My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 243: wake up

Chen Xu seemed to have a long, long dream. When he woke up, his head was still a little groggy, as if he had a bad cold.

Before he opened his eyes, he smelled a hospital-like disinfectant-like smell.

Am I in the hospital?

He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and his vision was dark, and he could only see the shape of a ceiling. I don't know if he has slept too long, his eyes are a bit dry, he blinked a few times, trying to reach out and rub, just to move, but his left hand couldn't move, as if being held down by something.

He looked down, only to find that there was a person lying beside him, with long hair scattered, and the light was relatively dim, and he could not see his looks.

However, he still recognized this as Luo Xiyun, and the nose could smell the faint scent from her body.

"It was she who brought me to the hospital, and was here with me overnight ..."

Chen Xu roughly guessed what was happening, as if wrapped in a warm current.

Suddenly, he remembered something, raised his moving right hand, reached out to the edge of the bed where Luo Xiyun was facing away, and felt empty.


The bed looked smaller than a single person. He was lying in the middle, occupying most of the position. Although she was lying on her side, she also had a small part outside the edge of the bed, holding his arm so she would not fall.

He turned his side carefully, his movements were light and slow, so as not to wake her up. After lying down, she stretched her right hand around her body and stretched it down, finally touching the edge of the bottom of the bed, clasping it tightly, and adjusting it slightly to maintain this posture.

Chen Xu smelled the scent on her body, and her mind diverged, thinking what was going on.

After the dream, he still had the impression that he would settle the results as usual, holding the feeling of winning, waiting for the possible cards.

Then, when he really woke up, he passed out and passed to the present.

"How come you suddenly passed out?"

He remembered the whole thing, and felt that his brain was still faint. At that time, he felt that his brain seemed to explode, and he felt dizzy.

"Is there something wrong with the dream device?"

Thinking of this, his face changed greatly, the importance of the dream equipment to him is self-evident, if it is broken, it will be a huge blow to him.

Calm down and think, but maybe not.

"At that time, I had already woke up. It stands to reason that the dream device has stopped working. If it has a problem, it should not happen when you wake up. I guess I can't wake up at all ...

"Could it be that……"

Suddenly, there was a guess in his heart. This dream is different from the previous three times. There are two. One is that he told Yang Jinxia that the dream is just a game. Caused a penalty for Dreamland equipment.

However, he feels that this possibility is very low. If he really violates any rules or the like, there will be a reminder when settlement.

The other is that he used three learning machines in the dream, and he kept a lot of knowledge in his mind. The knowledge he wrote down in the dream would also bring out.

Suddenly a lot of knowledge suddenly came to mind, exceeding the brain's tolerance, and triggering the protection mechanism, so she passed out.

The more he thought, the more right.

"Fortunately, I only used the learning machine three times. If I come back once, maybe I'll be an idiot on the spot." He felt a little lucky.

He used a total of three learning machines before and after, and the time only added up to a dozen hours, but the content he wrote down was equivalent to two sets of large encyclopedias. There were tens of millions of words in terms of word count, and a large number Information about patterns, videos.

It is no exaggeration to say that it took him twenty years to complete such complicated knowledge, and he may not be able to memorize it all.

In addition to fear, it is joy, and knowledge is never too much. After mastering a large amount of professional knowledge, it will be much easier for him to open the situation in this field in the future.

He thought for a while, feeling exhausted, closed his eyes, stumbled, and slept again.

Worried that Luo Xiyun fell out of bed, he kept his hands in that position and slept lightly.

I don't know how long, he felt the person in his arms moved, then woke up, opened his eyes and saw that it was already dawning, Luo Xiyun just raised his head, his sleepy eyes were a bit hazy.

When the two made eye contact, Chen Xu said with a smile, "Early."

Luo Xiyun's expression was suddenly hesitated for a moment, and then the color of surprise surged, and then his eyes became red again.

In just one or two seconds, she had a huge change in her mood. He clearly saw it in his eyes. Thinking of her coma during this time, she was worried about herself and felt sorry for herself, saying, "Sorry, let you Worried. "

Luo Xiyun's eyes were red, he pulled out his hands, and hugged his neck. She held her arms very hard, so that Chen Xu was a little out of breath. She didn't hold her head, she leaned her head back and fell on the pillow. Luo Xiyun pressed half of his body on him.

She still didn't let go, her shoulders trembling slightly.

Chen Xu heard her sobbing softly in her ears, feeling a little uncomfortable, and didn't know what to say to comfort her. She could only hold her tightly with her backhand.

After a while, Luo Xiyun suddenly let go of his hand, sat up on the bed, wiped the tears on his face, and said, "Forgot to notify the doctor." After that, he jumped out of bed and ran out. .

Chen Xu looked at her back with a smile on her face. Sit up and stretch a lazy waist, it may be that you have slept too long, and your body is a bit uncomfortable. He simply stepped out of bed and moved his body.

The drape of the hospital bed next to him was pulled up. He pulled it apart because he was in trouble, only to find that there was a man in his 50s next to him, and an aunt who was about the same age was taking care of him.

He saw the aunt's eyes looking kind, so he nodded and said hello.

"You guys, you're awake. Yesterday, you made your girlfriend anxious." The aunt said warmly.

Chen Xugang wanted to answer. Luo Xiyun had brought the doctor in. When he saw him getting out of bed, he said anxiously, "How did you get up? Come on, lie back."

She said, holding his hand and letting him lie back.

Chen Xu obediently did so. After lying down, a male doctor in his forties who came in behind came over, took out a small flashlight, checked him, and asked him a few more questions.

Then he told Luo Xiyun a few words, said that he would be hospitalized for a few days to observe, and left.

Chen Xu felt that she was ready to be discharged from the hospital, but glanced at Luo Xiyun next to her, knowing that she would definitely not agree, so she did not mention it.

Luo Xiyun took a basin from under the bed and took a basin of water from the balcony's bathroom.

"I'll do it myself." Chen Xu felt the rest of the ward's eyes, some uncomfortable, said.

"Sit down." Luo Xiyun said, and passed the cup and the toothbrush squeezed with toothpaste. Take out another empty basin for water.

He had to take it, brush his teeth, and after washing his face, he took the initiative to hold up the water and went to the balcony to pour it down.

Then, changing Luo Xiyun to wash, he stood beside the bed and started to move.

"Xiao Xu."

Suddenly, he heard his mother's voice, turned his head, and was surprised to see his mother come in with his father, followed by Secretary Guo, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Thank goodness." Zeng Wenli saw the son really woke up, almost crying with joy, took his hand, looked up and down, and asked, "How are you feeling now ~ ~ Is there any discomfort? What about the doctor? Say……"

"Mom." Chen Xu held her two hands and said, "I'm fine, the doctor said that I can be discharged at any time. I just recommend staying a few more days."

"Listening to the doctor, son, nothing is important to the body. You can do all the tests you can do. Don't be afraid to spend money ..."

Chen Xu listened to her mother's suspense, but she felt helpless, but her heart was very warm. Only when she was sick could she know who was really concerned about you.

Chen Xinwen, who has not spoken, pulled his wife and said, "Okay, Xiao Xu just woke up, don't say so much."

Chen Xu said with regret, "Dad, I worry you."

"You don't have to fight too much. The debts at home have been paid off. I have been used to living with your mother in these old houses for so many years. It is not necessary to buy a new house." Chen Xinwen said.

"I know."

At this time, Chen Xu could not say anything except nodded.

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