My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 278: You who speak wrongly

"First of all, make it clear that we have broken up."

Luo Xiyun said with a serious expression when he said this sentence, "I hope you won't say those things that are not there anymore."

Chen Xu didn't speak, and her face didn't change. She just looked at her and waited for her to continue talking.

He didn't respond at all. Luo Xiyun felt like he was punching in the air, still calming down, and said, "I had decided to never see you again. But I have figured out these days. It is too cheap for you to do so."

"It was you who did sorry for me, and you failed me. You will not admit it"

Luo Xiyun's eyes stabbed like a sword, and Chen Xu didn't want to explain for himself, saying, "I'm sorry for you."

She nodded and said, "Good, I want you to remember this forever, you owe me."

Chen Xu said, "I will pay back in a lifetime."

"Okay, this is what you said."

Luo Xiyun sneered, "I see. Yang Jinxia has been selling shares this year and investing in artificial intelligence. And Bai Jinxuan's new songs are all obtained from such dream games. Why do they get so many benefits? And I have nothing "

"and so"

Luo Xiyun said toughly, "You forced me to sign the Overlord contract and tied me to a dream. Well, the benefits of dreams must be mine."

Chen Xu nodded and said, "No problem, you can come in at any time. No matter what technology you want to learn, what information you want, as long as you have it here, you can learn it."

"it is good."

Luo Xiyun looked at him for the first time and stretched out two fingers. "I have two more requests."

Chen Xu said, "Just say it."

Luo Xiyun said, "First of all, you must always remember your identity, and you are not allowed to use your hands. Just like before, you can not grab my hand. If it is not necessary, it is best not to meet."

Chen Xu frowned slightly and said, "I promise you."

"Second, in front of me, you can't act intimately with the two of them. Whatever 35xs say, you are also my ex-boyfriend, I don't want to see such a scene."

Chen Xu said in embarrassment, "This is a bit troublesome. If they take the initiative, I can't push them away."

Luo Xiyun said, "I don't care. You have to do it, you owe me."

Chen Xu took a breath and said, "OK."

Then he said, "But I have a question."

Luo Xiyun warned him, "Do not ask insignificant questions."

Chen Xu asked, "What kind of relationship will we get along with in the future"

"Creditor," said Luo Xiyun, standing up, "which is my room"

Chen Xu took her to the innermost room, and he rebuilt the living area. There were originally only three rooms, and he added one more, originally for her.

Luo Xiyun pushed open the door and walked in. The lights turned on automatically. She stopped, turned her head, and said coldly, "I want to change a room."

Chen Xu was a little embarrassed. "There are only four rooms here. I have one and the other two. They lived. Otherwise, you live in my room."

Luo Xiyun said angrily, "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

The room that Chen Xu prepared for her was built according to the first dream, the master room of the villa they had lived in, so her response was so great.

He shrugged and said, "I'm not sure if you will come."

Luo Xiyun stared at him for a while, "After that, you are not allowed to step into my room for half a step without my permission." After that, he closed the door.

After closing the door, she leaned back against the door, as if evacuated, slowly slipped off, and finally sat on the ground. Looking at the familiar sheets, the patterns are exactly the same as in memory.

The mahogany cabinet at the bedside, the table lamp above the cabinet, and the bathroom with a glass wall opposite. Even the style of the lamp on the ceiling is what it remembers.

She stared dumbly, tears gradually blurring her eyes.

Outside the door, Chen Xu stood in front of the door, with a smile on her face, and said in a voice she could hear, "You look right and wrong, really charming."

Chen Xu came to the control room with Zheng Long and Zheng Tu on duty.

"General Manager Chen." The two stood up and saluted him.

For biochemicals, the concept of humility is rooted in the heart. Originally, they called him Governor. He listened awkwardly, and asked them to call him President Chen, so it was a little more pleasing to the ear. On Earth, employees call him the same way.

Chen Xu went to his seat and sat down, saying, "You are instructed to go down and do n’t approach the living area. Even if the woman inside comes to you, don't talk to her, do you understand?"

"Yes, President Chen."

After Chen Xu gave the order, he started to do things.

In his former role, when he heard Luo Xiyun's words, he had already exploded, just like in the first dream, maybe he would never ignore her again.

After so many things, he has changed and is no longer easily affected by the language of others.

People are very complicated. Many times, what she says does not mean that she thinks so. Some are hindering her face, some are deliberately annoying you, and some even do n’t even know why she said that.

So don't listen to what others say, it depends on what she is doing.

No matter how ruthless Luo Xiyun said, how cold his attitude was. The most important thing is that she came to see him in a dream, and she would stay with him for a long time.

That day, he stayed very late in the control room and arranged everything before leaving.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Xu calculated his time, prepared breakfast, and knocked on Luo Xiyun's door.

The door opened quickly, and Luo Xiyun looked very cold. "What's the matter?"

"ate breakfast."

"I'm not hungry," said Luo Xiyun, closing the door.

Chen Xu stopped her, and met her unpleasant eyes, saying, "You know, this game is 100% virtual and real. I do n’t know about breakfast, it is easy to get stomach problems, and it is very uncomfortable."

Luo Xiyun looked at her, released her hand and walked out, took her breakfast from the table, returned to the room, and slammed the door shut.

"Come out after eating. Let's discuss it."

Chen Xu was also not discouraged and finished breakfast alone. After a while, Luo Xiyun came out and asked him, "What to discuss"

"Sit down and say."

Chen Xu greeted her to sit down on the sofa. "I'll tell you the rules of this dream game first. Everything here is virtual and cannot be taken out. The only thing that can be brought into reality is knowledge. . "

"This base holds all the scientific and technical materials from the steam age to the interstellar age, including physics, chemistry, medicine, supercomputing, chips, robots, batteries, etc., all industries are covered. Where do you want to start "

Luo Xiyun said for a moment, saying, "I might need to think about it."

"I can send the catalog to your personal computer, that is, the glasses in the bedside cabinet, which is a three-d glasses, you can operate after you put them on."

Chen Xu said here and paused, "However, due to the limitation of the host computer, the technical information in it cannot be transferred to your computer. If you want to learn, you can only go to the control center."

"I see." Luo Xiyun's attitude remained cold. "If nothing else, I'll go back to the room."

"and many more."

Chen Xu stopped her, "There is one more thing, I need to tell you in advance."

After she sat down again, he said, "In essence, this dream is a game, and the main task is to explore the planet."

Luo Xiyun asked puzzled, "So what?"

Chen Xu said, "Remember the dream we experienced before? We encountered a typhoon, a half-month torrential rain, and extreme cold. These are the tests of the game. This game is the same. It is just a peaceful development in the early stage At the end of the period, you will definitely encounter difficult enemies. "

Luo Xiyun's expression also became dignified.

"You don't have to worry too much, even if there are enemies, I have to deal with it. I just want to give you a psychological preparation." Chen Xu comforted, "And, in this rare and peaceful period, you should go out and see an alien planet. Scenery. Perhaps, there will be no such opportunities in the future. "

Luo Xiyun looked at him for a few seconds, "If you want to go ~ ~ I can do it alone, you send a few robots to protect me."

Chen Xu shook his head and said, "They are responsible for protecting me, but I have no right to send them to protect others. This is not my decision."

Luo Xiyun stood up and said, "Let's go."

They were driving the same transport truck yesterday, this time they were not going in the same direction as yesterday, but going out from the other exit.

Chen Xu took Luo Xiyun to the riverside and entered the dream for three years. This river has become his farm, and there is no danger.

He eloquently introduced her to the various creatures living in the river. Although there are no real objects, there are three-dimensional pictures, and every detail is informative.

After walking along the upper reaches of the river, after a distance, it is the extent of the forest.

When Luo Xiyun saw the colorful forest, he was no longer stern, and couldn't help but wonder, "What's over there?"

Chen Xu said, "There is a breeding base for studying the animals here. They can survive such intense radiation and have great research value."

Having said that, he had a sudden alarm in his heart and pressed the brake button in time.

"What happened" Luo Xiyun asked when he suddenly stopped the car.

Chen Xu looked a little dignified, saying, "It's a bit wrong. Everyone, ready to fight." Then, he opened the weapon system of the transport vehicle, aimed at the breeding base, and launched.

A rocket-like thing dragged the tail flame out, and with a boom, it blasted the wall of the farm.

Then, in the smoke, a shadow fled.

ps: three more than eight thousand words, for monthly tickets.

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