be reached by taking the No. 1 elevator." Tai Chu's voice came from somewhere.

Chen Xu is used to it. This guy is almost everywhere. Even when he goes to the bathroom, his voice may sound beside him.

It can be imagined that the surveillance of this place in the early days is everywhere. Life is here without privacy.

He followed Taichu's instructions and walked to elevator No. 1. After swiping his card, he reached the top floor and walked to the entrance of the transfer cabin marked with No. 0.

As soon as he walked in, he found that it was very different from the teleportation cabin he had sat in before. The decoration looked a lot higher, with only ten seats, and they were far apart from each other.

"Compared to other teleportation cabins, it's simply VIP." He sighed, sitting in the first position, the seat was made of unknown material and was soft. Even the safety fence is flexible.

"The teleportation cabin is about to start. The target learning base, please do not open the safety fence."

After the launch of the transfer cabin, the contrast is more obvious, not uncomfortable at all, and the comfort level is not a level.

A few minutes later, the destination arrived.

Chen Xu stepped out of the teleportation cabin. There was a corridor outside, a sign was lit on the opposite side, and a learning base.

"Swipe the card directly to enter." Still too early.

Chen Xu took out his card and walked over to swipe it. A reminder sounded, "Welcome to the learning base, third-order repairman Chen Xu, your study qualification has been approved. The study time is one hour, and the credit has been deducted from your account. Note that the learning machine is important Equipment, please follow the prompts. Do not take dangerous actions to avoid triggering the defense system. "

Chen Xu remembered this prompt and went in.

The space inside is not large, just two or three hundred square meters, with nine devices in the middle. It looks a bit like the human freezer in the second dream, but this one is opaque.

On the surrounding walls, there are all kinds of tips. The content is that the learning machine is an important property of human beings. Do not damage it.

"Please enter learning machine 1." The voice just sounded again.

He walked to the device marked with the number one, followed the instructions above, took off his coat and shoes, and lay in. A transparent mask bounced from the side, covering his nose and mouth.

"Please relax."

Chen Xu's tight body just relaxed gradually.

With a click, the upper lid closed itself.

"Learning is about to start. The duration is one hour. Please close your eyes and relax."

He closed his eyes and fell asleep a few seconds later.


After Yang Jinxia entered the Alliance's camp, he was attacked by several robots, and S01 and another robot suffered some damage. So he changed his strategy and started to actively attack the robots he encountered.

These robots, as if they had lost their command system, fought independently. Although the number was large, they could not stop Yang Jinxia and his party at all.

She had previous experience in combating strange beasts. She directed her more than 20 robots and pushed them all the way. It took a few days to kill the base of the base without damage.

When she forcibly opened the door of the control center by violence, she finally confirmed that all humans in this world had disappeared due to some unknown reason.

Along the way, she had not seen any traces of alien beast invasion, and her various defense equipment was intact. Therefore, the possibility of being killed by other beasts was ruled out.

"Will it be the same as why Chen Xu disappeared?"

She had a thoughtful look on her face, looking at this immensely spacious control center, flashing red lights constantly, and various alarms.

"It seems that the Human Alliance Army is still a bit disciplined, but it has not set a self-destruct device." A touching smile appeared on her face, and she directed s01, opened the control room's energy room door, and forcibly turned off the power.

The alarm stopped abruptly, and the entire control center fell into darkness.

The system then restarts automatically.

Yang Jinxia commanded another robot named s02, which cut off the backup power.

This time, the control center was completely quiet.

She beckoned and called over a01, "Open the chip room."

She has more than two dozen robots, named according to different functions. The beginning of s is a combat type, the beginning of a is an engineering type, and a life type like 2003 ~ ~ has several robot arms. , Soon removed the various screws in the chip room, pulled open the outer shield, exposing the huge chipset inside.

She walked to the inside, observed it, and pulled out a baffle, exposing several control buttons. After thinking about it, he said to himself, "This should be the initialization button."

Then, she pressed on one of the red buttons.

"You are initializing the main system of the control center. Do you want to continue? Press the key again to continue."

Without hesitation, she pressed again.

"The main system is initializing, and the progress is 0.01%."

She waited patiently and waited for an hour before the progress bar jumped to 100%.

"System initialization is complete."

She shouted, "2003, come here."

2003 quickly came to her. She stretched out her hand, opened the case on its head, pulled out a data cable, connected it to a socket on the control panel, and said to it, "Transfer your data to the system."

"Yes Master."

The light of Yang Jinxia's eyes looking at 2003 began to flash, indicating that it was uploading data. Her expression was a little dignified, and she tried this kind of thing in the shelter.

However, the host here is much larger than the shelter, both in size and level. Whether she can succeed or not, she has no idea.

After a few minutes, its eyes flickered and stopped.

"Data uploaded successfully."

The lights on the control panel are constantly on and off.

Next, there is a long wait.

Just as she was about to give up, a voice sounded, "Master, 2003 is for you."

A triumphant smile appeared on her face.

PS: I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival. By the way, ask for a monthly pass.

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