My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 164: Red bean purple rice porridge

"Where are we going to sing?"

"Okay, okay."

"Where are we going to sing?"


"Where are we going to sing?"

"Can I not go?"

"Where are we going to sing?"

"I am not going! I am going to accompany the Asian Lotus Library today!"

Meng Fan's high-density singer k, a few days ago, this seemingly lazy thing around Zhang has become a burden, and then I have to find a way to be lazy and not to sing.

Of course, Meng Fan is not just about Zhang. After all, he alone can't complete the task.

Xing Tie Song and Chen Daqiang have already hid him for a long time. Fortunately, there are so many classmates in the class. Usually, everyone has a good relationship. The confession can be rejected. You can't refuse to sing!

As for Qu Jingjing and others, there is definitely an appointment, but I dare not ask too many times.

The renter app has also been visited twice.

Then there is Dafei flying them.

"Fei brother, don't you sing?"

"Fei Ge, I have been singing about you several times. You should have asked me this time!"

"Cannon brother..."

In the next few days, Meng Fan basically gave the appointment to the people at least. At the beginning, he still thought that he was a little strange to ktv every day.

Now, one finds that the rate of renting the app is not high, and the second is that he suddenly finds that he is not blaming in the eyes of the students. Blame what, and then blame can run from Hangzhou to Shanghai City, can suddenly take a world record strange?

Only a few times are too many to be annoyed, most of them are quite happy, after all, some people please sing, and the wine pipe is enough.

Therefore, Meng Fan hit his mind on them.

During the day and the middle of the night, Meng Fan invited friends to know to sing. After eleven o'clock, go to the farther ktv other people's box to sing.

Found that the wine is gone, Meng Fan will basically give it.

Of course, not all.

For example, one of the few men who met one night was too much a thing, and the girls were drunk and they were all kinds of salty pigs. Meng Fan did not give them some wine, but also mixed them several times each time, properly mixed, completely lost the ability to "make".

Over the past few days, I have averaged 130 lessons per day, sometimes a little more, sometimes less. After all, the class still has to be on, and there are also jobs on hand, and then counted before, to Sunday. At this time, it has already brushed out more than 870 experiences.

On Sunday, Meng Fan went to school in the morning, Wu Tong came soon, but did not run today, simply stretched his body and walked on the side, walking along with headphones to recite words.

Wu Tong is a Chinese painting, but he also has a passion for language. In addition to English reaching the level of literal translation, it is still in German and Portuguese. It does not mean that it must be applied, mainly the logic hidden in each language system. Interested in relationships and thinking skills. Learning a new language, the core of the group is undoubtedly logic and thinking.

Of course, Meng Fan is not stupid enough to ask Wu Tong how to run today. Of course, Meng Fan will not be stupid enough to run for ten kilometers in peacetime. After running for a while, he will slow down and go forward with Wu Tong, although he is running. But speed is the speed of walking. Wu Tong sees this, the earphones are taken off, Meng Fan sees Wu Tong does not indicate that he continues to run, jogging will naturally transform into a walk.

After a few laps, I went to eat breakfast together.

"Is it still drafted today?" Meng Fan helped Wu Tong to come over and sit down.

Wu Tong smiled and shook his head: "It has already finished, and today I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to go back to sleep and then I will watch a few documentaries that are squatting."

After all, Meng Fan has so many sisters and sisters. I also know that some girls are unwilling to move during this special period. After thinking about it, some nervous questions: "Would you like to go to me? It is that... my family is There is a house on the side of the school, just behind the school. You can watch the documentary in the living room, it is always more comfortable than watching it in the bedroom. If you want to eat anything, it is convenient."

Wu Tong looked up and looked at Meng Fan carefully and asked, "Are you not busy?"

Meng Fanyi said: "I am busy, of course I am busy. However, I am busy at home and I will not disturb you to watch the documentary."

Wu Tong laughed and then asked a little bit of ridiculous question: "I asked if you are not busy singing?"

Meng Fan touched his nose: "How do you know?"

Wu Tongdao: "I have Zhang Wei, Qu Jingjing, Wei Zhixue and their WeChat. You can see you and their singing in the circle of friends these days."

Meng Fanhaha laughed: "It has been bad to hear jokes, so I will try to torture them."

"So this is why I didn't ask me to sing?" Wu Tong wiped his mouth with a paper towel and looked at Meng Fan, who was eating it. This said, "I will go back to sleep first, and then wake up and say it." paused. "You shouldn't say a lot of rooms on your side?"

Meng Fan closed his mouth tightly.

After eating and separating, Meng Fan squatted out of the school with a little song, then went to the side and strolled around, bringing a lot of red dates, white fungus, red beans, purple rice, ginger, brown sugar, rose tea, etc. I bought some that are suitable for ironing.

Wu Tong will not come, Meng Fan does not know, these things have been prepared to say, if it comes, how much can be used.

Although there was no sweat, I rushed after going back, and then changed my clothes. Then I soaked the red beans and purple rice. Wu Tong didn’t come, so I cooked myself.

Before 8:00, Meng Fan put together the 19th words of "Campus Love Men" and the 7th words of "Underground Spirits", respectively uploading Love Campus refers to men", Xingta song over there I have already written the scripts. I will probably end up with a dozen words. This short story, Xing Tie is not ready to be expanded. Meng Fan has no basic skills in his sister’s aspects. Naturally, he has no ability to continue painting. .

So far, the short collection has exceeded 400,000.

On the other side of "Underground Spirit", although this is only the seventh sentence, but because it belongs to "self-contained traffic", the Penguin animation network has also been recommended continuously after the signing, and the collection has surpassed the "Campus." Love refers to men, currently more than 450,000.

Next, Meng Fan began to draw comics, and after a few minutes of painting, he could see a mobile phone. It is impossible to think about efficiency.


The phone vibrated a bit, Meng Fan immediately took over, Wu Tong sent: "Wake up, but too lazy to move, do not want to go. (sad expression)"

You can't say this expression because you are too lazy to move or you can't go to Meng Fan.

After the expectations are lost, it is naturally uncomfortable. However, this kind of thing is not easy to ask, no matter what tone it will change.

However, Meng Fan was also quite tempted. He ran to the kitchen and took a photo of the soaked red bean purple rice. He found a bad excuse: "It is just ready for porridge at noon. Do you bring something?"

Some things do not have to be known to the other party, but some things are necessary.

Wu Tong made a squinting expression: "Exactly? Red bean purple rice?"

Meng Fanyue explained that he said: "This is not to lose weight, but I often drink porridge recently. It is just my turn to try red bean purple rice porridge today."

"That's so cute! But I want to eat ice cream in the past few days?" (willful expression)"

"Yes! What brand do you want to eat? I will buy it, heat it up and bring it to you."

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