My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 186: Only poor practice

After the multi-attribute blessing, the conversion rate of graphics +26 is faster.

In this process, Meng Fan is comparing the sand painting techniques exhibited by Wen Yu. He can feel his own transformation speed. In just a few hours, it can be said that it is quite fast, compared with Meng Fan. It is expected to be even faster.

Meng Fan can basically be determined for up to three days, insist on training and repeated training, and his painting skills should be able to keep up with the level of gentleness.

Of course, this is pure painting technique, like stage experience, storytelling ability and artistic conception. It is not the transformation of painting technology.

If someone learns a sponge that absorbs water, then Meng Fan is undoubtedly a well-stocked oil well. Wen Hao is a well-drilling person. Knock it out and squirt it out, then squirt it and then squirt it. The rest is to be refined by practice and stage performance!

Meng Fan was being exploited to be comfortable, and found that Wen Hao suddenly stopped, and suddenly he did not do it. He asked Wen Wen: "Why, Wen, why don't you say, I have a problem?"

Wen Hao took the cup, and then the tone was mixed and said: "What are you saying, I have been drained by you!"

"Ah?" Meng Fan stunned.

Wen Yan took a sip of water, which seemed to be a sigh of relief. He said: "There is nothing to talk about. There is nothing to talk about. The next thing you have to do is to practice repeatedly and digest and understand yourself. There is really nothing to teach you. At most, after you have reached the amount of practice, I will give you some experience of stage performances. Otherwise, it’s really gone. However, if you have any problems, feel free to come. I, I am happy to discuss with you."


Meng Fan still stunned, and immediately figured it out, but after still thinking about it, he continued to be surprised. He couldn’t take it for granted.

"What are you!"

Warm and angry and laughing: "I am a little depressed, I have never seen you like this, this is simply not enough for the teacher to take a class! If it is not Xiao Ding, you will not start anything, I doubt you are Deliberately loaded, this learning progress is terrible. You should practice first, I have to slow down, it hurts too much!"

Wen Hao really left, leaving Meng Fan strange, and Xiao Ding is watching Meng Fan like a monster. One semester!

Moreover, with such progress, Xiao Ding thinks that Meng Fan is catching up with himself for a day or two!

God knows when Meng Fan will get through and open the second line of Ren Duo!

This kind of player is terrible!

Of course, surprise is surprising. Wen Wei and Xiao Ding feel that it is not incredible. After all, sand painting is too basic for painting. Meng Fan’s painting foundation is top level. It’s faster to get started so fast, but it’s not what it is. Too mysterious things.

comprehend by analogy.

This is a normal thing in the field of painting.

Meng Fan looked at the time and looked at Xiao Ding again. He smiled and said: "Ding Xue, you give me the direction of practice."


After eating dinner, Meng Fan did not leave, just like Lai is here, I plan not to leave.

This dinner was requested by Meng Fan. The waterfront restaurant called directly was sent out, and a table was spread out. It was much richer than the noon work meal. Some of the members in the studio originally wanted to go back to eat or go out to eat. Now, let's eat and go. Although the waterfront restaurant is on the edge of the school, it is also a high consumption. Even if the students of the Academy of Fine Arts are good, it is not eaten every day.

To behave in this respect, or to manage interpersonal relationships, Meng Fan thinks so much. The relationship is better with more dim sum, and the relationship is generally more expensive. Generally speaking, it is appropriate, and it can save a lot of time and trouble.

To be a generous person, this is what the family taught at an early age.

Of course, don't avoid being a big head.

There are not many people in the studio at night, just a few, Wen Wei left early.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Ding is really tired.

Meng Fan has been practicing. He watched it for a while, and he couldn’t always look at it. He also went to practice.

It’s all ten o'clock. Seeing that Meng Fan looks like there is still no way to rest, Xiao Ding is also convinced.

Do you say that this tower is purely talented?

Estimation is not necessarily.

So fast to adapt to the sand painting is because his painting is based on the cow, then his painting is based on the cow, it seems to be hard to practice!

Xiao Ding has seen Meng Fan live, and also knows how terrible the paintings of Meng Fanna are from other aspects.

He is envious of Meng Fan's talent, but he also envied his hard work.

He feels that he has to work harder!

However, this is ten o'clock, but he went to the studio from 8:00 in the morning, and he practiced it on that day.

"Iron brother."

Although he is one more than Meng Fan, Xiao Ding is still very happy to call Meng Fan, the first is interesting and the other is true respect.

"Do you want to continue practicing? After a while, the school will be school is closed and nothing happens. My family is just in this community. It is..." Meng Fan looked out and estimated that he is working now. The people in the room are gone. "It seems like no one in the studio?"

"What is your home?"

Xiao Ding really felt quite surprised. In addition, he knew what Meng Fan was worried about and said, "You have to continue practicing. No problem, there is always someone in the studio. I used to talk to him."

"Thank you."

"no big deal."

Shortly after Xiao Ding left, a studio member whom Meng Fan had seen while eating went over, and Meng Fan said that when he left, he turned off the light and then he turned away and seemed to be anxious. What to do.

Meng Fan practiced for a while. When Wu Tong came to WeChat, he stopped to talk a few words. He sent a WeChat to Bai Hao and Su Qingyu. The content was asked what song they sang at the Double Eleven Party.

"Show you something interesting."

When waiting for the reply, Meng Fan sent a video that was just taken to Wu Tong.

Of course, the video is a sand painting video. The content is a bit shameful and shameless.

Meng Fan first grabbed the sand and sprinkled two very cursive words "Wu Tong", written vertically, and then slightly modified with a handful of sand, these two words became a sycamore tree. Then I wrote down the word "Meng Fan". Based on the word "fan", it was easy to change it into a bird with wings flying. The bird fell on the plane tree, and finally the tree was used as the drawing board. Hook and dot... There are two people out, no, they are a pair of people.

Still stunned, no, with music, and sand painting content is not related, and the two related, "The rest of the life" fragment.


Su Qingying and Bai Hao quickly replied and did not ask much.

Su Qingying is a soloist, while Bai Yu is a chorus with a male star. Both have only one song.

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