My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 203: Completely chaotic

It feels great to sleep and experience.

Is this hang up? !

Brushed to four points, brushed out three experiences, Meng Fan did not brush, and the brush is estimated to not be able to brush out the night tour experience, and, at this time, Meng Fan basically sleep enough.

I used the live aid to fly and took more than a dozen photos. Not to mention, Xizi Lake at 4:30 in the morning still has her unique beauty. Although the sky is basically black, there are lights and awkward mood.

I picked a piece and it was rare to think of sending a circle of friends: "Have you seen Xizi Lake at 4:30? She is still sleeping, it is a sleeping beauty!"

Like, comment?

Impossible, who is going to brush up the circle of friends, and then, wearing a hat, who can see.

Meng Fan took a look at the body, warmed up and ran back.

This point out of the Xizi Lake scenic area or a car, this in case of hit, who to find out, or pick a hat is more appropriate.

It took more than an hour to run from Xizi Lake to the community for more than ten kilometers.

Now Meng Fan runs 10 kilometers and the whole speed is 5 minutes and 10 seconds without any problem. You don't have to drink a drink to eat energy. You can also bite your teeth and run for 50 minutes.

[Shenzhen Taibao] This achievement task, in the unremitting efforts of Meng Fan, except for the few days in the deep city, at least 10 kilometers per day, most of which is 20 kilometers in this time, the total mileage has reached 852 kilometers. A few days ago, I had already filled the seventh process and won a reward of 2 points. At present, the 1000 kilometers required by the eighth process is almost a week's run.

However, process eight began to meet the number of kilometers, there are additional requirements, such as the process eight needs to run half a horse and time ≤ 2 hours.

The reward for this process is still rich, and it is another stage reward. The last stage reward is 100 kilometers, which rewards 1 point of endurance, strength and speed. This 1000 kilometers is 2 points each.

After watching the time has been more than five o'clock, Meng Fan hesitated back and forth in the doorway of the community, or turned to the school, or want to see Wu Tong on such a beautiful morning.

By the way, brush a half horse!

I am afraid that there are not many opportunities to run half a horse in one breath. If I run this time, I will avoid having to refill this request.

I exchanged sports drinks and drank them, and then exchanged them with energy gels to speed up the school.

"Grandpa early."

"So early today?"

The grandfather yawned and yawned. After the day became shorter, Meng Fan was only about 6 o'clock before returning to school. Today, it was more than half an hour earlier.

As for why Meng Fan is always coming back in the morning, the grandfather naturally has the idea of ​​a grandfather.

When Wu Tong went to the playground, he saw that Meng Fan was already running. After he finished the heat, he followed up and curiously asked: "Will you go to Xizi Lake so early?"

Naturally, I saw a circle of friends.

"Get up early." Meng Fan gasped and said.

Wu Tong felt that it was unscientific: "Xizi Lake ran back and forth and went back to school to continue running. How many kilometers did you run?"

This made Meng Fan's breathing rhythm directly chaotic, and after breathing a few mouthfuls, it was recovered, and then said: "Biking in the past."

Xizi Lake back and forth for more than 20 kilometers, and then went back to school, that is 30 kilometers, and Meng Fan did not dare to take such a mouthful.

Moreover, the time has to push forward one hour, that is, three more beds, more suspicious.

Of course, this is also Meng Fan’s own “doing a guilty conscience”. Even if Wu Tong feels unscientific, he will not say to rely on the word “suspicious”. After all, there is nothing to doubt. Who would want to get Meng Fan’s in Xizi Lake? Sleeping in the scenic area, this is not crazy!

When Wu Tong came, Meng Fan had already ran for a while. When Wu Tong ran for 5,000 meters, Meng Fan had completed half a horse, which was 21.0975 kilometers. It took 2 hours and 04 minutes and did not meet the mission requirements.

In this regard, Meng Fan is a bit regrettable, but it is acceptable. After all, this is a night out in the wind. Even if I drink sports drinks and eat energy gel, the competitive state is full, but the physical condition is definitely worse than normal. some.

Not long after running to the school playground, Meng Fan probably expected that he could not meet the requirements. From Xizi Lake to the community, physical fitness can still be maintained, and the future of entering the school is really a bit of physical fitness.

Wu Tong saw Meng Fan stop, she did not continue to brush the circle, went to the side to stretch.

"What time did you sleep last night? Get up early in the morning!"

"A little more."

"You can't go."


Going back to the shower and eating breakfast, I continued to paint. I was hungry at less than ten o'clock. I picked my hat and prepared to take it out, so that I couldn't even take it out.


There was no good order for the takeaway, and a phone call came in, Wu Tong called.

"Send me your address."


"I am going now."

"Ah? Oh!"

After Meng Fan shook the address and sent the past, the whole person almost smashed up, then turned around in the room, turned for a while, it was cleaning and finishing... In fact, the house is very clean, every few days during this time. There will be aunts coming over and cleaning it... Oh, oh, clothes, and quickly put dirty clothes into the washing machine, the underwear should be hand-washed, first collect it... What else is there!

Meng Fan that mess!

Yesterday, I said that letting Chen Daqiang not be chaotic, he is more chaotic, and Chen Daqiang is going to complete the adult ceremony. This is just Wu Tong’s door!

Is it still a little small expectation?

It seems that I am not ready yet!

What program comes, what should I say at the time? Are you light or I am amazing?

Hey, she hasn't come yet, should she go to the preview, or it is better to be the first one... It seems that whoever said it, before the official exam, it will be better to do a pre-test practice...

When Meng Fan was completely chaotic and confused, he was so worried that the horse walked around and hit the wall before pulling him back to reality.

What do you want!

They are still not together. Even the zero-distance contact does not happen, but also wants to take the distance, shameless!


At this moment, the door bell rang, and Meng Fan was even more shocked. He was a stunned spirit, and the sweat on his head came out directly.

Whirring whirring!

I have grown a few breaths and warned myself that I must be calm. I must have a gentlemanly manner... gentleman, your sister! Absolutely not a gentleman... It seems that this is not true, this gentleman is not a gentleman... The egg is messed up!

Whirring whirring!

After adjusting a round of breathing, forced to calm down, Meng Fan opened the door.

Wu Tong took two big bags and saw Meng Fan like that. He couldn’t help but smile: "What happened to you?"

"Ah? What happened to me?"

"Even if you don't have it, then you have to put things in for me?"

"Ah? Oh! So heavy, what? Why don't you ask me to go down?"

"You are so kind to ask? I called you a few calls, you didn't pick up! Slippers? Well? Or women's."

"Ah? Oh, that's my mom, my sister, and they."

Wu Tong changed the slippers into it and looked at the house. It was nothing to be surprised. He said: "The last time you gave me porridge, this time I will give you some food. Look at you very busy recently, sleep so late. It’s still so early, I’m afraid that you can’t keep up with the nutrition.”

Meng Fan’s hard-won life will “see you, I can’t keep up with nutrition” and I will swallow it back. I dare not die any more. I took two large bags with ingredients and went to the kitchen and asked: “ Will you still cook?"



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