My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 233: broken

Chen Xu didn't bother Yang Jinxia, ​​who was still sleeping, turned around and went out again. His purpose is the surrounding houses.

附近 The neighborhood is a Grade B residential area. Most of the residents are middle-level management personnel, as well as senior maintenance engineers and senior engineers. You should be able to find some useful tools.

The level of science and technology on the Dawn is obviously much larger than that of the earth, and the division of labor in industry is also more meticulous. When he initially wanted to choose the direction of learning, he looked at the voluminous catalog and even produced a hint of despair. It is completely impossible to master that knowledge.

In the end, he chose communication equipment maintenance. Even in this industry, it is impossible to learn all the knowledge.

What he backed up through the learning machine before was really just the most basic knowledge, just like high school physics and chemistry, just conceptual knowledge, so that you have a systematic cognition, and more biased towards applications aspect.

If you want to learn more deeply, there are many branches for you to choose from. The deeper you go, the more subdivided branches, the number is huge.

The same is true of other industries. If the population living in Area C forms the basis of the Shuguang, then the living in Area B is the backbone of humanity. Just because of their existence, the Shuguang has not existed for hundreds of years. What went wrong.

It was precisely the disappearance of these people that made Shuguang unable to persist for two months. There was a major problem in operation. There was no manual maintenance in time behind it, which caused a chain reaction and affected the entire spacecraft.

In the face of such a problem, Chen Xu was powerless. Even if he was not lying in the learning machine, he could only watch the spacecraft step into death.

He thought about these things in his heart, and came to a door, the door was open, apparently Yang Jinxia had gone in. He walked in directly and the house looked good. It was a two-bedroom and one-living room layout. Although not as delicate as the one he lived in, it was much better than Area C.

He searched in the room, didn't see anything too valuable, and turned away.

In this way, he searched for a house, searched all the houses on this floor, and couldn't find what he wanted.

"Chen Xu."

As he searched in a room, he heard Yang Jinxia shouting at him, went to the door, and shouted, "I'm here."

Soon after, Yang Jinxia and 2003 appeared in the corridor. She opened her hands and floated over to this side. Chen Xu reached out her hand, grasped her arm firmly, pulled her to stop, and fixed her figure.

"You are finally here." She had a happy smile on her face.

Chen Xu smiled and said, "You're fine."

Suddenly, Yang Jinxia's complexion changed slightly, and she said worriedly, "Your complexion doesn't look very good, is it too tired?"

"I can hold it." Chen Xu said, "Exactly, you can help me find a toolbox with the number of CH001 printed on it."

Yang Jinxia shook her head and said, "No, you go to rest. I and 2003 will go to find the box."

Chen Xu looked at her and sighed, saying, "We have no time. After 70 hours and 30 minutes, the spacecraft will hit a meteorite belt. Before that, we must rush to you On that spacecraft, leave here. "

Yang Jinxia froze slightly and asked softly, "Why?"

"Actually, we found that meteorite belt long ago. According to the original plan, we used the main guns on the spacecraft to make a way out. Now that the spaceship is over, we can only find a way to escape here.

Chen Xu explained the current situation, "It is more than 30 kilometers away from the main cabin door, so we need to hurry over as soon as possible. This area is affected by the explosion / explosion, and the doors are stuck and cannot pass. I want to open the transmission The passage of the cabin is faster from there. You need that numbered box. "

Yang Jinxia heard this and understood that time was urgent. He didn't persuade him, and said, "Let's go and look for it." Turning his head and giving a beep in 2003, he went out.

When the three of them joined forces, the search speed was much faster. It took more than an hour for Yang Jinxia to find the toolbox printed with CH001.

"Look, isn't this?" She came and looked for Chen Xu.

"Yes, that's it." Chen Xu opened it and saw that the tools were still there. The whole man was relieved. A round countdown on his round hood showed a dawning event with the Meteorite Belt. The time of the collision.

He spends time searching for the toolbox, and there is huge pressure in his heart. This is not only related to his own life, but also Yang Jinxia. If he doesn't find the toolbox, it is a waste of time and time will become tighter.

He said, "Thank you."

She laughed. "Since I met you, my luck has improved."

"Let's go and ask you to help me in a while." Chen Xu didn't talk to her, took her hand, and floated towards the entrance of the transfer cabin.

The entrance of the transport cabin has been locked. When it was originally built, the surrounding walls were made extremely strong to withstand the impact of hundreds of kilometers per hour. So it is difficult to open with violence. Special tools must be used. It was something in the toolbox on his hand.

If you want to pry open this layer of board, you must first remove the screws. These screws are very special, the surface is smooth and can not be seen at all. It is integrated with the whole board. You must use a special electromagnetic wrench to remove it.

Two people each hold an electromagnetic wrench. After entering the type of the screw, close to the position of the screw, press the switch to remove the screw, and you hear the screw squeak.

螺丝 This type of screw has a wide range of movements on the spacecraft, and has a variety of models. Therefore, tools alone are not enough. You need to know the model before you can unscrew. It is really troublesome.

Soon, a huge screw with a diameter of more than five centimeters, which was constantly rotating, was exposed. As it continued to rotate, it became longer and longer. It took two minutes for the screw to completely break away from the wall and float in the air. Eighty centimeters long.

There are more than a dozen of these screws on this board. It took the two a little time to remove all the screws and disassemble the outer board to reveal the structure inside.

旭 Chen Xu took out a tablet-like thing from the toolbox, walked in, and pulled out a line to connect the tablet from an operating console inside. After confirming the authority, he finally opened the hatch.

Two people and a robot entered the passage of the transfer cabin. Floating towards the main hatch without stopping.

When Chen entered the hatch, Chen Xu glanced at the countdown. There were still 67 hours, which seemed to be abundant, but that was not to say that they would be all right in the spaceship.

Meteorites are flying very fast here, and it takes time for the spacecraft to accelerate to the point where it can escape from the meteorite belt. It is still unknown. Therefore, he dare not have any stay.

The aisle in the transfer cabin is very large. Although there is no handrail, there are two suspended rails at the bottom, which can be used to borrow power.

The entire passage is open, and they don't need to open the door, they are much faster. In less than two hours, the distance was shortened by a dozen kilometers.

六 When there were 60 hours left in the countdown, they came to the nearest exit of the main cabin door. It took more than half an hour to use that set of tools to disassemble the outer panel.

After Chen Xu plugged in the tablet, he passed the identity verification, and clicked the button to open the door. He only heard a click, and then he heard a "call" sound from the doorway. He had not responded and was pulled. , Rolled to the opened door ~ ~ Jin Xia—— ”

His response was extremely fast. When he was about to be rolled out of the door, he pressed his waist sharply, and a steel cable bounced out and buckled on the bottom track. The steel cable immediately stretched, pulling his body and constantly tumbling. With his vision dangling, he couldn't see the surrounding environment at all. He was anxious and shouted Yang Jinxia's name.


When his back hit the edge of the exit, he clasped the edge of the door panel with one hand, finally stabilized his body, hurriedly turned his head, looking for the figure of Yang Jinxia.

After a short while, he saw her, holding her hand in 2003 and sticking it to the wall on the other side.

Seeing that she had not been drawn outside, he felt relieved and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Chen Xu, my space suit seems to be broken."

Chen Xu heard a buzz in her head.

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