My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 286: intelligence

Chen Xu came to the control center and asked, "What happened?"

Zheng Ma on duty stood up and said, "The clone is back."

Chen Xu was a little surprised. The clone was sent to the cave by him for more than a month. There was no news. He thought the plan had failed. Unexpectedly, I really came back.

"What about others?"

Zheng Ma replied, "When we found him, he was badly injured and was not rescued. He was dead. However, the biological brain was recovered smoothly."

I actually died?

旭 Chen Xu frowned. It seems that most of them were found, but I have to watch the video to know what happened.

He asked, "Have the data in the brain been extracted?"


"Transmitted to my computer." Chen Xu said, although the information of the planet's intelligent creatures is important, it is not in a hurry. You can wait to see it at night.

He asked, "Did the cloned body be transported to the biological laboratory?"


旭 Chen Xu left the control center and went to the biological laboratory. He just turned around and saw a female biochemical man stepping out of the biological laboratory.

女性 This female biochemical person he recognizes is called Qian Rou. If I remember correctly, she and Feng Song formed a family according to the result of the lottery.

做 什么 What is she doing here?

Qian Qianrou's job is on the robot production line, far from here.

Between Chen Xu and God, she has left from the other direction. Seeing her hurry, she should be back to work.

With a little doubt, Xun entered the biological laboratory and saw Feng Song sitting at the experimental table and eating.

At the moment he arrived, he understood.

Qianrou is here to deliver meals.

"General Manager Chen." Feng Song saw him come in, put down the spoon in his hand, stood up, and said, "You came to see the cloned corpse, he ..."

"Not busy." Chen Xu waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "You eat yours first, I'll go and see."

Feng Song was hesitant, "but ..."

Chen Xu pressed him on the shoulder and let him sit down and asked, "These meals were brought to you by Qian Rou?"

松 Feng Song was a little hesitant, "I said no, she had to send it in."

"Isn't this pretty good. Okay, I'll come again later." Chen Xu said, turning and leaving the biological laboratory, when he walked out of the door, a smile appeared on his face.

What happened today is completely unexpected.

The earliest group of biochemical people have been following him for almost three years. He has always had a poker face. He has never seen other emotions on them, except that he needs to eat and sleep, just like a robot.

He has always used them as robots for a long time. Except to ensure six hours of sleep, the rest of the time are work and rest, which does not exist, let alone vacations. Work 17 or 8 hours a day.

Until now, he has more than two hundred biochemical people under his command, no one has ever complained, and no one has complained. No matter how tiring and hard work, as long as he has an order, the biochemical person will do his best.

旭 Chen Xu originally thought that biochemical people have no feelings.

Until the scene just now, his impression of biochemical people has changed, and it turns out that they are not without emotion.

I remember that before, he planned to have two groups of biochemical people form a family and asked everyone's opinions. As a result, their answer was to obey the arrangement.

So he arranged for them. In addition to the rule of non-intermarriage with the same surname, he used computer to randomly match them. After the results came out, no one had an opinion, and just accepted it.

Now, Qian Rou came to give Feng Song a meal. This may seem like a trivial matter, but for the first time, Chen Xu saw a biochemical person take the initiative to do something other than work, which is of great significance.

What the **** is that caused her to change?

Chen Xu already has the answer in his heart.

"It seems that in the future, we can't squeeze biochemicals like this desperately." He thought to himself, "The working time of seventeen or eight hours is a little too much. You have to change it to 12 hours ...

Uh ...

旭 Chen Xu walked into the living area, and tossed those things in his head aside.

Now he has been able to separate work from life. When he returns to the living area, he does n’t think about work. Unless there is an emergency, the main reason is naturally Luo Xiyun. Only if he loses, can he cherish possession of. When he was with her, he didn't want to be interrupted by trivia.

I enter the living area through a door. Behind the door is a place similar to the porch, and further forward is the hall. There is a set of sofas and coffee tables.

设置 He set this up to create a sense of home.

If one day, when he returns, Luo Xiyun, Yang Jinxia and Bai Jinxuan will sit and chat there. It will be a dreamlike day.

However, he also knows that this is just a wonderful vision, and it is estimated that it will not be possible in a lifetime.

Luo Xiyun and Yang Jinxia did not say that there were proud people in their bones. The same is true of Bai Jinxuan. At first, in order to find him, she could disregard everything, but this does not mean that she is willing to share her lover with other women.

This is human nature, and wanting them to accept each other's existence willingly, that's foolish dreaming. As long as they didn't fight, he was satisfied.

Chen Xu went into the living room and saw Luo Xiyun sitting on the sofa in a daze. When he saw him in, his eyes suddenly became focal length.

"You ..." He was about to speak, and Luo Xiyun snorted suddenly, stood up, threw the pillow in his arms onto the sofa, turned into the room, and slammed the door shut.

火 The flames are a little baffling. I was fine just now. Why did I suddenly change my face?

旭 Chen Xu scratched his head, he went out and came back, but only ten minutes.

Is it the auntie? No, it's not this time ...

Since he could n’t figure it out, he did n’t take it to heart. Women are emotional. Sometimes she may not even know why she is angry. Do n’t guess their minds and come at her own pace.

He saw the food on the table and sat down and continued to eat. He is not yet full.

After eating, he sat on the sofa, took out his glasses and put it on, and began to look at the information that the clone brought back.

Bio-brain technology is still immature and can only be used as a video recorder. Record what users see and hear.

After Chen Xu opened the video file, what he saw was the first perspective of the clone ...

The first second he saw himself, that was the conversation he had when he saw the clone.

按下 He pressed fast forward, skimmed through the content for several hours, and pulled directly into the cave.

In order to avoid grass and snakes, he did not send robots into the cave, nor did he know what was inside. However, for more than a month, no other human has come out of it.

Now, it's finally time to unveil its mystery.

旭 Chen Xu took a drink next to him, took a sip, and slowly looked up.

After entering the cave, the light inside was a little dark, and after a while, the lens adapted to the light and could see the situation inside. The cave was large and man-made traces were clearly visible.

"Is a cave dug out by hand?"

Chen Xu thoughtfully, and continued to look down.

The tadpole clone squatted down and touched it on the ground. A moss-like creature grew on the ground. The light was too dim and the color was not clear, but it must not be green.

He stood up and went on. Ten minutes later, a door appeared in front of him.

Chen Xu looked at such a door and thought of the underground base in the second dream. Something more certain in my mind.

The puppet clone stood in front of the door, and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he walked to the right, a part of the wall, with a black area. Obviously different from other places.

He reached out and fumbled, only to hear 嘀, the door opened in a rumble.

Chen Xu noticed that it was a very thick door that looked nearly half a meter thick. Such a gate is not in the industrial age and it is almost impossible to make it.

也就是说 "That is to say, the human beings on this planet are highly civilized."

旭 Chen Xu frowned, raising the level of their threat to a level in his heart.

With the strength of the current base, facing an industrial country, even if it has only the level of World War I, there is no chance of winning. The reason is simple. There are too few combat troops. It is only a matter of time before the base is destroyed if it is subject to continuous artillery fire.

In the video ~ ~ the clone walked into the door, and immediately, in a rumble, the door closed again.

Behind the door was a larger hallway. Suddenly, a warning appeared on the clone's helmet that the radiation value outside was already at a safe level.

The half-meter-thick door knocks out radiation from the outside.

The cloned body quickly took off the protective clothing on its body, put it next to the gate, and continued to walk in. The walls around it were very old and should have gone through a long time.

I didn't walk very far. A huge hole appeared next to it, which was square. From the shape, there should be a door here.

The clone walked over and saw a deep hole in the bottom.

He continued to go forward, and walked a distance, and saw another empty hole, also a deep hole in the bottom.

Until the third, I finally saw a complete door. The clone had experience this time and put his hand directly into the black area.

The yamen opened, and there was a lot of space inside.

Chen Xu also knew what it was, an elevator that went straight to the underground.

The clone entered the elevator and the door closed automatically. Began to fall.

From the picture, Chen Xu did not know how fast it landed. After a full ten minutes, the elevator stopped and the door opened by itself.

A dazzling bright light made Chen Xu close his eyes subconsciously, and then a voice came out in the video, which was a human voice.

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